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Posts posted by injurai

  1. Microsoft funded Pillars would actually be quite great. Given M$ is now putting some of their games on Switch, it's possible that they'd just let Pillars be a "free" title that can live on all the usually platforms that it previously had. Of course they'd get the bonus of being the publisher. That earn them a lot of good will too when they inevitably put out their own exclusive IP which we all know will eventually materialize.

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  2. facebook censors getting into dark parts of internets:



    I remember hearing the exact same thing about people who used to clean up Google search results, but it was less about believe and ideology and more about people developing sick fetishes and addictions to shock horror. It got so bad at one point I believe Google started forcing people to move on so they wouldn't completely destroy their mind and soul.

  3. Not like wuxia is any more authentic, but I'd wager the games industry is diversified enough that a reboot wouldn't even run the risk of that stigma. Especially if they fill quotas for key lead roles.

  4. 2077 isn't really taking that long, they had only a small team doing light prototyping early on as they got the engine up to speed. This is basically once the engine features of TW3 was more or less set. Once TW3's last DLC was shipped, that's really when 2077 development started. Of course some of the art design and lore team was a bit ahead of that. Basically all of CDPRs large titles have taken 4 years to make, and if they are sticking with those time frames reported in their investor meetings then they should be having AAA releases holiday 2019 and holiday 2021. So 2077 will probably get dated around E3.

  5. I'd say it's fair to be concerned about Bioware as a consumer. It seems like they damaged the Mass Effect IP with Andromeda, and that was in their wheelhouse. Now Anthem is generating a negative buzz, and that is an attempt to launch a new IP for them. They do seem to be in need of a hit. I just don't see why I would root for such a thing. Sure, there is this idea that they have lost sight of the date they brought to the dance with Anthem, but you also don't want to be a stagnant company that does not adjust with the market.


    I'm rooting for a solid Dragon Age 4 and an eventual return to the ME universe. 


    Or Jade Empire 2!   :biggrin:


    If BioWare can capture some of the Chinese market with Jade Empire reboot, they could make a fortune.

  6. They already had that tease video of DA4, and are spamming the hashtag, so it's most certainly in development. Who knows what will end up happening to it, and what it will be like, though.


    Yeah, so I guess that means BioWare won't get killed off by EA anyways. Inquisition won game of the year when it came out. It was a weak year though.

  7. I didn't even bother with DA2, it looked that attrocious to me. For that era ME1 and DA:O where my two favorite games. I still played ME2 and it was at least worth the play. Inquisition looked a bit better, but I think with The Witcher being on the market, it was hard to want to go back to a game that was basically offline WoW.

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  8. It wasn't bad, strong opening, had some sold companion quests. The best part was just it's atmosphere and it enabling you to experience what an intergalactic community might feel like. But honestly I felt it unraveled as the game went on. The motivations of the characters felt very estranged every time I completed a companion quest, and the worst was the whole thing fell on it's face in the ending. In hind sight most of the excitement was the anticipation of the build up.


    Still a solid game better than most, probably the last BioWare game I would say I like. But it's also very obvious they were giving up the best aspects of the series to sell a third person shooter with class progressions. But even the all that combat changes amounted to very little new. Most of the tactical charm went out the window, now it was just pick your flavor to chip away at the enemy within an arena of knee high barriers. I even played on hard and the gameplay felt like an insult.


    I didn't even bother with ME3 for example, between the half-bad taste of 2 and the awful day 1 appearance of ME3 I just couldn't bother. At that point I had no interest in the story and the gameplay had long jumped the shark.

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  9. Also the USSR didn't care about capitalist ideation that was broadcast in English as it didn't reach the people. Similarly Youtube doesn't care about things against it's idealogy if it's low impact and hidden away. As soon as it goes against their narrative, then it's off to the depersoning.

  10. BG2 and ME2


    I still think ME2 was a step forward and two steps back from ME1. About all it did better was increased content, characters, and set pieces. The entire role-playing side of it collapsed and the dialogue and choice continued to crumble into itself. Honestly it was probably the beginning of the end.

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