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Everything posted by iscalio

  1. Sure. Just put this file in your override folder. https://ufile.io/hcyxi Alternatively, if you want to achieve this while using other mods that change the characters.gamedatabundle file, just search in it for "NudeBodyVisualData" and set it to "NudeBodyVisualData": "prefabs/items/appearance/body/cl/cl33/a_cl33_v03.asset", Voilà.
  2. Sure. Just put this file in your override folder. https://ufile.io/hcyxi
  3. Druids can solve a quest in a very satisfying manner on Motare o Kozi (if they have some stealth at least). This leads to more stuff on Sayuka.
  4. In addition to what Opheleus said, there are also many conversation options only members of certain classes, races, cultures and backgrounds have available. Priests of various gods, Vaillians, Huana from the Deadfire and Aumaua from Rauatai are particularly common. Often these conversation options are just fluff though. There are also means to complete quests and attain special boons for specific classes. Sometimes special items can replace the class (such as a unique staff from a completely unrelated unique enemy that can serve as a druid in one quest).
  5. The naked model (M_HUM_ND01.fbx for human males for example) has a variety of submeshes. M_HUM_ND01_Body_Shorts01 for example is the trunks-like underwear human males wear by default, M_HUM_ND01_Body_Shorts02 would be the loincloth one an elf has, which is set to "hidden" for human characters, but could be easily activated instead of the other one. If you set both submeshes to "hidden", then the model is naked, but, um, incomplete. If you set the submesh M_HUM_ND01_BodyS_Package to "Hidden = 0", genitals are added. Additionally, you can activate the submesh M_HUM_ND01_BodyS_PHair01 for pubic hair if you want it.
  6. Just an addendum: You can also heal all trees with the staff Spire of Thicket Green if you do not have a druid. I would also be very interested if there are further effects of the Green Lady's blessing.
  7. Addendum: After you have done the above, Fassina will be a regular wizard without the Conjurer bonus power level or the spell restrictions. However, she will still know the Conjure Familiar spell. If you want to remove that too use RemoveAbility Companion_Fessina(Clone) Conjure_Familiar Depending on her equipped grimoire, her status screen might also list some of her spells twice. This display error is easily fixed by un- and re-equipping the grimoire.
  8. First SetClassLevel Companion_Fessina(Clone) Wizard X true with X being your current level. Then RemoveAbility Companion_Fessina(Clone) Conjurer Note the game's misspelling of her name: The Console calls her "Fessina".
  9. Is there a way to modify an .asset file of a model? Specifically what I want to do is just to toggle/untoggle the Hidden trait for individual submeshes.
  10. Does anyone know how to add and remove weapon proficiencies?
  11. I added The Moon's Light spell to Xoti, but it permanently says "no uses left". Is there a way to add the spell to her regular priest spell list, costing faith?
  12. Hello. Edér should have been a member of the Night Market in my game, but due to what I assume is a bug he instead talks about how he visited his parents and has not mentioned the Night Market at all. Can someone share with me how the Night Market impacts the game and Edér's story?
  13. The Kalei bug seems to occur if you don't speak with her immediately after giving Tawena the good news and instead reenter the Company building first. You can see her non-bugged conversation here at around 9.25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB64pf5mOeg
  14. Just to share: A portrait I made for Oboro, an ocean folk fighter I used for my second playthrough of the first game:
  15. Are the -25% damage from the Morningstar modal and the +25% damage from the more common criticals (due to Brute Force resulting in Morningstar hits virtually reducing enemy deflection by 25 points) canceling each other out? I have very little understanding over which damage modifiers are multiplicative and which are additive in this game.
  16. Hello. Does anyone know how complex it would be (if it is possible at all) to modify the game so that individual attribute effects are shifted to another attribute? For example, Might affects healing done. Without changing any other formula details, could a mod make it so that the game checks the healer's Resolve instead of his Might to adjust healing done? Or make Dexterity give a Deflection bonus instead of Resolve etc.? Has anyone done/tried something like that in Pillars 1?
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  17. 5 PM PDT, so in about 150 minutes. Well, looks like the preload did not become available on time.
  18. Said thread also specified that the preload would become available at 5 PM PDT. Since it is currently more than five hours before that, nothing "appears to be incorrect" yet.
  19. My reminder and request was an attempt to prevent worse. I am sorry if you feel reproved, that was not my intent. I personally did not know all companions would appear early in the game, so I considered the Xoti detail a slight (ever-so-slight) spoiler.
  20. Well, there was already an official dev stream with VO featuring Xoti. And that she's from Readceras is also known for quite a while. So nothing new. the fact that the livestream player has already encountered Xoti this early is giving away something.
  21. Please remember that this is the "no spoilers" forum. Even the fact that the livestream player has already encountered Xoti this early is giving away something.
  22. A human priest of Eothas from Aedyr with the clergyman background with high resolve and intelligence for roleplaying reasons (too bad resolve doesn't affect healing anymore). He was my watcher from the first game, so I want to continue the story with him.
  23. Quick question: There are no body shapes to choose from during character creation in Deadfire like there were in Tyranny, are there? Meaning all members of a race and gender have the same body type? What about NPCs? Are there models for fat or skinny or burly characters?
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