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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Two prominent defenders of science exchange their views on how scientists ought to approach religion and its followers clickie
  2. Definitely sounds like a graphics card problem: can you run DirectX9.0c on your setup?
  3. Sounds like humidity from the soil transferred into the air of the vault. A de-humidifier might have helped ... or a proper air seal. Concrete is very porous ... I remember a murder was discovered because the killer buried the body in cement, which became a part of a building. The crime was uncovered when someone tried to explain why a concrete pillar was blanketed in swarms of flies ...
  4. That's okay, I didn't read any of your links, either.
  5. I just caught an old b&w on tv: a Jon Wayne (and Kirk Douglas! playing a distinctly "grey" hero) film from 1965 called In Harms Way. What a fantastic film. I really dig films that have proved their merit over time, that still can say something to audiences of generations later.
  6. more Bioshock info
  7. Nu-uh. I told them that I had a cold, and it was passing (true), and I even told them what medications I had in the last seven days (some Day Nurse yesterday and Night Nurse last night: nothing today). You aren't meant to give blood if you are a dirty infected zombie. Which I clearly am not. How odd. I distinctly recall being turned down the first time because I was blowing my nose. They said blood transfusions go to very weak people as a rule, and the last thing they need is a random virus to beat. Just think, as well as my sanguine high-octane Aussie blood, the recipient will also get my excellent white blood cells and antigens!
  8. Nu-uh. I told them that I had a cold, and it was passing (true), and I even told them what medications I had in the last seven days (some Day Nurse yesterday and Night Nurse last night: nothing today). You aren't meant to give blood if you are a dirty infected zombie. Which I clearly am not.
  9. I didn't know that syphilis is regarded as tropical now.
  10. I dunno, but the red tartan dress is very fetching. My cold has retreated enough today for me to stop taking the over-the-counter medication, and donate blood. Maybe I'll be bug-free enough to attend the boot camp at the gym tomorrow.
  11. I just had three chocolate bourbon cream biscuits, after donating blood. So nyer.
  12. Indeed. I would say role playing has taken place when the nipple makes its first appearance. I remember my first nipple ... *reminisces*
  13. It made perfect sense to me, even speed-reading. Tangential fact: 2600 is the decimal equivalent of the binary code for hacking an old decadic pulse telephone, hence why the periodical was named same.
  14. Wild horses and seventy-nine virgins for all eternity couldn't drag me into IT now.
  15. Are you the one with your hands up, or the rogue skulking about on the extreme right?
  16. Do or do not: there is no try. OH. GREAT. Way to harsh my buzz, jerk. :Cant's wolfish grin icon: While we're at it, one's alignment would be almost precisely a statistical correlation of one's parents'. I'm down with the monomaniacal cleric, though I'd more likely be a monk ... though it would need to be a lapsed monk, as I'd be chaotic neutral. I would like to have some magical powers: enough to allow me to descrive the universe, but not enough to attract the attention of passing bands of adventurers. I used to have a quasit for a familiar, which was pretty cool.
  17. I just finished 1759: The Year that Britain Became Master of the World. This book isn't perfect, but I found the character sketches alone worth the admission price. My knowledge of this part of history is not substantial; nevertheless McLynn manages to give the reader a sufficiency of human goings-on around this pivotal year, which only helps to give weight to the costs and benefits of the achievements and losses. Some more maps would be a better investment than the monochrome plates that are reproduced, to no advantage (McLynn even debunks some of them in the text!). The battle between the two colossi, the nascent British Empire and ancien r
  18. Is that what they want, or what they saw?
  19. OH N03Z, it's the earless killer!
  20. I couldn't make it funny, so I retreated to pedantry. (Also, your comment wasn't that funny, so it was better that we end it; I thought that my comment might provide a neat way to draw a line under the disasterous lack of comicality.)
  21. Gives a whole new meaning to "bat-bombs". :D
  22. Random mammals (bats, dogs, etc) get the virus, and can even pass it onto humans. Some countries do not have it, notably the UK and Australia.
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