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Posts posted by injurai

  1. I know that, I was picturing a 9mm glock. Stopping power really falls off with range, and especially the accuracy.


    Rifles still don't really need to be fully auto for any recreational use, and if it's being used against a human then either that is misuse or you are poorly equipped for the defensive scenario.


    Hence, there isn't really a reason to have especially tactical mid-range firearms easily accessible. Granted illicit access of weapons really means nothing given how many firearms exist.

  2. I literally cannot contemplate a situation where you'd need a semi-auto rifle other than in contest with other human beings. You could make an argument for home defense, but the chance of you not only needing to reach for violence, but that you'll be in a miniature war zone is super slim.


    Its even less of a problem is the availability of them is very low.


    Although a semi-automatic pistol makes sense, cause you're likely not doing enough damage if you are even lucky to hit the assailant.

  3. They probably got my dna when I went to the dentist. Or had surgery.


    I know they have my finger prints. At this point resisting these things, if real, is more of a game you place with yourself. If they *actually* need it, there will be a warrant anyways.


    While ICE rounds up one group of "deplorables," rapist are being locked away and wrongly imprisoned people are getting a second chance. It's use very abuse. As always things are murky at best.

  4. What pisses me off about all this is how opaque the origins of this controversy were to me as it was happening. And this was a rather innocuous controversy in the grand scheme of things. Revelations like this make me think I'd be better off not following the public sphere at all and just focusing on myself 99% of the time.


    Why invest the effort when you can't be sure you have all the facts. Just because I can derive a sensible position from what seems to be the situation doesn't mean that's the actual situation. Which makes my position worthless. Do I just not spend the effort to take a position?Not taking a position means I'm hearing the position of others who also might not have all the facts, meaning as time goes on all you'll remember were the bits of punditry. You unconscious will still work on some implication, and you might not even remember your healthy skepticism towards the pundits you had before time passed. There is no sense in letting yourself be sucked out by the rip tides of social hysteria and troll propaganda.


    So why not just walk away from it all? If ever you encounter something that you actually need to be responsible for, then you'll either have the facts necessary to understand the situation or it's actually worthwhile to invest the effort to do the hard work. \

  5. I really like red and the occasional white. Been more of a beer drinker, and wine tends to give me headaches more. I can't say I follow certain wine brands yet.


    I tend to like cabs.


    I should get wine more often though, solely for cooking purposes.

  6. Well I believe that, but what's the point in Disney acquiescing to alt-right trolls?


    Their is this weird "captive" mentality, that when ever "leftist" outrage ensues, that it must be met with an actionable response. So it happens even under the guise of faked "SJW outrage." Clearly Disney fixed their mistake, and obviously weren't the only ones taken for a ride by the guise. But they still pandered to something that they could fact check themselves. Is it the awful media pressure that was put on Disney by lazy journalism that reported the trolls as if they were real progressive voices? What of the progressives that joined in witch hunt?


    I just say this, because I don't want to see the liberals become reactionary, and be taken for a ride by the opposing side at a moments notice. Especially when it has real world consequences. A film director being moved off a project is not the end of the world, but that same behavior can act out in other ways. Obviously the right-wing constituents can be rallied in an equally fanatical way, so maybe I'm just complaining about dummies and human nature. But you'd still expect the leadership of Disney to be able to slow down and work through the situation separate from the media hysteria.

  7. Alright, so I've been critical of Elizabeth Warren over the ethnicity thing. I still think she is wrong to leverage her claims, but Gromnir's post led me to do a bit more digging, as I had mostly let the news reports crash over me as they were coming out.


    This is the best read I was able to track down, and it was certainly eye opening.



  8. Jesus Christ, what's with all these political labels and epithets to describe the narrative of what happened to James Gunn???


    Was it alt-right trolls who dug up old tweets initially? It's plausible. But other than being a curiously of the past revisited, it took a certain predicable reaction that was trivial to elicit to complete their troll. if that was a concocted 4chan style raid, then that admits it takes two to tango. In the end, it was in the progressive camp where all the real footwork was done to Gunn. They were happy to ignore context and sacrifice a decent person to further themselves in their own echo-chambers. All I can remember were reasonable independent voices defending Gunn and being labeled as alt-right for it.


    All the more interesting that WB's immediately picked him up for SS:2. Just goes to show that even in the circles that mattered, people knew how phony this whole thing was as it was unfolding.


    Either a powerful committee at Disney was rotted beyond the pale, or Disney was so self-aware and scared of being on the wrong side of a temporary narrative that they had to do the right thing "in the narrative" before they could do the objective right thing. Now it seems they are trying to retcon the initial narrative entirely, but it still comes back to Disney and progressive media having been responsible for the firing. Not some alt-right trolls if they even were the one's cry wolf.

  9. I generally support the existence of luxury cars. Rich people already have more money than what they can spend, so buying over-priced luxuries is not only great for them. It's also nice for all the craftspeople to get a chance to work on something more masterful and scarce while still earning their living.


    In this sense selling premiums of anything is usually a nice way to recycle the wealth of the wealthy and maintain some nice liquidity in the trade market. However when you are buying the luxury that keeps you ahead, I think the argument breaks down.


    However, if you are paying more money into the University system that helps fund many other things. Then why not let them in. As long as the have to work through all the same accreditation as everyone else.


    The real crime is how some students can basically take minimal classes in the liberal arts for a decade or longer essentially until the manage a Masters or PhD, while other students burrow into deep debt while working full time to barely be able to maintain a GPA (on account of available time) and are taking full loads to avoid excess debts to get into a technical career that pays a bit more but not enough to eat down their debts in a reasonable manner at all. That is the true crime.


    I wish society afford more room for people to build solid foundations, rather than just floundering for years on end. Establish that as the baseline, then whatever excess that comes after can be the luxury version.

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