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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. What's not to like about black leather?
  2. That doesn't make sense. Take infinity to the infinity power and you get Aleph 1, but take that to the infinity power again and you get Aleph 2? Infinity to the infinity power is the same as inifinity to the (infinity + 1) power. Aleph 2 includes numbers not in the set of Aleph 1 I would assume. Imaginary numbers and the like perhaps? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. Follow the link to learn about the cardinality of sets represented by Aleph. You are trying to apply normal arithmeitc operations to sets. That's like trying to assert matrix multiplication is communitive! Regardless, there is an obvious arithmetic error in your working, too. Infinity raised to the infinite power, raised to the infinite power is not infinity raised to the (infinite +1) power, it is infinity to the (infinity
  3. Natch. Actually, I really like Navarra, she was the coolest character (although Deakin was the funniest) in NwN HotU. Always struck me as the perfect woman: butter wouldn't melt, so long as everything went swimmingly; as soon as you crossed her: bang! Surprise attack with more damage than is required to kill a pod of orcas.
  4. How did you cast the fireball in the first place? Lots of scrolls?
  5. Interesting. Is there an online resource that I might read up on this particular aspect at leisure? (In other words: linky?)
  6. Me too! (What does PBEM mean?)
  7. A friend of mine was the dux at our school the year before me and went to university where he promptly topped every subject in his first semester (straight sevens and first places), at which time he was interviewed by a few Stockbroker firms. He never finished uni, never went back. Last time I looked him up he was getting those $M bonuses you read about in the paper every tax year. Bastard.
  8. I remain hopeful, after all I was a BIG fan of the texxt adventures (not the VERB NOUN ones, although I could play them for a while, but the full English language parsers from Infocom, like the Zorks and Witness and Planetfall. I would play them now, graphics are not my first priority.
  9. I might be able to sustain a co-op mode of play, but I'm not interested in either beating or being beaten by a bunch of online FPS/MMORPG zealots. <_<
  10. I don't see how bombarding the brain -- which, although it is mildly charged, the electro-chemical reactions are by-products of the actual neuronal activity that makes up the endocrinal soup of thought-generation -- with charged particles will do anything except create huge problems. After all, shock therapy was abandoned in the sixties (apart from incurable special cases). (Then again, drug therapy isn't much better. ) I guess the technique would be to excite the hypothalamus in just the right way (or is it just for occipital lobes visual cortex vision replacement?) to generate sensations. I doubt it'd work, because everyone's brains are different, even if the general areas are generally the same. I'd be interested to read the article, though.
  11. Well (while we're making sweeping generalisations that are unlikely to be defended by anyone reading) it sounds like Lineage is very similar to South Korean post "police-action" culture in general, then. "
  12. I could tell you but it would break Non Disclosure ...
  13. Jaguar, check.
  14. I have never liked one sports sim yet (aside from 10 yard fight in the arcade, oh, and Super Punch-Out, with Mr Macho Man and Bear-Hugger, oh, and that car one, but again, all of these were in the arcae with specifically designed equipment to play them on -- apart from Tten-Yard Fight). Okay, amongst the Sports Sims there are Three I do like ... Surprise and Fear ... Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! True. Before id popped up, there were other games making the sales. The Next Big Thing will appear from left field, and then be cloned and improved on by the big corporates (which is what they do best, and that, in turn, is best for the industry).
  15. Yes (including Mr Homes, unless he sews a bit of cadaver on to lengthen and thicken as appropriate ...)
  16. I know who I am, but in the ultimate show of contrariness, I shall not write in second person. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was my (obviously unsuccessful) attempt at irony.
  17. They don't know how big they grow, actually, because the big ones they've found washed up on beaches in New Zealand. Snuggle up, and I'll tell you a fish story. The biggest one (as you recorded) also had suckers with a diameter of
  18. Yes,that is one element of my psychological make-up that wsa inherited by that particular character ... pyromania ... I love buring things ... burnt my little shed down when I was smaller ... stupid candles in the stupid plastic holders ...
  19. I resemble that comment!
  20. Asimov used the QT prefix a lot in his Robots collected short stories.
  21. What I like about lexicography is that every word has been created for a different and peculiar object in a scenario ... whether it is the slight difference in contextual definition between the colours orange, tangerine, apricot or titian, or the completely original concept of a merkin -- obviously there was a need for these objects, and they were given a name. ...
  22. I could have predicted John liked Wild Turkey before seeing his tatoo ...
  23. Nah, sterilizing the masses should suffice. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... After all, the society needs to be an underclass to do all the menial tasks in the society. Even Brave New World had As, Bs, Cs, Ds, Es, and Fs, too, I think. Just allow selective procreation. And, as per Aldous Huxley, introduce some sort of retardation in brain growth inter-(artificial)-uterine, like carbon monoxide, or lead poisoning. Of course, genetic engineered workers who are happy and fulfilled being slaves (didn't Freud write something about that?) would be the ultimate goal, so that they could keep the civilzation moving without any desire to move higher in the heirarchy.
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