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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. This only seems to occur in the bottom "trade" windows. Not the inventory.
  2. Agreed - take out food from Inns or the Stongholds' executive chef - packaged to go! As it stands right now... I buy out EVERYTHING that the Inn has for sale and take it with me.
  3. Enchanting could use and entry as well.
  4. Should be self explanatory from the screenshot.
  5. I'm really confused as to which enchants are mutually exclusive with others. When I can enchant certain ones. And which overwrite which. The UI gives no help. I had a + 1 Perception enchant on some armor and was going to replace it with a + 2 Resolve. And now it has both and my mind is blown.
  6. What are you talking about... I got almost 3 damage out of it.
  7. At least during "the thunder rolled like waves on black seas" which causes some fx where everything goes dark. Any sort of targeting indicators (circles and rectangles) for spells are not visible on the screen.
  8. I'm sure I did. But that's not the issue. The issue was that the damage range listed on the tooltip did not match at all with what actually occured. And getting different MIN values makes no sense at all.
  9. I originally liked the idea of engagement because I thought the AI would do things like this.
  10. I'm assuming this was to make shields feel not so necessary and not so punishing. But doesn't this just mean tanks take more damage now and do slightly more dps?
  11. As others have said. Combat is very tank and spank. But also unforgiving leading to specializations. AI is pretty dumb. Other than that game looks good.
  12. That's my point.... You can't do that. You're under the assumption that the scouter can detect traps. He can't. You cannot be a good scouter without the ability to detect traps. Regardless of whether you can disarm them or not. Of course you can (Read the quote you took out of context one more time ) 2 characters, walking beside each other, carefully and slowly. One disarms traps, the other keeps an eye out for enemies. You don't have to click on the other side of a suspicious looking room, or on the other side of a map, when you're walking around. Be careful, take one step at a time and observe the surroundings. Be careful around corners too. I don't think you understand.... A stealthy character can move close to enemies. The mechanics guy cannot. You highlight the problem yourself with the corners example. Say there is a group of enemies right around a corner. But there is also a trap right in front of them.... If you send your scout in he can see the enemies... but NOT the trap. If you send the mechanics guy in he see the trap, but he gets killed by the enemies. It's a no win situation. Sending them both in together just gets everyone killed.
  13. All content that is required to complete game is by definition part of critical path and not side content, although there can be optional critical paths by offering lots of optional content which player need to do only part to finish the game. Semantics. "optional critical paths by offering lots of optional content which player need to do only part to finish the game." This sounds like side content to me.
  14. That's my point.... You can't do that. You're under the assumption that the scouter can detect traps. He can't. You cannot be a good scouter without the ability to detect traps. Regardless of whether you can disarm them or not.
  15. I can't seem to get more than 3 phrases stacked up. Is this intended?
  16. So the damage for this spell is 10-15... 1. Why do I get grazes (Before DR) for 3.9, 4.5 and 4.8? This would mean a "hit" would have been 7.8, 9, and 9.6 respectively. All below the damage range for the invocation. 2. How can I get different (MIN) Values of .8, .9 and 1.0. Isn't (MIN) a static number? How can it be different for each attack? /confused. On a sidenote.... 30 accuracy... how am I supposed to hit anything????
  17. O.o
  18. That's an option. But I would rather see similar prices with different attribute choices. Or a mix of the two. The problems I see with that are that I can't imagine some random inn in the middle of nowhere would have super expensive rooms. Also with this game we are going to end up with a ton of money. Even 720 copper after awhile will be a joke. And you are back to square one. In the end I just want there to be a decision to make besides "do I have enough money?"
  19. It's a problem because it's a feature that's in the game with potential to make the game more interesting. And it doesn't. And it's a very easy fix.
  20. On a completely unrelated topic... do the "feral" druid ever shapeshift?
  21. Any toon who is good at stealth will be bad at "discovering" traps (mechanics) and will trigger them anyway. Rendering scouting ineffective in a lot of situations. Any toon who is good at "discovering" traps will be bad at stealth and thus not good at scouting. Add in trap/lock xp and you've got quite a little cluster****
  22. This is also still very relevant. Suprised the numbers weren't changed/balanced (while eg. culture bonuses were in v480) Good question. I feel this is something that would take about 30 minutes to implement. On the other hand... MODS!
  23. This won't happen... but I can't help but feel weird drinking a beer and 3 types of soup in the middle of a dungeon.
  24. No. The boss should be hard for all levels. Just less hard for higher levels. Personally I think some side content should be required. Level scaling is a horrible horrible horrible thing.
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