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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Who buys a strategy guide for a simple follow-the-bouncing-ball game like KotOR?
  2. It's the Doctor's sonic spoon ...
  3. Very apt description. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With a big crack right down the middle of the stone ...
  4. Ah, but how far the fall from the potential glory of the narrative in K2 to the dismal caricature that it manefested itself as ... how much worse the feeling of disapointment in this case than just to be playing the usual "chosen one" plot. It could have been spectacular. It might have been a modern classic. Alas it was a dud.
  5. ... And there should be a somatopsychic grapling electrode fitted from the computer to the person playing, so that if the PC dies, the player can be electrocuted to death as well.
  6. I like to get the "diabetics' nutritional guidelines" from McDonalds. It's a small recycled cardboard business-card sized triptych fold-out that has the calorie, kilojoule, fat, carbohydrate (complex and simple), salt and fat content of every menu item, percent and per item. It is usually located near the napkins and straws. It details how a quarter pounder and cheese, with a large fries, yields about half an adult's daily intake of fat (or more, I haven't read it for a long time ...)
  7. But my idea is a good one. (Far too difficult to implement on an existing forum, I grant you, but certainly worth considering for a new development ...)
  8. Sorry, but it's money that talks, not quality. Besides, Kotor II was head and shoulders above its predecessor in many of the departments you listed. I wonder if you kids just can't get over the "wow" of the Revan spoiler or something. KOTOR was a poptart: sweet, but not too bright. KOTOR II was steak, it just wasn't cooked long enough, and like steak, some people are just fine with that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But I like my rib fillet blue, and I thought KotOR 2 sucked.
  9. Not much in English back then. The first major English works are: Beowolf (not in English but Anglo Saxon) The Cantebury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer (last decade of the fourteenth century) There wasn't a lot of reading because there weren't a lot fo books! Johann Gutenberg only developed his movable type printing press in the mid fifteenth century, and the first book to really take off in England was the King James Bible (transliterated into English from Hebrew mainly (estimated 80%) by the poetic genius of William Tyndale (who was of course burned at the stake for this heresy by King Henry the VIII about half a centurry before this English Bible was published in the first years of the seventeenth century). Shakespeare's plays and stuff Tom Jones (regarded as the first English "novel"), written by Henry Fielding. It's definitley worth reading; the sentence structure is beautiful (and quite reminiscent of high German), although it is possible to have too much of a good thing: I was getting a little bored by the 1200th page ... Then you've got a lot of good stuff, like Charles Dickens.
  10. That would lead to a an empty forum. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We could have a set of locks (as in prevent from deletion, not as in prevent from posting). A diplomacy-style mechanism, whereby a thread can only be locked (no deleting) by anyone other than the author. This would also provide a useful new mechanism for a better forum level, based on other people's "voting" for one's threads (and might even be extended to individual posts).
  11. No business cares about the narrative integrity of a fantasy story, regardless of how important you think it is. A sequel will only be made if there is a perceived return on investment. As the second game reached "Best RPG on 2005" (was there any competition? ), there is likely to be some momentum towards a sequel as a "quick win"; however, judging by the animosity in the fora to K2, it is likely that LA have used up any goodwill from the first game in the incomplete release of the second. So it really doesn't matter how much anyone individually wants a sequel, or to see Revan or the Exile again, or even to swing a lightsabre; it only matters whether there is a paycheque at the end of the exercise; a meal of fresh bread for all those doing the henny-penny breadmaking.
  12. I remember hearing about it, but I thought it was a mod ... or was it a glitch in the Xbox version? Hmmm ....
  13. But it doesn't make any sense that people will stick with you regardless of whether you are Mother Theresa or Mira Hendley. Okay, we can argue the ontological aspect of true freedom of will, and whether, in this instance of the game universe, these companions just happen to be the same alignment that I choose to become ... but that leaves the question of if I change alignment mid-game, and also there should be some occassions when some of the companions do not follow me, otherwise it loses all suspension of disbelief.
  14. ... And then drown them in orc blood.
  15. Ah, but religious ties were a paramount importance to the machinations of pre-WW1 ...
  16. Well done! I would hesitate to make deep character analyses of any of those in the LotR; imo Tolkein has sketched them far too one-dimensionally (all good, like the fellowship, all bad like Sauron and Saruman). The only character that fought with his conscience, apart from the Disassociative Disordered Smeagol, was Boromir. I guess Frodo does change from na
  17. Try a Roman Catholic marriage ceremony. If that doesn't put you to sleep, then you are worthy of a buddy trip with Dell Griffth.
  18. I was being facetious, after all what is the point of a multi-user experience if everyone is doing it solo. :D Then again, there is some variation on the instance theme, with instances of end-bosses and so forth for the hoi poloi to kill in a queue.
  19. At least they had pretty coloured skins ...
  20. It would depend on the working arrangements, I would think. You may offer a person $1 million to take the death penalty for you, for example, but that isn't the same as offering them $1 million no-questions-asked! Maybe there are reasons why a compnay might not be super-enthusiastic to work with LA ... although I can't think why ... "
  21. Or they could have an instance of each universe for each player ... "
  22. I will be buying psychonaughts.
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