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Everything posted by Heijoushin

  1. My primary gaming laptop finally died this week, may its laptop soul RIP (´・_・`) Now I find myself in the awkward position of having no PC right before pillars of eternity is released. I'm thinking of buying a new one, so I need to start doing some research. Do you guys have any recommendations? Assuming price wasn't a problem, what are the best graphics cards and processors nowadays? I need something that will be able to play new releases for the next couple of years. Thanks for any advice.
  2. I'll check it out after I've played the game. I don't think I'm clued up enough on the lore to appreciate it yet.
  3. Yes... so many IWD remakes. When will people stop remaking IWD, already? It's endless. Yup, they're just rolling out of the factory floor like B-grade kung fu films. OP is free to play whatever games he likes, but somehow his attitude makes me sad...
  4. I'm going to be playing the minute it's available. I can handle any amount of tiny bugs. As long as there are no major plot-stopper bugs (and even if there are, I'll just come and rant on these forums:)
  5. Now that we actually have a date, I feel terribly impatient. After years of waiting, now 2 months seems like a big deal. Blah...
  6. I'm also a big Bloodlines fan and would love for this to succeed. I was also surprised to see "kappa" on that list. 吸血鬼 (kyuuketsuki) = vampire in Japanese. It makes sense character-wise. 吸 - suck 血 - blood 鬼 - devil/ogre etc. Hengeyokai is probably 変化妖怪 Henge meaning "to change" (since it wears anothers skin I guess) and Yokai, as Gromnir has said, is a generic term for bad spirits. As others have pointed out, a kappa is a completely different mythological creature. Which makes me wonder what else on that list is inaccurate. Nevertheless, I think that's how fantasy/fiction evolves. Taking a myth from another culture and putting a new spin on it. I don't mind the spelling as long as its a good game!
  7. So I'm browsing my favorite gaming news meme site today, and this kickstarter game comes up: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/asylum/identity To copy a little from their kickstarter page: "Identity is a modern-day open-world MMORPG for PC and Mac with complete freedom to do almost anything you can imagine at any time in first or third person views. Live as an honest civilian, a criminal, police officer, paramedic and many more." So... The Sims in 1st person? Firstly, I don't think a game that promises the ability to do "anything you can imagine" is even possible to make (especially on that budget) But let's say it is. What's the point? Is gaming not about escapism? Real-life is pretty dull, which is why I like fantasy games and books. Why would I want to role-play something I already am? (honest civilian) Why would I want an "orindary" job in a game?
  8. Just want to ask those who have beta access: Do the different fighter classes play differently? Specifically fighter vs. barbarian vs. paladin Like, in IWD, a Paladin just felt like a weak fighter with a cure spell. A barb just had a few extra hit points and a rage spell. Also, one more question: Do we know anything more about the various orders the Paladins can belong to? I see the wiki about that hasn't been updated in a while. For role-playing purposes, I'm very curious about the various celebrated/condemned behaviours. Thanks
  9. I'm playing absolutely nothing at the moment (besides the occasional Starcraft match), which makes me a little sad. But in 10 days time, I'm going to purchase Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker for the 3DS. Because using demons like pokemon is one of my favourite pastimes(^_^) It will be close, but perhaps that will tide me over until PoE.
  10. Hello. I wanted to revive this post since it's something that also bothers me. Since some time has past and we're near to release, can I once again ask: does the monk has any special animations? I noticed that in the Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition, they gave the monks some kicks, which is awesome. Will PoE have this?
  11. I can't say that this is something I've thought about much. Voice acting can be very interesting if done right, but most of the time, I don't really think it's necessary. I'd rather they spend their time and budget developing the writing itself.
  12. Hi, Just wondering how many portraits are currently available to choose from? I remember being a little disappointed with Wasteland 2s selection. For example, if I want to play something specific like a female fire godlike, how many choices would I have? Or would I have to go dig up custom portraits?
  13. Just skipped through the stream mostly, since I don't want spoilers (and its no fun watching someelse playing a game when you can't;) but it looks amazing! I'm so looking forward to playing this!!!!!
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