So I'm browsing my favorite gaming news meme site today, and this kickstarter game comes up:
To copy a little from their kickstarter page:
"Identity is a modern-day open-world MMORPG for PC and Mac with complete freedom to do almost anything you can imagine at any time in first or third person views. Live as an honest civilian, a criminal, police officer, paramedic and many more."
So... The Sims in 1st person?
Firstly, I don't think a game that promises the ability to do "anything you can imagine" is even possible to make (especially on that budget) But let's say it is. What's the point? Is gaming not about escapism? Real-life is pretty dull, which is why I like fantasy games and books.
Why would I want to role-play something I already am? (honest civilian) Why would I want an "orindary" job in a game?