Say whatever you like about the bugs in Bloodlines, but it had the best mesh of RPG Stats and FPS combat I've seen since Deus Ex. It's not the game's fault if you don't have the reflexes to play it, don't blame it for not catering to your needs.
I liek you. Let's be friends.
Personally, I really don't like turn based combat all that much. The only turn based combat that's been half enjoyable to me, is the combat in the Fallouts, and that was mostly because of the option to shoot NPCs in the groin. Maybe that is because I never pause during combat, but probably not. It seems like that would just make it more boring, considering that's the thing I hated the most about the combat in the Fallouts (the drawn-out monotony). However, I still end up putting up with it in some games, because the ones with the best story and roleplaying elements are generally based around it.
I can dig real time, or first person combat just fine though, as I was a 'twitch' gamer long before I found RPGs, KotOR being my introduction aside from Shining Force, followed by devouring the back catalogue of BIS RPGs.