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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Since we have been talking about Prince
  2. Who dissed Prince? I agree he is a living god.
  3. Monty is on a bit of a tear today. I probably needed to expand on my post a bit, but I just didn't have the time. It was not meant to come across as taking a moral high ground. I'd also say anti-British sentiment is about as low as it has ever been in the US right now. Heck, just look at the popularity of Ricky Gervais and Simon Cowell. They make a living insulting Americans and we love them for it. Politically I can't think of a country that the US has a closer relationship with. Canada doesn't count.
  4. I really don't think the US would have. The whole not negotiating with terrorists thing is taken pretty seriously by the US government. Not that I think it is always the best policy, but in this case it would have been appropriate.
  5. Star Wars Galaxies had its charms. The non-combat options in the game were fairly expansive. You could set up your own stores, create entire towns. I played for a few months and managed to get a full set of stormtrooper armor and a little house to decorate. It was pretty fun running around as a stormtrooper doing errands for Darth Vader. They even implemented a language system, where you had to learn wookie in order to understand what those players were saying. It was laso nice that there was no traditional leveling system, although you still grinded stuff.
  6. Apparently Prince is constantly recording stuff and then locking it in a vault. Not to sound morbid, but it will be interesting to see if it all gets released after he dies. Happy Birthday Nepenthe! 30 is when everything started to break down physically for me. Enjoy
  7. That was the worst halftime show I've ever seen. They made the Cryptkeeper like Who show from last year look great. Nothing beats Prince tearing it up on his purple guitar in the rain. The only way that one will ever be outdone is if Hendrix comes back from the dead.
  8. Just don't take her back Joe. I'm not saying once a cheater, always a cheater, but that trust is broken and is never going to be as strong as it needs to be.
  9. Does it really? Is that the deciding factor here? Are there a bunch of guys on the fence who are going to now run to pre-order the game because it has fellatio? Maybe there are, I guess I am disconnected.
  10. Great, Bioware is turning into the video game version of Porky's.
  11. I know what you mean, I'm going to have to move in a couple weeks. We have so much crap now. I remember in college, I could move in about an hour and fit everything in my regular car. I'm probably going to take about a week to do it all.
  12. I could never imagine spending money on the cosmetic outfits and weapons DLC. I don't really consider that content. I might put a few bucks down for some extra quests, I did enjoy the Shadow Broker one I bought for ME2, but weapons, particularly in a single player game, seem like silly DLC.
  13. What cache are you talking about? I'm not really a fanboy of DLC, I just find some of the complaints about it completely nonsensical. I thought it was badly implemented in DA, particularly that freeloader in my camp who asked for my credit card number. That deserved complaint, and I'm guessing Bioware will find a better way to handle it in the future. Whether we like it or not, DLC is going to be a part of the future for the gaming industry. As consumers we can help guide it in the right direction, but seeing conspiracies and boogie men in every development choice is a good way to not be taken seriously.
  14. Not to speak for Joe, but I doubt there was a specific reason. My wife and I have arguments where I get so angry I end up slamming my fists down on counters. Sometimes I literally shake with rage. Now I've never really been close to hitting her, I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I did that, but I imagine very few married couples don't hit that frustration level at times. The crazy part is the actual point of the argument is rarely as important as the total breakdown of reasonable communication skills.
  15. The point is the inventory change was a design decision, not something held back to sell later as dlc.
  16. What are you talking about? ME2 didn't need an inventory system. They simplified the entire system. Thank goodness they did, the inventory system in ME1 was an utter wreck. Do you understand that this is a personal preference, rather than cut content? Also, Bio has not released any DLC that changes the way the inventory system works, at least not to my knowledge. Are you referring to the release of DLC weapons packs? Who the heck cares that the game didn't ship with 20 different types of shotguns?
  17. King Aurthur is a lot like like the TW games, just with a bit more fantasy. I'd get it, $3 isn't much of a gamble. I have it, haven't gotten too into it, but it seemed a solid game.
  18. The inventory. I've seen some games offer extra inventory space or options as DLC (namely MMO's) but not offering any inventory system? Has that happened? Developers aren't going to do anything that would significantly impact their initial sales, so lets drop the hyperbole.
  19. A car stereo may be standard in most cars (although it hasn't always been) but if you want a fancy stereo, you pay extra. We can do this ad nauseum, if you'd like.
  20. Thanks for sharing, Orogun. Joe, it kind of sounds like you might be looking for the right girl in the wrong places. I'm not saying you need to go to church or anything to find a girl who is on the straight and narrow, but most of the nice girls I know don't go to Metal concerts Of course, I met my wife, who is very straight arrow, while I was serving drinks at a frat party and she was fairly tipsy. So what do I know :D
  21. Thanks Bendu, I have a crappy internet connection, so I was trying not to go that route.
  22. You live in the sunny PART of Cali... move to tahoe and you'll see. People live in Tahoe? I thought that was just a place people go to for vacation?
  23. According to Inside Two Worlds, Southpeak delayed it til 28 January. That's good news, I read somewhere else that it was delayed until February 8th. I just got a call from Gamestop saying my PC edition of Two Worlds 2 has been cancelled. Apparently there was some problem with a transport ship and all the PC copies were wrecked. Rather than reproducing them, they are just canceling it for the US and UK. It's pretty odd, they also haven't released any official statements.
  24. Shale probably never would have been developed to the extent that he was if he wasn't meant to be included as a DLC character. We can go back and forth on this all day, the fact is only the developer knows what their plan was with all this content. What I do know is that Shale was not a central character to the story. No major plot developments hinged on him. It isn't as if Morrigan or Alistair were DLC. You can only bring two people along with you in DA. They gave us a ton more than that without charging extra, so it makes no sense why people get upset about one extra character being DLC. What staples are you talking about?
  25. So? They could ship a game without SFX or music, with a max resolution of 800x600, multiplayer support but no maps etc... and then sell all of that separately. You wouldn't need any of that to "complete" the game, but they would still be selling you bits and pieces that you would expect to be in the game to begin with. Or, you know, the inventory. I guess I'll join the anti-DLC crowd when that happens, but we are nowhere near that now. Do you really think they are going ship a game that looks and sounds like crap so they can nickel and dime their customers? That sounds ridiculous. A multiplayer game without maps is not a game. Now if they start shipping MP games with a single map, then I can see people complaining, but again, that makes little business sense, the game would likely be crippling its own initial sales power.
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