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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Speaking of Risen, I just hit level 20 and I'm feeling pretty powerful. I still have to do a lot of backwards running to fireball some of the bigger guys, but I'm enjoying the challenge. I'm on Act 3, still really enjoying the story.
  2. There is no need. Women have breasts.
  3. Damien Rice - Volcano Beck - Paper Tiger Nina Simone - Feeling Good Ween - The Cinco De Mayo one The Black Keys - Tighten Up The White Stripes - White Orchid Raconteurs - Rich Kid Blues Jimi Hendrix - Castles Made of Sand
  4. We didn't put any beds or couches in storage, thankfully. It's all pretty much shelving and tables. Right now I'm using my RV as a moving truck, basically just loading it up with everything I don't trust putting in boxes.
  5. I actually was convinced in GI Jane, but I still think that Easter Promises was his best. He's got a pretty huge range as well. I mean, yes, he always plays intense and all that, but he has nailed quite a few different accents.
  6. I'm packing up stuff for our big move on Tuesday. It's actually a bit easier than I thought it would be, we really have a ton of stuff in storage. I'm excited to move into a place where we can actually use all our furniture and stuff that has been in storage for years.
  7. Risen - apparently I needed to be more careful with all these plants lying around the island. I wasn't very diligent about collecting them, and I ate a few along the way, and now I realize that to boost my strength and dexterity to adequate levels I needed to brew a good amount of potions. Ah well, it is pretty easy to backtrack with all the animals on the island still dead. I just got my strength up high enough to use my obsidian sword, and I'm close to using a custom sword called the stormbringer. This game really is great.
  8. Cyrus - This was a movie about a guy who is dating Marissa Tomei, but her 22 year old son gets in the way. I really expected it to be a bit of a slapstick comedy, but it was not in any way. It was very different. I think it was ok as a bit of an awkward love story.
  9. Ah, they went back on the DRM weekly on-line checks. Cheers for internet griping!
  10. Gothic 3 didn't look amazing... Yes it did...
  11. Really enjoying Risen, some of these quests in Chapter 2 are very good. I'm getting somewhat decent at fighting as a level 14 character, but I can still get owned by quite a few of the creatures out there. Those gorilla things are rough.
  12. I am curios as well, I'm looking for a decent MMO to play.
  13. I went to Ikea and bought an entertainment center. That store is pretty dangerous, we dropped about $400 and we might go back in a week or two to get more. But the stuff is pretty great. I am also surprised by how many Swedish customers there are in Ikea. I get that it is a big deal for Sweden, but how often can you go furniture shopping? I mean it might as well be the embassy up in that place.
  14. 'Twas a night before tax day, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for the IRS fairy who deposited my return into my checking account. Thank you benevolent government agency I'm pretty relieved, money was getting very tight, but my return basically establishes a cushion. Pay some bills, buy a few things for our upcoming move, and sit on the rest.
  15. Please, the Yuan dynasty tried to conquer Japan twice. Mother Nature was like, no way, you guys are lamer than the samurai. Seriously though, the samurai are the ultimate medieval warriors. In a one on one fight, they've got the best swords and the best discipline. If they win, they go write poetry and trim bonsai trees, and if they lose, they commit ritual suicide. Win win.
  16. I'm surprised at the vitriol towards TW. I wasn't a fan of Empire, but I didn't think it was rubbish. I'm very excited that they are returning to Japan though, and have it pre-ordered.
  17. So Sunday night I played hockey, then yesterday I went on a hike carrying my son in a front carrier and a backpack, then last night I did a yoga/pilates class with my wife. Waking up this morning, everything is sore. I think I got a bit of whiplash from a hit I took in the hockey game. My right side, from the neck down to the knee, is super tight. Ah well, life in the fast lane and all that.
  18. It sounds like it's a bit of a lemon though.
  19. The Killers - I'm always happy to watch Tom Selleck, and Ashton Kutcher paired with Katherine Heigl worked decently. The plot itself was silly and got to the point where it bothered me. I guess it was ok.
  20. I'm surprised how much damage it caused. Hopefully everyone on the forums is ok, we haven't heard from Shryke yet.
  21. I know seriously, like you can't share the door for a few and tread water? Totally ruined the whole emotion of the ending for me.
  22. I guess if you aren't a fan of those shows, then yeah, it isn't the game for you. I enjoyed it tremendously, it was a nice change of pace from the Splinter Cell style games.
  23. Incapacitated, I think. It's not the American History X variety of stomp. He will probably live the rest of his life in a wheelchair, though. Does that make you happy Mr. Pacifist? He has to eat food through a straw, and he probably didn't have a decent health care package, so he has a pile of debt mounting. But hey, your stats are fine.
  24. ... I hate to break this to you, but she's a total **** - I got TWO posts from her, really eager. Apparently the word for a woman of loose morals is considered to be bad. I'll go into the ****pit of my airplane to ponder on the reason for it. I'm jealous, I didn't get any PM's.
  25. If you aren't using Doctor Doom, you aren't playing right.
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