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TheisEjsing last won the day on October 28 2018

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About TheisEjsing

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    Copenhagen, Denmark
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    PC bruh
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    PC bruh
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    Obsidian games


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  1. I agree on the whole graphics point. I thought it would look AAA with Microsoft money and ressources poured into it. I'm not afraid for the story and surrounding world building, but this graphics looks very 2016 sadly. We can just hope the game will look more like that xbox article than the gamesfest trailer, and the graphics won't be detrimental to the experience. evertheless this is a pre-order for sure in my book.
  2. At this point Obsidian should just make a team, that just makes trailers for other companies games. Obsidians trailers have been the best in the business for a long time now. ^_^
  3. Aww man Justin Bell too? All this change is scary.
  4. Aww man, Jorge left? He was there over 10 years, if I recall right. One of my favorites at the studio. A big loss for Avowed. Wish him all the best, and hope Obsidian can hire a worthy replacement.
  5. I agree Wormerine. I think Microsoft showcased Avowed when they did for the new x-box marketing purposes. Not cuz they had a particular interest in that moment to announce the game. Hopefully Obsidian will learn from contemporary history and release it when it's done and ready.
  6. I don't care about crafting either. I like unique items you find during your playthrough way more. On that note I really hope we get soul bound weapons with upgrade requirements. That was a great so far, and will be a cool addition to an AAA experience.
  7. Man it's been too long since I played. I totally forgot about that. I just remembered it as since the Watcher could be from any culture, he/she just saw the gods "base" forms. Well, I suppose I could get used to see the Valian Rymgrand with combed fur and a fancy hat.
  8. Speculation time. So I really loved the wacky imagery of the gods in PoE II. The statue in the teaser trailer for avowed has to be Galawain right? He looks a lot more like a majestic human and a lot less treebeard like. Do you guys think/hope we get the wacky titty fish Ondra and other more abstract god visuals in Avowed or do you think the team will do mainstream versions? My wish is that it will remain in the same style. I'd love to go to a temple somewhere and see a beautiful 3D statue of Wael in all his glory with eyes all over the place and stuff like that.
  9. So this sub forum is already going strong. Great to see. Super excited about Avowed. Guess it's time to become an active community member again. Nice to be back ya'll.
  10. Coming in here after a year away, and Boerer is still going strong. Good to see you're keeping this sub forum going man!
  11. Like the most of this forum, I hope PoE III is secretly in production now. But it kinda seems like the team behind the games needed some time from it all after the second one finished. So a break was/is probably needed. I hope Microsoft will bet on another PoE game for their game catalogue, since it was OE's poster game when they bought them. I personally think they should do a third part as isometric game in the same style as the first two games. If they, god forbid, wanna do a MMO type game in full 3D with the IP, they should keep it apart from the Watcher Saga, imo.
  12. Yes, what incentive would a company have to deliver a well received product. You haven't thought this through or you would soon realise, that a company does not live in a vacuum where it's just the now that matters. A poorly rated game will affect future projects chances of getting financed by publishers, crowfunding, or whatever. Besides Obsidians history with bugs, which has already been discussed, there is no monetary, or practical gain in sloppy game design. It hampers the game development, trust in the company, and damages sales when the game is released.
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