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Shadow Diath

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Everything posted by Shadow Diath

  1. actually esb only took place three years after episode 4. so at max it only took three years for luke to be ready for dueling. and if you read any of the eu, events show that luke was using a saber well before episode 5.
  2. i looked at it too, but didnt see anything i didnt already know browsing these forums...
  3. i'm going to try out the ole guardian to jedi master switheroo
  4. ahhh... i see... said the blind man. thanks
  5. picked it up today during lunch hour, so i only played for about 15min. havent meet atton yet, or found clothes for that matter...
  6. i don't think that really means anything. if you rememeber the site for the kotor1 had character bios for: malak, bandon, saul karath, a sith trooper, calo nord, a rakata, and a few others. none of them could be party members.
  7. the game has a moody feeling that makes it very engrossing... this time around the pc is much more interesting because you know about the mystery surrounding his past
  8. there is a character named, , mentioned in the credits, voiced by Daran Norris. anyone encountered yet or know who this is?
  9. i like it a lot. already its better than kotor... imo
  10. you could walk in the water on the beach shore at the unknown planet...
  11. cool. where's this info come from? is there a link?
  12. i havent seen any in-game screenshots of her using a double blade though... :ph34r:
  13. perhaps she lost the arm very recently, just before kotor2 begins within a few days or so (maybe during the attack on the ebon hawk), and she hasn't been able to get a replacement yet. just a thought also, i wonder if the pc can buy or make an arm for her during the game, maybe using boa-dur...
  14. revan could very easily be on korriban when/if you meet him in kotor2, he could be on telos, or nar shadaa, or onderon, etc... just because he ended kotor on the unknown planet and his last known whereabouts was korriban doesn't mean he can't travel UNDERCOVER, to anywhere he chooses. around the kotor galaxy it is generally known by its inhabitants that revans last appearance was on korriban, and that's all. he could be anywhere now
  15. if you want it, order online. zero trips
  16. Zane Diath from the legendary Diath family of jedi knights
  17. i was playing kotor over again until nfs underground 2 came out, now i'm playing that
  18. whichever uniforms they are, i like them better than the republic uniforms. mainly 'cause they're darker. i hated that bright red and orange look
  19. very interesting... i'm hoping we actually meet a character or two from the TOTJ series. it would be cool to see how they tie the stories together
  20. nothing was said to spoil anything unless you looked under the spoiler tag. even the title of this thread gave a warning, so... :ph34r: you enter at your own risk
  21. ever played 'the clone wars'. the same planet was featured in that game
  22. the icey planet has got to be ulic qel-droma fled there ten years after the sith war in TOTJ: Redemtion and theforce.net sheds a small shard of light on it as well... only that it is which undoubtedly will play into the game
  23. check this site out. its the swrpgnetwork. may help a little
  24. are there any pics of this woman on the net, scanned from the mag...
  25. It didn't go down in quality. Yes, some things will not be the way we want them. But the game has been improved in many aspects, so you can't say it has gone down in quality if the game is amde better then the first. Just hope it'' be even better next time around <{POST_SNAPBACK}> agreed. its already evident that as a whole TSL is going to be better all across the board. in terms of story, gameplay, story, slight graphical improvments, story... and not to leave out the KEY to a good rpg, the story, from what we've been allowed to know its seems clear that this game is poised to overshadow kotor1
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