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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Great, I'll add you. There are a few of you, surprisingly. I'll assume the one with the matching avatar is you. Calax knows some folks on the Defiant side of Greybriar, so I'm rolling a cleric there.
  2. Do you have a Steam account? Calax and I are talking about it now. Time zones aren't an issue, I go to bed early enough to play with EST folks.
  3. Well, I think Mal was in his 30's or 40's, so maybe we should give Gnarlwood a try? It's got a good name. Defiant or Guardian?
  4. Hrm, with the success of FO:NV I was hoping things were going well for Obsidian. Hopefully it is just a bit of streamlining and not a sign of impending doom.
  5. Rift definitely shares a lot in common with WoW, but it also borrows some of the strongest elements from all the recent MMO's that have come out. The nice thing is they pull it off very well, and the actual world, story line, and characters is fairly engaging. That took me by surprise the most, the two factions are both sympathetic causes. I've played through a good chunk of the Defiant story line and it is well done. So I've been playing on Crucia (level 25 Paladin/Void Knight) but I am willing to switch servers to group with Obsidianites. So far it sounds like Mal is on Gnarlwoord and Calax is between Faeblight/Arcanis. I don't mind RP servers, they tend to have a mature player base, but I'm not tied to being on one. You guys have any specific servers that stand out for a good reason? Join us LC Ent, you can get the monthly fee down to about $10 a month is you go with a 3-month plan.
  6. Hurlshort


    Thornton had another classic celebration I have no idea who to root for between Chicago/Vancouver. I would rather play Chicago in the second round than Detroit, but neither is an idea match up. I can't help feeling terrible for the Canucks though.
  7. Where you at? I like Rift, but I haven't found anyone I like to play it with. I'm in a big guild and I just haven't connected with anyone. I'm thinking about switching to a new server to see if I can find a community I gel with more.
  8. Wine, anything collectible...there is quite a bit, actually. Land is usually a safe bet to gain value over time as well.
  9. It always struck me as more of a horror-satire than a legitimate horror entry. I do find them surprisingly enjoyable though, it's awesome how they have kept the cast together over the iterations.
  10. Yes, Russia has been a real beacon of Nuclear technology. They've barely had any major catastrophes.
  11. It's being developed by the EVE Online team, so it does have a decent shot at being playable. It just still seems extremely far away at this point, there has been no actual media released on it.
  12. Word, brother. of Darkness?
  13. I'm thinking about mowing the lawn today. Yay.
  14. I have a lot of issues with the Obama administration, but attempting to show a sign of respect by bowing to the Japanese Emperor isn't anywhere near making the list.
  15. Is this really a big deal to you, Obyknevn? This whole Russia vs. the US thing? Why do you think that is?
  16. I'll probably wait for Pitch Black Scrabble instead.
  17. Playing ice hockey once a week is the best way to stay in shape.
  18. The interesting thing about sports game design is that they have long term and short term planning all on the same title. So you might have a team working on the next release doing minor tweaks, but you also have people working on a new iteration of a game engine that might take three years to finally implement. But each year you tend to have one big focus point for improvement. It might be a franchise mode, multiplayer, or the core gameplay controls. With such a short development, you can only do so much.
  19. ahahahaha priceless Do you play sports games? Because your comment shows a serious lack of insight on their development. Most of the EA big sport's games go through a crazy development cycle and manage to release a high quality game year in and year out. Each IP is different, but the Madden series and the NHL series implement remarkable changes over the course of 1-2 releases.
  20. Hurlshort


    I am listening to an absolutely insane Sharks-Kings game right now.
  21. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but if you have two schools in a village and one turns out doctors and lawyers and the other gets your kid to commit suicide at 14, I'm hoping the enrollment of the extremist school will plummet. I know I'm oversimplifying, I'm just saying the most important thing here is to offer a better alternative than being a suicide bomber.
  22. I'm not sure if you can really combat extremism in schools by 'going after them' as that just tends to reinforce what the extremists are preaching. It is essentially an extremist act in itself to shut down a school that is teaching extremism. I say offering better educational alternatives is much more effective in the long run. Extremism basically takes advantage of the lack of education by filling it with misinformation. I met with a diplomat who worked in Iran a few years ago, and he said he would go to Iranian schools and the students basically believed Islam was illegal in the US. He would explain that Muslim students go to school and sit next to students of all sorts of diverse backgrounds in the US, and they would be shocked. It is a lot easier to believe the West is trying to destroy your way of life when they are shutting down your schools and rolling in with tanks and helicopters. I realize that oversimplifies a complex situation, but military action has proven fairly useless against dogma
  23. There is a reason the Taliban systematically dismantled the education system when they came to power in Afghanistan.
  24. Might and Magic 3 was my first RPG. I was strictly an adventure game kid until then.
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