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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. In the midst of a global pandemic, billionaires have increased their wealth while everyone else is struggling. You really think people just need to be smarter with money to get ahead? There is economic data showing a stagnant middle class, growing inequity in wealth distribution, and rising costs in housing, college, health care, food, etc. There are SYSTEMATIC PROBLEMS IN OUR ECONOMY. It isn't just that I overpaid for my papusas I had for dinner last night.
  2. I love that Gretzky video, watched it a few weeks ago. Sharks are going to be very Sharky. I don't think they will make the playoffs. But I am excited to watch Patty Marleau break the most games played record. Eff that guy in the first video, he can still play. He had 10 goals in 58 games last season, and 3 of them were game winners, so he can still get it done. Considering the lack of depth on offense the team has, he will get some good looks on his way to breaking Gordie Howe's record. I've been watching him play in San Jose since he was 17, and I am the same age, so of course I'm biased. But the guy has had an amazingly consistent career. He gets knocked for not winning major awards, but he is in rare company with his career numbers.
  3. Look, I'm not for nationalizing anything outside of healthcare, but I think you are missing out on the current outlook for young people in the country today. They can't buy houses, their 'college funds' don't come close to covering the costs, and everyone in the middle is slowly falling behind. The pandemic has made it even worse. This was a fun read I pulled up while looking into stuff this morning. I'd love to see an update after 2020. https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2020/01/09/most-americans-say-there-is-too-much-economic-inequality-in-the-u-s-but-fewer-than-half-call-it-a-top-priority/
  4. This is becoming less of an issue, because by and large young people are not becoming stockholders and investors. The money is all growing exponentially at the top, and very few people are able to bridge that gap.
  5. Yikes, this is a ridiculous quote from that BBC article: Displaying freedom by putting a giant black X over the symbol of another group? Okey dokey.
  6. I was impressed by the use of fortnight outside of a fantasy literature setting.
  7. Do you think people involved in murder and property destruction in Portland (and other areas) are not being prosecuted for their crimes?
  8. I totally agree it was a mob with no clear organization. I say the same thing when people try to blame antifa for everything. There is not clear leadership structure and no concrete agenda other than breaking stuff and looking tough. I still think you can hold Trump responsible for creating the mess. Since the election, he has eroded the democratic process with fake hyperbole and called for action from his base. The President should be held to the highest standard.
  9. Minimum wage is garbage right now. When was the last time it went up? I'm pretty sure the economy has changed since then. And don't start mewling about small business owners. Big business has been killing small businesses all pandemic long, so maybe figure out a way to balance that AND improve the plight of the minimum wage worker.
  10. Hospitals in Santa Clara County are currently at zero capacity.
  11. Wait, so Skarpie's entire family went and get tested before holidaying together? That's actually pretty awesome, you guys are very responsible. I prefered to just avoid my family. But that isn't just about the virus.
  12. Cyberpunk's performance on last gen consoles in a pretty serious gaff for them.
  13. This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen you write, numbers man. I mean, you typically come across as a smart guy with a bit of snark, and I mean that in the nicest of ways. But claiming something isn't personal while in the same breath calling someone ignorant is pretty daft. If you are going to talk down to someone, at least own it.
  14. https://nyti.ms/38jFTHm Hopefully some good legal changes in the works for cyclists.
  15. @Malcador Dave Mustaine? I just read an interview with him based in your comment. Sounds like he is just a regular grumpy guy that hates all politicians, so I don't think he would be marching for Trump.
  16. Hmm, that does sound promising. Hopefully there is like 95% less killing than the Wolfenstein games. I love the setting and the areas in those games, but I get quickly tired of the constant killing.
  17. I'm pretty sure most of the stop the steal crowd are focused less on the legal options of how to overturn the results, and more on the fact they voted for Trump, so he must have won. This is reinforced by Trump himself.
  18. Empyrion is amazing and janky at the same time. Still better than No Man's Sky. Edit: The game actually has a pretty solid storyline to follow, which so many of these open world survival crafting games seem to lack.
  19. I am really looking forward to going back to the times where these were the controversial stories of the day: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/kamala-harris-vogue-cover-182547945.html Remember when this was the biggest outrage coming out of the White House? Or when George HW Bush threw up on the Japanese Prime Minister? Or Dan Quayle misspelled potato? These are the low stakes hijinks I think we have to look forward to over the next 4 years. Ooooooh, Biden looked like he was smelling some kid's hair! How weird.
  20. Hah, most people here have been voicing concerns about this crap for years. Welcome to the party. Did you complain about the attempts to ban TikTok last year? It would be pretty humorous if Trump takes his act there after spending last year threatening to ban it in the US. I'm pretty much anti-censorship full time. Government led or corporate led. Of course I also believe there is the proper platform for different types of speech. If people want to turn Parler into a conservative echo chamber, then no skin off my nose. Within certain legal bounds, of course. If you use it to organize acts of violence, that is a different story. Hence the current debate.
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