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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Nice. Bok could probably pimp his rig as a platform for devs to showcase their latest screenies on ... and get a sneaky first look at the game as payment.
  2. In the BIOS-thinggie.
  3. The funny thing is that the only acting work that Mark Hamil could get after being typecast in Star Wars was in the X rated industry.
  4. We'll call it "Double Blind Justice".
  5. I quite liked Sylvester McCoy's revist of Patrick Troughton's rendition, too, but I had long since lost touch with the series by that time. I think a very real issue that plagues long-running series is making each new encounter bigger and betterer than EVERYTHING else that has come before ... sort of what happened to Doctor Who with the Daleks in the nineties. On the positive side to this news, it sounds like the script has been written to explain , and it will be aired in the next 18 months.
  6. Magic.
  7. ^^ That agrees with my summation. I think there was a general assessment made to make the game easy for novices to play ... perhaps as a gateway for those who never played the original game (and expansions and community content), with the idea that once people had learnt how a game plays they would be hooked and play the community content and sequels ..?
  8. Yeah, this is really a topic almost exclusively about the Tombraider series. I heard about the subsequent sequels, but I had franchise-fatigue ... until I decided to pick up Angel of Darkness: what a disappointment THAT was. Then I thought I'd go back and play the original series. I bought the first few games for the PC and hated them. Then I went and bought a second-hand PSone and the original game, and I was happy to play it. Seems either my enjoyment is wedded to playing it on a console, or the game just doesn't work as well on a PC. I bought Legend, but I haven't played it yet, and I will probably buy the remake ... though I doubt I'll pay a premium for it, I'll just buy it to play on my PC, so I can ditch the console.
  9. What about some good old soil in the eye-sockets?
  10. Sure you CAN change it, but I wouldn't. Otherwise you could use "B" ... same difference, except who knows what sort of plague or famine you will bring down from the gods if you do. :ninja10: Well because BIOS doesn't have any concept of "drive letters" to start with. What exactly it is that you are referring to? IDE channel? But that depends on how you hook up your cables. Elaborate. Um. The menu-thinggie. In the BIOS-thinggie. I'm not really talking about assigning drive letters, more the way tradition has created the expectation that people refer to "the hard drive" as "C".
  11. Colin Baker's tenure was marred by Nathan-Turner's production ... he had some very extreme scripts (where the Doctor was almost playing a bad guy) and certainly no love from the BBC. Also, the BBC are funded via a licence fee that is levied on all British citizens who own a tv (read: poll tax), so they are less interested in marketing than they should be. Having said that, I would be astonished if they let this slip through their fingers. The real challenge is finding someone who will invest the same amount of effort (and love) into the franchise as RTD has done.
  12. Name-dropper. I invited Santa Claus, but he was busy with his elves ... something about a big present for Levine ...
  13. Ah, that's either because Lucas is a moron, OR, R2D2 was penalized for space traffic violations and had his flying permit revoked.
  14. Is there some magic sand a player can throw into their eyes to stop them seeing?
  15. I think Vanuatu is a member of the Commonwealth. Edit. No they aren't, so Tony's green for go.
  16. I think it's a (justified) naked attempt to extort more cashola by RTD. Dr Who makes $BIG for the BBC, worldwide. Edit: JNT is John Nathan-Turner, the guy who arguably killed the series before it went off air for 16 years ... Russell T Davies is the dude who brought it back, with a vengeance.
  17. ... In anything in particular?
  18. ^^ Like she said. Well, that's probably because Levine is promoting the game as FPS first, and a broader, deeper game experience second. The gameplay is apparently non-linear, though, meaning you can approach the various level gateways from different directions. SS2 is well worth a game. Now that would be a Weihnachtsbaum. While a Weihnachtsbaum is often made from a Tannenbaum, it doesn't always mean every Tannenbaum is a Weihnachtsbaum....you see? Isn't there a carol called Tannenbaum (..., O Tannenbaum wie sind die deine blatter or something) (which I had to memorize in high school)?
  19. Um, I think you are interpreting the whole "user content" stuff completely wrongly. And going overboard with that baby and her bathwater, too. User content is just a side quest. And, just as there is a restriction for levels, so too there would be some limiting factor for people to become a "local DM", and even penalties for abuse of power, if an arbitration decided such (if you want to go overboard with that baby). But seriously, just as some people enjoy being PCs, so too some enjoy being a DM. I think you are being completely over-the-top in your analysis, after all, I can equally come up with hysterical examples of players who hack servers and such like ... and I would hold them up as equivalent examples to yours. Seriously, it's nothing more than a guild. The guildmaster gets to set a quest, and some sort of notional reward, whether that be a story or a non-transferable item, or even a custom tatoo. Problem solved.
  20. I disagree. And agree. Even though it's a fabricated universe, it can tell us a lot about those who created it, and those for whom it was created; much like analyzing television programmes and commercials from the fifties, for example, can tell us about the zeitgeist of that era, the social mores, and the vices and aspirations, etc. I myself wrote a paper on the role of women as portrayed in (a couple of books worth of!) classic literature, though that was for a literature class. (Dickens' Hard Times, Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie, and Henry Fielding's The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling (the first "novel" in English).) I agree; Lucas certainly utilized and encouraged a lot of polemic axes upon which to measure his (and, by extension, our) universe. Certainly his concepts of Good and Evil (and their confusion with order and chaos), and Natural versus Artificial, etc, are ripe for analysis.
  21. But ... how does it see?
  22. Hmmm, I wonder if that counts towards the multiple-personalities merit badge?
  23. Good luck with that.
  24. There is a shedload of squid to fish there, apart from the strategic value of a port in the South Atlantic.
  25. I think your angel is lonely.
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