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Everything posted by injurai

  1. While I need the affirmation of Josh to decide whether this fits the world, there is something mighty appealing about seeing Eora progress to having airships within the watcher's lifetime. This would be a fascinating exploration for an rpg. Just as long as they go more Jules Verne and less steampunk. Airships exploring the Living Lands might be my ideal Pillars 3.
  2. If we men don't stand up for woman's milk, we may find our ladies turning to Nestle branded ****.
  3. If you want a new location for Pillars 3, something different enough from Deadfire. I feel like we'd have to give up the ships. But it's such a fantastic aspect to the game that I'd love to see it explored to it's ultimate conclusion in a manner that is more focused around those particular mechanics.
  4. lol, just came across this related thread https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/8wxmyl/randy_pitchford_of_gearbox_comments_on_arenanet/ I dunno what she did wrong, nothing wrong with hating your customers. Gamers are useful trash to be exploited, after all This reads like sarcasm, but it's true planty of gamers are awful, she's no different. She's amongst her ilk and it caught up with her apparently.
  5. Those glorious tribal points though, how else will you maintain the weak ties between your social media family?
  6. Very pleased by those results. Hoping for Belgium v. England at this point, although a rematch of the 100 years war would be fun as well. Then I've been rooting for Croatia as the underdog since there solid group performance so I'd be happy to see them make it as well. Just as long as the French don't win.
  7. Other than the French, who wanted this outcome?
  8. Where does the drained swamp go? Another environment? Beyond the environment?
  9. Sweden v Croatia would be the far more interesting match.
  10. Why does the UK play as a nation divided instead of a nation united?
  11. Nah, her stuff keeps getting posted around news forums and she's mostly using her former position to claim an informed voice on things she doesn't really know about. There is a reason why SM117 lead with "Now, before anyone starts criticizing her..."
  12. Hopefully Uruguay and Croatia meet.
  13. Other than Sweden, an entire half of the bracket only proceed by penalty kicks.
  14. I'm very open to anything, but this would be a neat change. Away from all the New World stuff of the first 2 games.
  15. Saw Hostiles, found it to be a profoundly moving film. Haven't seen any other of Scott Cooper's work, but I might have to.
  16. If I had the perspective of free time that my younger self did. Then yeah, I would totally play Classic Wow again.
  17. This chick has been milking her employment at CDPR for a long ass time. There is very little that she has talked about that really convinces me that she has any real insight into such a large company filled to the brim with highly technical people. What a lame 15 minutes of fame to try and milk.
  18. It's like playing AoE2 and you just can't kill of this one civ because they have some unit stashed away in the corner.
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