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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. This happened in my game as well. It just so happened that the ogre was the PC. "
  2. That image is awesome. Where's it from? Not that I care, I'm stealing it anyway. Since I'm working afternoons I only catch night shows, and Portugania is pretty crappy when it comes to show schedules. Basically the only shows I watch now are: House, M.D. - the medical gibberish the characters exchange between each other is wasted on the likes of me, so I'm glad they sometimes explain in layman's terms what actually is happening ("quick, give him 20ccs of plestopornamignhuloiopeanduemoxiecyclotroniciacide - or he'll tell amish jokes for the rest of the episode!"); but I can't help loving Hugh Laurie and Robert Sean Leaonard so that basically is why I watch it. The Shield - been following this one almost religiously. great drama series and pretty much one of the best cop shows ever, even those I haven't seen. Michael Chiklis rocks long and hard. Here in Portugistan, I think it's around the ending of the 2nd season. 24 - Jack Bauer, man. Jack Bauer. I'm also trying to get glimpses of Help Me and Carnivale.
  3. I always saw myself as more of a fatty transexual whose sex changing operation went horribly wrong, but 'man' would suffice I guess. Equally disturbing to my psyche. And back is pretty relative. Of course, but it's possible to do it in so many and better ways.
  4. Ah ah, you rat. Still trying here. Cheers.
  5. Well... Yeah. No big surprise. Shoot. There's just so goddamn more you can do with turnbased than Fallout's rudimentary system. I didn't even know this was still up for discussion.
  6. The princess of Dragon Warrior doesn't come off as much of a focus either. They hammer into you that she's missing and all, and it's true the King bleats about it on and on like everyone else, but you can focus on the other quests going on. She's not much of a priority gamewise. Like Sara from Final Fantasy, the DW princess is mostly irrelevant right up until the end as well. The only difference is that everytime you turn the game off and then on, you're in the King's room with the princess sitting on one of the chairs.
  7. By the way, The DaVinci Code sucks ass in all possible ways. Stilted dialogues, terrible characters, hackneyed plot. Just like the book but even more depressing because I can't seem to hate Tom Hanks
  8. Yeah, Muppout: A Post-Apocalyptic Muppets Adventure. Kermit on Ms. Piggy: "Ham... Ham never changes..."
  9. If Metal Storm is the game I'm thinking, it rocked. But it's been a while. As I've said it's been a while, so I can't really remember that well. However, I was taking more of an issue with people just going "best game ever" without really going into why from a gameplay perspective, so I pointed out gameplay improvements when compared to its predecessor as a reason for it. And Metal Storm came out in 90 or 91, if I'm not mistaken; Megaman 2 was released in 1987. The E-Tanks allowed players to store energy to use at a later time. It would restore your energy fully once per tank. It seems I have to replay Metal Storm.
  10. Sure, if "outdoing" means "doing the same, only more of it". That's pretty much it.
  11. Ah ha. I just find it funny that Gamespot readers complain about some game not being there, but then vote in with suggestions that are as bad as the site's editors.
  12. And the Psychonauts avatar just gives it an air of unparalleled legitimacy.
  13. And if we can't get straight to the disease we can always start with the disease carriers.
  14. On Ninja Gaiden Uh, no. Ninja Gaiden was considerably slower than its later iterations. The second (and especially the third) title in the series was more intuitive, had better graphics, less hap hazard level design and was much more fast paced. On Megaman 2 And Mario hangs in the air for several seconds when collapsing the bridge under Bowser before Megaman ever got stuck on piss poor side scrolling transitions. Your point? Because your lead ass being too heavy to stay on the chair is actually relevant to the game. Christ. None of them even go into what's good about the game in terms of gameplay. When they do talk about it's things that have been there since day one. If you want to make some case about the game being better than its prequel and a reasonable contender for best NES title, here's some of the things you forgot to mention: Password feature Energy Tanks Addition of more special items to use across the levels Difficulty selection Unfortunately it was also easier than your drunk, underage sister. But hey, no game is perfect. On Final Fantasy ...Yeah, the complexity. Let's just forget for a minute that both games require a princess to be saved in the first moments yet somehow Final Fantasy "outdid" Dragon Warrior, which just shows someone didn't really play the game. What's so complex about adding a secondary quest? Or more than two? Dragon Warrior had you rescue the princess, prove you were Eldrick's descendant, perform a handful of odd jobs to get cool gear or places (like finding the three guardians of Phat Loot, and create a Rainbow Bridge), and kill the Dragonlord or somesuch. Yet Final Fantasy is more complex because it has exactly the same structure but instead of keeping it short and sweet like Dragon Warrior, it wastes hours shoving players around through even more pointless errands? If that's revolutionary you're in for trouble. Mario has you all beat again, as it requires players to keep saving Toad until you find the real Princess. There, pointless errands for you. Still, he goes one step further by having you skip pointless castles through special tubes, whereas in Final Fantasy you're forced to go somewhere out there and kill stuff to get an item/cutscene/engrish and nonsensical phrases (I think that's what was called story back then). Where the frack is Tetris, you mooks?
