My main problem with christianity is it's view of women .. they are the source of all sins, every bad thing leads back to women .. Eva tempted Adam with the apple, so mans ultimate sin and the sin we pay for to this day, taking the apple and gaining wisdom of good and evil, was womens doing .. so mankind suffers because of women .. Sexuality and temptation is considered a bad thing, so when men desire women, they are automatically a source of evil .. etc etc .. Lilith wanted to share power with Adam, she wanted to decide things, but was refused by both God and Adam and was ultimately banished like Cain for her desires and became a Demon ..
I like the idea of the divine feminine .. in old pagan religions an orgams was considered the ultimate meditation.. as the mind is cleared of all thoughts and we reach a higher plane! we should worship or sexuality and regard sex as the ultimate expression of human creation! instead of feeling ashamed of our desires!