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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. I don't have to remember. It's called resting **** face. plot twist: I really am an **** Regardless, I agree with Hurlshot. We are spoiled for choice if you are willing to look past big budget productions. Sure, 90%+ are shovelware but it's not like all (or even most) AAA games are fantastic either.
  2. Wow.
  3. The most interesting thing about that is confirmation that surface interactions will play less of a role so I guess no more necrofire spam. So "meh" pretty much sums up my reaction to that. I wonder if you'll still be able to build nukes by putting a barrel inside a barrel inside a barrel...
  4. I don't care if you have used it before or not. This may come off as a shocker, but I really don't care about you or think much about what you have or have not said. I mostly just skim your posts, if that. The fact remains that you threw your so-called "shibboleth" first, to which I replied. But somehow I'm now identified by it because some other user used it before who also happens to be a moderator, despite never having used it myself before. Peak Gromnir. Look in the mirror. Your quoting multiple posts so you can mix on- and off-topic tripe to claim you're trying to re-rail the thread isn't fooling anyone. And as for whatever you think is going on with moderators behind the scenes, I can only tell you that it just doesn't happen that way outside of your private little world. Again, contact the chief moderator if you have any complaints. The fact that you have dodged this and instead continued to play the oppressed victim only shows that you know full well that if rules were to be enforced with an iron fist, you wouldn't be able to play your little game. With that being said, this is going to be my last post about this. I have wasted too much time on you as it is, and my only regret is that I will never get these precious few minutes back. It seems some lessons are harder to learn than others.
  5. I still play Star Control 2 (or the free UQM version anyway since I lost my discs long ago) from time to time. Also Doom, but that's mostly with the Brutal Doom mod so that probably doesn't count as classic.
  6. I'm just using your own words. Go ahead, since you like diving into the depths of the forum to, how does that go... "selectively quote" people? See if I've ever referred to "qq"ing before. As for your accusation that us mods are above review, ah, how to put this... In any case, if you have a problem with the guidelines or their application, or with members of the moderation team, I suggest you bring it up with @Fionavar. It will no doubt be more productive than the constant passive-aggressive moaning and sniping you have been indulging in for a while now.
  7. there. fixed that for you. welcome. our rants do stay on-topic though. is curious how this and other board rulez only apply to non mods. Who's "qq"'ing now? The report button is that-a-way. Feel free to use it.
  8. Cute, but I'm not the one going on a long, boring rant at the drop of a hat multiple times per page, or moaning because someone used an abbreviation. (btw, like anyone who wants to browse the internet for longer than five minutes and remain sane, I use an extension, so I don't actually see your videos -- just think it's a weird idiosyncrasy)
  9. Age of Decadence is short. But it can be long if you try to play it like most other CRPGs, because you will be failing a lot at everything and reloading. You need to choose what your character is, what he does well, and stick to it. The game plays fairly differently and the story has substantial differences depending on what kind of character you make, so it's worth replaying. If you're into janky cult* games, you may enjoy it. *literally -- depending on who you ask, the biggest fans of the game really are a cult...
  10. Well, the long-winded response was predictable (didn't read it) but no videos? I mean, don't stop on my account.
  11. What's this, another typical Gromnir "here's why you're wrong even though I'm going to say the same thing in a wall of text and a bunch of embedded videos" post? Thank the maker (of IPB v4) for the limit on that. "Shibboleth", sure. Because identity politics is an invention of the alt-right or something, even though the former predates the latter by about 30 years. Imagine squealing because people can't be arsed to write the whole thing. Seriously, don't bother. I don't care.
  12. A core component of the alt-right narrative is trampolining off of the libs' ridiculous focus on idpol, though. MLK said: One unfortunate thing about [the slogan] Black Power is that it gives priority to race precisely at a time when the impact of automation and other forces have made the economic question fundamental for blacks and whites alike. In this context a slogan ‘Power for Poor People’ would be much more appropriate than the slogan ‘Black Power.’ Substitute "Black Power" for BLM, and it's uncanny how relevant the quote seems today. It's also a bit too close to Bernie's spiel for comfort. Dr. King was a bit of a class warrior, and that's a big no‑no to the corporate establishment "left". So instead, idpol -- and reactionary hyperbole and hoaxes from the alt-right. Sadly, even in the absence of the societal background at the root of American idpol, the cancer has been fast spreading to left parties on our side of the pond that aren't quite so obviously bought and paid for by special interests. Idiocy and blind ideological adherence. The American "left" can't crash and burn soon enough if you ask me. And stuff like this is why I keep telling my superiors that we need MRAPs and microwave guns if we are to prevent WoT from becoming a no-go zone. Damned forum terrorists...