  15. And with that, it's time to hit the road.
  16. Of course it sounds like a judgement, but here's the difference... Are we clear on this? Being the lead means that you have a large amount of control over everything that is happening with the game's development insofar as your team is concerned; but add to it that he was a reputed developer in the eyes of the gaming industry working on a title that drawed much gamer anticipation and media coverage, and that he worked on previously critically acclaimed videogames - and you almost certainly get someone who has more than the average control over a game development cycle. Not absolute control, but large enough. I know, I remember watching those videos as well; and I understood where you were coming from. However, when we're talking about AI that supposedly decides for itself, we are - in most cases, if not all - still talking about scripted situations, because any AI 'deciding' what to do just has a large variety of predetermined scripts in its database and decides to use one based on given circumstances, as opposed to just having one single script kick in (which seems like what most people refer to scripted).
  17. I just want to say something very quickly. First, I'd like to extend thanks to anyone who showed even the slightest interest in me participating in the ongoing campaign, and to Eldar for having been supportive of my absences. Second, I'd like to apologize to those very same people because I won't be able to participate in them in the immediate and near future, as I'm taking an extended leave from... Pretty much everything around me, and I'm not really sure when I'll be coming back. I may linger around here a day or two at best, but that's it. Not that many of you actually care, but hey, this way we all can pretend you do. Cheers.
  18. Stop grasping at straws. For the last time, I wasn't judging the road not travelled. In your previous post you asked me why did I thought he had enough room to exercise his creative vision which, had you paid attention, had been retroactively replied. I'm sure Spector wasn't working alone but as the game's Producer and Project Director, he called pretty much all the shots.
  19. Your posts do not become relevant simply because you want them to. Telling me "there is no way to realistically judge the road not travelled" is irrelevant for the very simple reason I wasn't judging the so called "road not travelled", but rather suggesting that he could have very well went through that road - or went with something very close to it - if he wanted to. I'm not going to repeat myself, given I've made it quite clear in my previous post. Any and all unfulfilled plans Spector had for the game very well come to mind.
  20. Obviously, but then again not only was my point not aimed at developers in general, it was also focused on a portion of development rather than an entire cycle. Also, we weren't talking about some junior developer was being whiplashed by a publisher constantly changing deadlines and plans, we were talking about a game developer who wheter justified or not, has enough credit to be given enough room to develop the game he wanted. And he had more than enough room to create the game that fit his vision. That sounds like excellent fortune cookie material, but not very relevant to what was being discussed.
  21. At $5 each in mint condition they're probably worth it. Personally I couldn't get into them because of several reasons: the first title left so many bad impressions that I just ignored the second one. For one, the constant and bothersome blathering of the party members - who are pretty lifeless - asking me what I felt regarding the current events with "Yes" and "No" being the only choices is pretty pointless. It's also got this throwback to console RPG combat mechanics - if the monster a party member was targetting gets killed, the character will just waste its turn instead of moving to the next monster; even Final Fantasy games stopped doing this years ago. It's also got another annoying quirk in the form of asking you to decide on what is your course of action but having the path predetermined thus rendering your decision null. It's a kind of barely average game that would have likely been good during the SNES days, but at this point in time I've probably already played all the games which gave birth to the cliches Golden Sun uses. Maybe the second title is better, I don't know. Maybe someone could go into depth about it.
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