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Posts posted by injurai

  1. Even as someone who enjoyed Captain Marvel, I have to admit she shows more panache in that clip without saying anything than she had in her own movie.


    Also prepare for Thor and Carol being shipped until the world ends.


    Thor was really talking about his axe.

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  2. Beto O'Rourke maybe? Since he all but announced he's jumping in with announcing that he'll announce tomorrow morning sometime. I don't think he's trying to make any analogy, just putting up a joke because everybody and their <pick a close relative> is jumping in.


    There may still be some GoT reference that me and injurai are missing though.



    Is that show, or even series still relevant? I thought it died on two fronts. Is that the analogy you're making? Which dem candidate is dead on two fronts?

    :lol:  You put waaay too much thought into that. Internet memes are not plumbing the depths in search of subtle truths or esoteric allegory. They are just meant to be taken at face value and elicit a chuckle. 


    And James was right. Everyone else is running why not Cersei too. If she got nominated as a Dem their would still vote for her and say "Well at least she isn't Joffrey". If she was nominated as a Republican they would still vote for her and say "At least she isn't Ramsay".


    Meanwhile I'd be voting for Mance Rayder. 



    I got the joke. I was making my own snide snipe at things fated to die away.


    Honestly, probably people ahead of the war games pivoting the massive ship that is the DOD-MIC away from Saudi oil towards Venezuela crude.


    Progressive conservative grandstanding is just a cherry on top.

  4. No clue who will be most popular in the primary. I can see Trump being viewed as a worn down deer that just needs another arrow in his side. Meaning they'll probably try to get someone like Warren into the white house.


    On the other hand, I think Biden would be a shoo-in. Basically tactical nukes out. He'd easily sweep a lot of independent and swing support.


    Pragmatically, Gabbard sort of splits the difference, but is black-balled by the dems mostly for not cowtowing to that rather dependable ideological progressive fervor that is being over-leveraged these days. No chance, I think she should have not put her name in until 2024.


    Still, I think Bernie if he gets his rhetoric right and avoids any major controversies (or at least neo-dodges false flags pinned against him by the DNC) then I think he could become the best leader of an actual left-shift movement. This is dependent I people being woke about humanist economics being the means to enact social change, not permanent reverse preference hierarchies. The growing Asian population will hopefully push back on this awful regressive progressiveness. I really don't see Bernie as capable of causing bad economic damage, right now a lot of government spending is going straight to private DOD contractors. I think a lot of that spending could be brought in and redirected to better human capital investment, which is the worst that he'll manage. Still capital might "feel" just to be spiteful and prove that "welfare++ post-Neo-liberalism" is bad because it's unfun for the land-holding dividend-owning class. Which will just get pinned on him as being a "socialist harbinger of doom" which he really is not.


    I think people will care less about "just trying to get Trump out of office" meaning I think Biden will probably need a strong platform, but if the rest of the playing field is too fractured he might just clean house for simply being familiar.



    11 more days...


    From Software logo pops up on the screen


    *Interest intensifies*


    Activision logo pops up on the screen


    *nervousness intensifies*


    They're just publishing the game, don't be such a moron. >_<



    And only in the states and europe. In Japan and the rest of Asia, FromSoftware self-publishes.

  6. What's so frustrating is when people in power complain how they are beholden to the people, claiming the people are responsible to enact change. Then all of a sudden one day when they see fit, they wield that mighty power unabashed because they've been "endowed with that jurisdiction."


    Often times when it's turned back on the people its for things that the people aren't even responsible for. Apparently the overwhelming majority of the plastic waste in the Pacific is from China, India, and South East Asia. Doesn't mean it won't be used to make people feel ****ty that their city is really dumping recycling bins in the same landfills as everything else. Great shibboleth to get in power and knock the previous administration out, when the real objective is to shift the cities budget to contract with another elite faction of asset and real-estate owners. Then all of a sudden the recycling program falls through because too much of the budget was ear-marked, and they kick it down the road as a long term project. Only to let the next administration also not take action.

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  7. Also I had a blast watching Margot Robbie in Suicide Squad. I never understood the hate that movie got, but I figure it just hit the right notes for me.


    In general I have a blast watching Margot Robbie. Phrasing. Suicide Squad is still the worst movie that I've payed to see in a theater.

  8. So the type of beer is ale, the genre is porter. As porters were getting heavier, darker, and richer they where called "extra", "double", and "stout". Eventually a Stout Porter was just called a Stout. But you still had just as dark Porters. This is all old history that happened in England. Eventually they brewed a super dark Stout, and gave it to Catherine The Great, so that's how we get the Russian Imperial. Even though it's not Russian. Today brewers have introduced a retroactive distinction that Porters are typically malted barley, while Stouts are usually roasted unmalted barley. But it's no hard line, and breweries usually developer their own distinction between the two.


    Oh and IPAs are just British Pale Ales that took on a new flavor after aging through different temperature zones on the way back to England from India. Where the labor was exported to. Man, imagine being a proud brewer in the England and having your nation's past-time outsourced to the southern hemisphere. lol.

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