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Posts posted by injurai

  1. 9 hours ago, BruceVC said:


    Guys here is an excellent debate between Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Žižek about the benefits and or flaws of Capitalism vs the Communism Manifesto

    As usual I find Peterson erudite, reasonable, logical  and compelling. I dont expect anyone to watch all 2 + hours but just the first 40 minutes where Peterson intellectually raises numerous flaws and fabrications with the idea of Communism

    I cant imagine people defending the "  Utopian "  ideals of Communism after his points raised ⚖️

    Yeah, watched it a few days ago. Far more interesting than some of the other debates Peterson has been in, the Harris one's are generally pulling teeth and devolve into very esoteric hair splits over epistemology and language gate-keeping (semantics).

    A few things I found salient beyond the points that they clearly outright agreed on. Peterson's criticism of Zizek's adherence to Marxism as opposed to standing under his own (and better) brand of Zizekism. Yes Zizek has many times in the past said he is more of a Hegelian, but he always gets back to try to recover Marxism. I don't think he properly lays out it's follies. I think Zizek is right to criticize Peterson for continuing with the cultural-marxism label, which mostly obfuscates the particulars that Peterson is trying to argue against. Zizek says he knows what Peterson means by it, and he himself criticizes those same things rightly. Zizek and Peterson both agree that people operate on behalf of ideas they aren't even fully aware of, and I think because Peterson's terminology names some of the history that influenced that era's thought, it conflicts with getting at the content of those thoughts.

    I think Peterson narrows in on a far better modus operandi than Zizek, where Zizek mostly sits in a position of deep pessimist analysis as to why things are fraught. He comes off a lot like a left version of Peter Hitchens in some regards. While Peterson's position starts to feel a bit Kantian in the whole maximize well-being analog, but now it's about maximizing the meta-game that generates well-being. Zizek does counter with saying that it is at the precise point that Peterson arrives at where things can become corrupted. However I find that everything which can be articulate can and will be corrupted or co-opted. I see no reason to throw one's hands up, really we have no choice but to be sincere and run the red-queen's race. Living is ultimately about maintenance, not achieve a sustained nirvana.

    I guess with Zizek's philosophy, there is always a argument as to why you are a victim of your environment. Where as Jordan's philosophy, there is always something you could be doing better or different and there is no end to have far you could push your utility given the constrains of a single life-time. Which means under Jordan, there are clear winners and losers based on one's actions, where with Zizek it gives people an out. Even if Zizek wouldn't enjoy people taking advantage of that escape hatch, I think it's a reason he is generally more popular with media channels that try to sell their audience on being right and fine they way they are. Peterson has a ton of fans, but no media channel wants to admonish those that suckle narrative.

    At the end of the day I think these two a better for exploring thought together, I don't see a clear winner of the debate. Simply a conversation and understanding as been publicly advanced.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Celeras said:

    I'm torn. On the one hand I really want to support Obsidian for the work they've done and buy the game on release. But on the other, there is no way I'm buying anything on neither Epic nor Windows Store.

    It will later be on Steam, with bug fixes to boot. At this point I don't think it will hurt Obsidian if you buy it at a slightly lower price. It will hurt Take-Two more than anyone.

  3. 6 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    Figures that happens after I buy and play the original version for all of half-an-hour. Didn't have time to form an opinion on it, but it's been several months since - indeed it's been several months since I powered on the PS4P at all. Given that I've used the console for maybe a collective dozen hours over the course of ten months, not one of my smarter purchases so far.

    These days I'm less concerned about playing the complete version of a game. On PC at least though it's usually easy to just grab some DLC or Expansions. Separate releases is rather annoying when the content doesn't justify a purchase on day zero2. Course I now tend to buy games way after the fact which helps in playing the best versions, though it's only easy to do that if there are enough old games that you want to play as much or more than new titles. But it's hard to trust new titles will even be good, so other than a few gems I believe in almost no game really appeals to me until I can asses my confidence in it post-launch.

  4. I've actually been watching a lot of the SOC 119 classes lately. So far it has been incredible. It's charting a sane and noble course through progressivism, tackling serious issues without getting sidetracked by singing the praises to a single interest groups politics. I've not only learned a lot, but I also see it bringing up a lot points I see totally dismissed in mainline progressivism.


    I think everyone should work through the series. I've just been doing the most recent Spring 2019 offering.

  5. HBM has been in the works for a while, and the PS5 while coming into the final stretch it's still a ways off; Plus the PS3 did debut the Cell architecture, I suppose HBM getting a rollout would not be out of the question.


    The interesting thing with Mark Cerny, is I feel he really has a sense of where to direct the architecture to yield effective results. He has a pretty broad gauge on the state of technology, and a deep fluency with the problem domain. Cell was a mistake because it impeded development. HMB would have to be a drop in replacement and not impede any goals of backwards compatibility nor ease of developement. I don't know enough about it whether complications could arise, but they would at least need solved before Cerny would move forward on it's inclusion. HMB will have to prove itself or adhere to a proven paradigm, that's where cell failed.


    The problem with HBM is I'm not sure it low speed high band-width is really tuned for the sort of performance that Sony's first parties have built themselves around. I'm sure they do some sort of performance testing with their software stack when trying to make tradeoffs before settling on a final hardware spec.

  6. Ahh, yeah that would also help with costs. I was imagining something probably a gen further out where SSD tech converges with volatile ram.


    Finding out more about the memory layout is what I most want to know. I think we know what to expect more or less with cpu/gpu performance, and the ballpark of flops that could be achieved.

  7. I wouldn't be surprised it was planned from the start given Snoke being sort of non-sith, and Ian McDiarmid still alive given his surprising youthful age when he first played Palpatine.


    Still Snoke being a nobody is lame af, and having Palpatine return simply to be the real point of contact for Kylo Ren seems like an easy way to hand wave Snoke's character.


    JJ said they went back to go forward. Ending the trilogy by going back yet again doesn't sound like what he actually originally had in mind.


    At this point I feel any production stories are just PR.

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