  13. Yup, I've had a knuckle sammich once or twice. The chance of being treated to one isn't why I stopped talking politics with people irl. It's more the constant interruptions, screeching and potential damage of useful relationships which can't happen in this medium. I'll still give a piece of my mind to anyone who asks, though. And yet, I'm not the one living in fear. The fear of getting my ass kicked for speaking my mind. The fear of communist subversion. The fear of Islamization. The fear of faceless mobs burning and looting. What can I say, maybe it's because I don't watch TV and have no SM accounts.
  14. It's the fundamental problem with democracy and, more generally, with people making decisions. People of voting age are susceptible to bull****. Always have, always will be. The problem for some seems to be that the ability to individually customize and deliver bull**** keeps improving. Instead of trying to curtail that by decree -which amounts to stopping progress- work on teaching people critical thinking skills. May or may not work in a capitalist social context that necessitates a high degree of compliance and conforming, though. I find it strange when the same people who vigorously stress that living without social media and other post-modern garbage is literally literally impossible also want the government to just wave its magic wand and make the side effects of it go away -- doubly so when it's the same people who otherwise don't trust the government to organize a piss-up in a brewery. That being said, it's nothing short of willful obtuseness to say that voters are being influenced less or just as much as in the past now when the time and resources devoted to that continue to grow. However, voter turnout relative to voting age population has remained relatively constant since the 1970s, so perhaps the sensitivity to such influencing isn't as high as one may think. Welcome to WoT. I can tell that you're going to have a wonderful time here.
  15. Nice. They can go for Paradox next. I want a Tyranny sequel, ffs.
  16. Not to mention a Russian grenade launcher. Clear evidence of the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids...
  17. Children, or child? Doesn't matter, obviously humane conditions in processing facilities are a prerequisite. That doesn't say much about what the overarching migration policy should be, though.
  18. Yes, I considered adding that too. But that's an invitation to go down the utilitarian vs deontological "good" rabbit hole, which I thought was best avoided... Eh, don't mind me. Middle age crisis hitting early or something.
  19. Oh, come on. Fully upgraded WK weapons and HLAs? Combat is a pointless chore long before that if you have played through 20 times any game knowledge whatsoever. You can abuse Mislead from like Chapter 5 or so. And for absolute maximum literal endgame (read: Throne of Blood showdown) dps nothing beats dc'ing good old Koveras into a Mage as soon as you get him in your party. Ah... just talking about this sucks the fun out of the game, heh.
  20. While interesting, I would caution against taking the predictions it makes as gospel, because there is no control to measure against -- a limitation acknowledged by the authors themselves in the opening statements of the chapter: "Chapter 7 described accounting approaches for assessing the fiscal impact of immigration and outlined the conceptual challenges involved in its measurement given that the counterfactual scenario (no immigration) is unobservable." I would not go as far as saying the premise is "flawed" because you're not really arguing the same thing. The report claims that second-generation immigrants are strong contributors to the economy overall and that's mostly where the net positive effect comes from. But you need to absorb the first generation of immigrants now before their babies start businesses and pay taxes. That seems to have worked out well for the 1994-2013 period, but as the context changes, you are relying on limited predictive power and the assumption that circumstances won't change to decide whether taking in immigrants (and how many) will result in a net positive twenty years down the line. I wonder if conclusions will be the same if the chosen time period moves to 2008-2027. I'm not really in disagreement with you btw. But the "immigrants are good for the economy" is as much a political talking point as "immigrants are a drain on resources" is. It's complex stuff and spending 20 years to become an expert will leave you with more questions than answers. And since The People are supposed to decide what policy they want, crappy talking points is what we have.
  21. Hexxat. Vampire-lite chick, but unlike Weimer's Valen she's nothing to write home about. edit: as for your dc/mc mage/thief comment, I take it you never much abused backstab under Mislead. Good times.
  22. Not digging it for a variety of reasons, and man buns aren't even at the top of the list.
  23. Didn't SCS fix Rage conferring immunity to things like Imprisonment? If it wasn't for that, he may get a pass... though I think he makes no sense as a ranger. I get that he's a rashemi somethingorother, but really, a crappy fighter is what he is. So make him an actual fighter and give him his own kit. Sorry, he just wasn't very good. Not even Jim Cummings could save poor Minsc.
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