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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. I really don't see what the fuss is all about. SW will never have homosexuality in it, because that's the way its creator wants it. It's a fictional universe with green dwarf grammar bitches and the Force, but no homos. And I'd rather it'd stay that way. Not because I don't like homosexuals, but because I don't share the idea that it must have them for the sake of "realism" or "equality". Sorry, it's GL's universe. If you don't like it, too bad for you. He's not going to change it just because you'd like to see some action between Obi and Ani. Other than that, I'm not especially bothered by homo/bi options in other CRPGs, as long as they're subtle and I'm not forced to develop them.
  2. That's what you get when you promote a society in which cold-blooded murder is often present in entertainment, but a nipple snapshot is automatically considered "mature" content and anything more serious than that is still taboo.
  3. Nah. Just invoking my infallibilty as discordian pope.
  4. No. I'm always right, and my opinions are absolute. End of thread.
  5. Welcome to the fabled land of overhype.
  6. Well, you can't pop a skeleton's eye out, for instance. That's an example of "immunity to criticals"
  7. I didn't think the ending was that bad. Perhaps it's just I've just grown used to it thanks to the last SW games I've played. Or perhaps I was just dying to get the damn thing done after that horrible last chapter and the feeling of relief blinded me to the truth. I didn't even fight ol' Meph... and I was rp'ing a Paladin.
  8. Well, this is not the case, so... whatever.
  9. You finally noticed. I didn't want to break it to you but... "
  10. For once, I'm with Nur. The level of cynism in this thread is ludicrous. Yeah, ROTS is going to suck so badly compared to Hamlet that GL should be stoned to death. I mean, who does he think he is to deliver this sort of substandard crap to the legions of loyal "Old skool" SW nerds that compete to see who is the vilest hater? Man, those prequels suck so badly that I'm going to spend the next few days until the premiere waiting in front of the theater... on a strike, yeah, that's it. Boy, if I roll my eyes any harder, they are going to pop out of their sockets.
  11. So for all practical and game purposes, the cabby is indeed . Only WW didn't want anything truly significant to happen in the game and that's why they came up with that "elder" crap story. Suckage n00bs
  12. Right. However, if you use a P2P program to download, you might be allowing others who haven't paid to get it as well, since you can't control who downloads from you. The problem is that you don't hold any licenses over that material. Thus, you are not authorized by the owner of the intellectual property to distribute it in any way. Alas, they do have legal basis to do this. Which doesn't preclude the fact that they are just wasting time and money, and making a lot of people hate them and all they stand for. Damn shame that tarring is considered assault nowadays.
  13. Well, I read somewhere that if you tape it without the commercials and then lend it, the MPAA will sue your ass and then you will get thrown into the especially built gulag on Venus for the rest of your life. At any rate, this is stupid. Instead of finding ways to cope with the demand for this kind of stuff, they are just pissing everyone off. They are not increasing their profit, they are not protecting the industry, and they are most definitely not encouraging people to respect copyright laws. I mean, with this kind of actions, I feel like downloading stuff just to do what they don't want me to do. So what the hell are they thinking? Oh well. Welcome to Lawyer Rampage!
  14. Linky! Official Notice From a legal standpoint they have every the right to do that... but it's obvious they aren't really accomplishing anything. In fact, I think they are shooting themselves in the foot. Thoughts?
  15. Ah, yes. You cannot truly appreciate it until you have read it in the original ancient Greek.
  16. "A flawless syllogism, if there was ever one"
  17. Obviously, it depends on the games. I'm thinking of "Do you like horny bunnies? 2" here. "
  18. I know. But it's still a good work. Is that your job?
  19. Well, it was their wormhole after all. It's not so inconceivable that they could do that sort of things. And about Sisko being Moses, I don't know if you have watched the show finale, but . But if what you are saying is that the show had too much religious mumbojumbo, then I agree. That stuff made some episodes completely unbearable.
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