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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The SNES version had a great story. It was based on a pretty decent book set in the universe. When I was in middle school I went through a stage of reading only Shadowrun novels.
  2. Am I the only one who thinks it is crazy to care about a gigantic dialogue tree? I don't play through these conversations over and over again to see what the different results will be.
  3. MacGruber - I was pleasantly surprised. It had some genuine laugh out loud moments. It was very silly, but I was in the mood for that and it delivered.
  4. I didn't realize the Ukraine had their own version of the show Cops.
  5. You guys dont use Smart Boards? They're all the rage at my daughter school and super cool. They are a bit too rich for us. Document cameras are only about $150, whereas those smart boards are at least $1500. I am sure we will get there once the prices drop. When I started at my school seven years ago we didn't even have LCD projectors, now they are pretty standard in every classroom.
  6. I preferred the later Richter vehicle where he played a private detective. That might be the one I was thinking of as well. I just typed in his name for a search and that one came up, I couldn't recall the show name.
  7. I got a document camera for my classroom. It is awesome. I'm so glad that I never have to pull out my crappy overhead projector again. It makes my life way easier.
  8. Car modding in Saints Row 2 was insane. I spent hours pimping out my different rides.
  9. The Tick was too short-lived. Andy Richter Controls the Universe was also funny and cancelled too soon.
  10. Many of those Muslim countries have communities of Christians that are older than Islam itself.
  11. My dsl has been down simce Wednesday, and verizon says it will be another week or so before it gets fixed. Bleh. I went back to work today, and it was a real good day. I did have one class that really struggled with the concept of the bce/ce time split (bc/ad) for you old school folks. They were just being lazy, so sorry to put a few basic math concepts in your history class
  12. My wife is 4 years my senior. 30 isn't that bad, it isn't like you are still in school. You've got a job and a career path, and that gives you a leg up on most guys, even in her age group.
  13. GD, can't you keep the house and just rent an apartment in DC? I know how much you've put into that property.
  14. I think King can be argued as the most prolific writer of his time. He just writes and writes, it is amazing and very disciplined. As for quality, I think he has a pretty wide range. Some great stuff, some good stuff, a few stinkers.
  15. Yeah, I never got how the awesome Shadowrun IP turned into a fps game. It sounds like the worst idea ever, and low and behold, it was. I would love to see another RPG on Shadowrun.
  16. You know, the top grossing movies of all time are 1. Avatar 2. Titanic 3. Lord of the Rings: RotK 4. Pirates of the Caribbean: DMC 5. Toy Story 3 So apparently the entire world disagrees with you. But hey, keep bashing what is popular, it used to be pretty hip and I am sure it will come around again. Interestingly enough, these all feature a good deal of CGI.
  17. Yeah, those Pixar chumps are a bunch of chumps.
  18. I love the cuss out of the Fantastic Mr. Fox. I always try and get my daughter to watch it, but she tends to opt for the Barbie flicks. Blegh.
  19. I never noticed, I rarely focused on her face in conversation. They clearly focused their art resources elsewhere.
  20. Footie and snooker don't sound very manly. They sound like characters on The Jersey Shore.
  21. Dracula: Origin - A very good adventure game.
  22. It is also a nice that golf is a sport you can play well into old age without a tremendous change in your skill. It isn't really about strength, my worst hits tend to be when I try to overpower the ball. I plan on playing Ice Hockey as long as possible, but I know it will get much harder eventually. It's a decent activity for us old fogies
  23. Just Cause 2 is definitely a short increment game, I liked that I could jump on for 30 minutes, putz around, then turn it off. I actually felt rockstar lost that a bit with RDR and GTA4. They were more story intensive, and that meant more time intensive. I get what you are saying though, I just like to have a game like that around for a quick spin. Saint's Row 2 does that even better, for my money, and it has a fairly good story.
  24. Weird, I had a blast with Just Cause 2, and I stayed away from the story line pretty much the whole time. I just blew stuff up, had fun grapple hooking stuff to other stuff, and rode around on top of jets. Pure fun. I can't imagine playing it without a controller though.
  25. Back when I lived in New Zealand, my colleagues tried to persuade me to become a "golfer". No luck since I agree with the last part of that line Even having lived for years less than 100m from a beautiful 18 hole course, overlooking the park lands with a view down to the river, I was never tempted. The only thing I can get myself to join every now and then is a game of mini golf Oddly enough, thanks to years on mini-golf, my short game is rather fantastic. I can two-putt it pretty much every time, and I get a couple good long range putts on occasion. Driving the ball is my weakness. I have no idea how to make it go straight.
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