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Posts posted by injurai

  1. 22 hours ago, ShadySands said:

    Nearly finished the entire first season of What We Do in the Shadows in one night.  I guess you could say we like it.

    Alright, I'm between apartments but as soon as I get internet back I'm watching this.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Malcador said:

    Trump level of petty.  Funny how his supporters are these loud alpha types when he is like this.

    Anyone that I've seen salivating over these sorts of things seems to be using it as a form of signalling for some ulterior motive. Usually fundamentalist evangelical identity politics to bolster a narrative of cultural superiority towards non-regarded "others."

  3. If Trump didn't collude, it's clear he benefited from the concerted attack and he further wants to maintain the air of legitimacy around his electoral college only win of the ticket. Further we know his keepers and handlers did either collude, or left themselves open to be influenced when they should have been taking the steps to immunize themselves against such influence. One thing Trump can't escape is the indictment that he is a capricious buffoon of the highest order.

  4. It was the last clan for the base game. Free DLC clans confirmed. (Maybe some will be Day 1 DLC)

    I think Nos will be in, but the custom character models are probably low priority and why they didn't make the base cut.

    They've somewhat hinted at Lasombra and that's the clan I want most at this point. I was sure they would be the last clan.

  5. L3 becomes a victim only cache. Meaning to get on an L3, you have to have been cached in the L2 of a particular chip. This is great for heavily disjoint parallel tasks that don't need to synchronize memory access. That's a lot of "personal space." Synchronized workloads will be best dispatched to one chi or the other, not across both. At least if you want to be efficient about your over-all throughput as opposed to execution time.

    • Hmmm 1
  6. Professional "armchair" psychologists, always seem to forget about the social nature of games that keeps people coming back. In a world that increasingly puts pressure on especially youth to take them out of the world at large and stash them away in the home for "safety." No wonder kids develop a life in their games. It's also a form of stimulation to keep their mind active in an otherwise fairly monotonous and rote world.

    I feel games are one of those easy topics to invoke nanny politics about, as opposed to dealing with more serious societal issues. I think a lot of issues with gaming stem from a sunk cost fallacy, where it's hard to invest in other social connections that might not pan out when you have your current ones so established. This doesn't even have to be just for multiplayer games, but communities that talk about single-player experiences and so on.

    I say this as someone who was a pretty hardcore gamer that basically dropped the hobby a few years into college as life came at me fast. I probably had all the signs of a gaming problem, and now I have none. (Internet addiction be a whole other thing though, but that's everyone and their nan now.)

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