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Posts posted by injurai

  1. Funny the uproar about Smollett while Trump was on the phone with Assange.


    Trump payed Smollett to distract people away from himself. This is why Smollett got two Nigerian Immigrants, because he knew Trump would betray him by sicking the police investigators on him. He didn't want two white dudes in MAGA hats to be accosted endlessly by the media, knowing the Nigerians would be given leeway and he'd bare all the risk of backlash. This deal was struck because he was tired of Empire which wasn't paying him enough, and wanted to retire in peace.



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  2. In this case Bruce they WANTED it to be true. They wanted this to be true more than anything. Because in their minds everyone that disagrees with them politically is a racist, homophobic, white, male, nazi. Because obviously who else could support Trump in their minds. No comes this story that validates all their preconceptions and the jump all over it. I think Smolett knew that would happen and that is why he did it. But like a lot of people he underestimated the investigative abilities of the police. 


    I think it's worse than that.


    While the "fascist patriarchy" is certainly the favorite boogey-man to rail against. It's really a complacent buy-in into reactionary format that underpins all of those programs that found their way into that compilation. It's their modus operandi. It is their product, not a by-product of merely jumping to conclusions. They are "authoritative sources" (by their own construction) that hold up narratives to the eyes of a near-sighted of the populace while they hold the real story behind their back in which only the far-sighted can see if they get lucky to catch a reflection in a distance mirror. When they don't have a story they concoct the one that gets them the most immediate views. It's constructing narratives through omission, and getting away with outright lies based on intentional premature reporting where they always have a "mea culpa" out. They insert themselves in-between portions of the populace that don't readily communicate, but not a goodwill brokers but as highway-men. It's a mob that will protect not your physical safety but your social perception if you pay your dues. It's like they sell futures on junk collateralized-narrative-obligation-backed securities in a socio-political economy.


    What we see in that video is just one flavor of this, the reactionary progressive flavor.

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  3. Game Design died with when the gameplay economy was extended beyond just the player and the environment to being a sense of identity and accomplishment reward by unique experience ranked against your peers and purchasable with the dollar.


    @me if I'm wrong.

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  4. I'm big into every film the Russo brothers have made, so Civil War is one of the high points to me. But I can't deny that it was sort of a closing of a chapter. In other words it killed the momentum of the Avenger's. It was basically Avenger's 2.5 anyways.


    Yeah, I agree since then the best films are what Algroth said. I also think the Ant-Man films are really entertaining films that reminds me of the Raimi Spider-Mans a bit. Basically semi-pre-MCU super hero flicks.


    Anyways Infinity War was top notch, but it's hard for me to Imagine caring much about the series going forward. Guardians 2 had a few of the best scenes (blue dad moments) but otherwise I thought it was a terrible film. Characters are still fine, just I tend to judge films on their final acts and that one sucked.

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  5. Personally I'm really burnt out on Marvel, and the only reason I want to see End Game is because the Russo Brothers are the only ones really making entries that I like. Plus the characters are well established and I want to see an ending. Captain Marvel could be great, but I really feel like I'd only see it to be prepared for End Game, not because I want to buy into Phase 4 and beyond.

  6. Healthcare even in the most wealthy and equally distributed countries still ends up push beyond capacity, I remember reading with the NHS impossible demands being made to meet certain quotas lead the doctors having to game the numbers. The expectation was to see more patients and reduce their time in waiting. The result was that patience would be "seen," but never by the doctor. Their wait times actually increased. Rescheduling of the next appointment grew to be further out. On paper everything looked better, in actually the system became even more inefficient and over burdened. Those that couldn't or wouldn't game their numbers faced fines and penalties that could loose them their practice. All so that the politicians could look good, though you might not cynically turn this on them, that is of course until nothing is done after the mistake goes public. When the news of the story broke, I recall little being done to change things. It's hard to allow stats to start looking worse, because then real malpractice might be allowed to creep back in under a guise.


    This really has nothing to do with socialized medicine, but it is one start account of the NHS performing badly in a way that is more than a meme.




    Microsoft funded Pillars would actually be quite great. Given M$ is now putting some of their games on Switch, it's possible that they'd just let Pillars be a "free" title that can live on all the usually platforms that it previously had. Of course they'd get the bonus of being the publisher. That earn them a lot of good will too when they inevitably put out their own exclusive IP which we all know will eventually materialize.


    On one hand, I could see some thinking that maybe a PoE3 might not happen because some might think that, hey, it didn't sell nearly as well as other titles.  But OTOH, maybe if it had some AAA game funding from Microsoft, this could turn a PoE3 into a blockbuster.  Who knows....



    Yeah, I believe with the right marketing and a much more generous production budget we could see something very successful. I say it a lot but, the IP could also go on to compete with The Elder Scrolls one day. Obsidian already invested in their classic crpg engine, so doing a proper follow up in Pillars 3 makes sense as the next step. But Eora was always a setting that much more could be explored in. Especially once Obsidian ramps up with full AAA 3D rpgs again, TOW is still more of a AA mid budget venture. Imagine as the Eora IP matures and grows its fan-base, and Obsidian's pipeline is well oiled for the AAAs. Then that would be their time to strike. Probably still 8 years out though for something like this.


    With Eora being basically the one IP that Microsoft gets from Obsidian, they would be crazy not to have a long term plan like this.



    They should drop the 'Pillars of' and call it something else with Eternity. Not make it a 3.


    Then again I guess Fallout 3 was popular and most people who played it had probably never heard of the previous games.



    You misunderstand. I'm saying have a Pillars 3, and a The Eora Scrolls or something like that. Though I suppose they could also do a Skies of Eternity or something as a successor series, keeping the same isometric pre-rendered design. Actually I'd really like that, not sure why I've always thought the extended universe had to go 3D. But I think it's likely, perhaps they could keep both genre styles alive if the IP grows to enough success.


    Microsoft funded Pillars would actually be quite great. Given M$ is now putting some of their games on Switch, it's possible that they'd just let Pillars be a "free" title that can live on all the usually platforms that it previously had. Of course they'd get the bonus of being the publisher. That earn them a lot of good will too when they inevitably put out their own exclusive IP which we all know will eventually materialize.


    On one hand, I could see some thinking that maybe a PoE3 might not happen because some might think that, hey, it didn't sell nearly as well as other titles.  But OTOH, maybe if it had some AAA game funding from Microsoft, this could turn a PoE3 into a blockbuster.  Who knows....



    Yeah, I believe with the right marketing and a much more generous production budget we could see something very successful. I say it a lot but, the IP could also go on to compete with The Elder Scrolls one day. Obsidian already invested in their classic crpg engine, so doing a proper follow up in Pillars 3 makes sense as the next step. But Eora was always a setting that much more could be explored in. Especially once Obsidian ramps up with full AAA 3D rpgs again, TOW is still more of a AA mid budget venture. Imagine as the Eora IP matures and grows its fan-base, and Obsidian's pipeline is well oiled for the AAAs. Then that would be their time to strike. Probably still 8 years out though for something like this.


    With Eora being basically the one IP that Microsoft gets from Obsidian, they would be crazy not to have a long term plan like this.

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