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Posts posted by injurai



    There was few runours posted on these forums few months ago, which I can't locate anymore. I just wanted to compare them to current reveal by Sony, how much they were off.



    There's a thread in Skeeter's Junkyard with a PS5 rumour video from a couple of months back, though iirc it was aimed more at its implications towards PC.


    I would not expect PS3 back compatibility. PS5 is basically an updated PS4 with similar AMD hardware, PS3 was of course Cell and completely different apart from being similarly multi core.


    The SSD thing is a bit weird. There almost no practical performance increase (big theoretical one, but practically very little) on PC from going from SATA SSD to NVMe/ PCIe SSD in gaming though there's a massive one going from platter HD to Solid State of any type- and sizable SSDs are still expensive. So I can't see how a better than NVMe SSD makes sense for PS5- unless it's really small and integrated directly into the system and used as a cache for the entire game.



    Jaguar -> Zen 2 is quite the leap. While yeah still x86 PS5 seems more like a proper desktop based console rather than some SOC abomination.


    Using SSD as essentially main memory... I can see it. The way things are going, paging is going to practically be as fast as most main memory only a few years back. Not sure such a technology would see it's debut on a console though... But then again, with the clock-rates we are expecting we could probably get by with the transfers rates of faulting in from the non-volatile store. The cpu and gpu could basically just share a massive unified cache, while the main storage become main memory.

  2. Some details on PS5.


    Including PS4 backward compatibility :o


    Also in my eyes the unlikely SSD rumour, is in the end most likely true.




    PS: has anyone the link/copy paste of the last PS5 rumour? Just to compare it again?






    It's from the mouth of the PS5's lead architect, Mark Cerny.

  3. Yeah, that's a problem with every company that has more than a handful of employees. Communication is difficult, what a revelation!



    That happened in any company I ever worked. Maybe Avellone was in the same big company for too long and thus just doesn't know that it's everywhere the same.




    Yeah, that's a problem with every company that has more than a handful of employees. Communication is difficult, what a revelation!


    Well, sometimes it can be a problem. My last firm was run like a terrorist cell - no one knows what another team is working on, you find out where you have to go fly to about 2 days before you need to, people do things that you should know about but some guy decided you don't have the need to know. 



    B I N G O





  4. Sounds more like issues relating to half-baked build tools than anything fundamentally wrong with the engine. All that BioWare jank with Andromeda seems more like **** QA from strained time tables and over cranked developers. The engine teams usually have it better since they are preparing for things farther down the road. The end game logic is a bit removed from the integrity of the engine.

  5. Not sure what is bad about Frostbite, I haven't played a game on it since BC2. But the rendering engine is impressive. It seems worthy of salvaging even if the rest of the ECS is a hot mess. DICE after all has some very talented graphics researchers.


    Maybe it went to **** because too many senior developers with all the tribal knowledge left. That's what happened to Square's luminous engine. Fantastic rendering tech, but the ability to implement all the necessary logic systems began to crumble once the lead architect left. I believe the guy wasn't even Japanese, so what was left was hardly useful for the team to pick up and get started with.

  6. Star Wars games often bring a certain familiar feel to the world which is otherwise too epic. The core cast of the films are the apex of a grand prophecy, while your character in the game feels far more grounded. Kotor in which you end as the pivotal character in the drama is mostly experienced as just another jedi knight.


    I have a strong urge to place force unleashed now despite those games being rather middling... also the Ep 3 game was fantastic. A++ even had a fighting game tacked on to it which was awesome. Damn, I need to go emulate this.

  7. The actual worst thing about TLJ, was the absolutely **** CGI rocks that Rey lifted as her crowning achievement at the end of the movie. For all that budget, that was just trash. Like... it was The Desolation of Smaug's gold pudding river all over again.

  8. There is always going to be a lot of garbage vitriolic backlash.


    Certain fan backlash was justified for the years of established canon that was usurped just to make an auteur statement. Notably Luke's character and the nature of the force. Fans aren't wrong for being against those changes. Not to say change is wrong, but it's not objectively right and framing those who support the previous authors as the villainous fans is just pathetic. Johnson making his auteur changes would have been less of a problem had that statement not been rife with narrative and framing issues. It would have been less of a problem if he at least respected the established lore and plot of this new trilogy to compound upon it's salience. He washed away almost all of the most gripping aspects of the first movie. Now maybe JJ brings some back, because the control is back in his hands. But plot wise TLJ didn't really advance our understanding of this new era. Rey is trained up, and Kylo is definitely the baddie. Phasma and Snoke both squandered. Po, Finn, and Rey all underutilized despite being the main cast. That's really about it. All the other interesting aspects were retconned or shelved.

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  9. You know, I sort of like the actress playing Rey. She has a great stoic/determined expression. But that alone doesn't make a movie and yeah, that trailer is a snooze. I don't even find it bad-it's-funny, just uninspiring and static.


    Is it wrong that I'd sorta like to see Rey and Kylo Ren get together, discover there's a middle-ground to be had, make lots of little Grey-Side babies and rule the universe? :teehee:  *runs away*


    It's a teaser trailer.


    I thought Rey and Kylo could have changed the paradigm of the force, but after what Kylo became in TLJ I think that story is permanently closed. Killing your father because you were seduced by the dark side is one-thing. Especially when it was set before you as your first true step to cross-over and could have been a point of coming to one's sense in deep regret. Instead he went on an intentional killing spree and already burned Rey despite her extending a second chance.


    Now that Finn has Rose. It's gunna be Po and Rey if anything is pulled at all. Or maybe he's actually her brother :p

  10. Strong brand recognition. Chops in a genre that not many developers successfully produce in. Still a somewhat novel take on that genre. Continually bending towards mass appeal. Leverage of sexual and romantic pursuits. Strong marketing campaigns and promises of totally unique settings.


    Not surprised it lasted this long, but it seems like they've run their course unless something is done to reform the division. Honestly though it's less BioWare needs to be whipped into shape by EA, and more EA has made BioWare what they are today. That's why its been encouraged this long. It makes money. Now that the brand is soiled and the EA has lost their minds with a predatory format, only finally might they consider something different.


    Plus investing now after so many years of scalping is a lot easier to stomach than investing for the sake of pure growth along like what Amazon, CDPR, and Apple all tend to do. Which means minimizing dividend payouts. EA investors want their dividends and they want them now.

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