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Posts posted by injurai

  1. Greenlight has a confirmation bias, because most worthy games that get greenlit would probably have been hand curated on the old system. There is plenty of drivel on Steam to the point I'd rather follow indie game releases through other forums and media outlets than browse a back log of tiny images to pluck out something interesting.

  2. I was hoping it'd be Keanu.


    That's actually a great pick. Yeah, I don't particularly see Isaac as the Duke personally, though I think he could still do a great job. The Duke's role isn't that large anyways.


    For some reason I keep seeing Pedro Pascal as Duncan Idaho, I think he'd be the perfect pick for that role.

  3. Everyone's a critic. So therefor nobody is. Which begs the question, why do some people get called critics. Well because they are paid for their opinion, it's a title. Genuine opinion or not, it's only the people that reliably produce the desired opinions which retain their employment. A show that lacks free praise will need it to come from somewhere.

  4. Seeing as the PC platform has nearly flawless BC, never mind the best emulation options, it's always the best time to be a PC gamer. It's also always super super cheap to jump in the game on a year or two old hardware compared to what its like to buy a console a few years into it's life cycle.


    Even at the height of steams awful monopoly, it still managed to be more pro-consumer than any of the walled garden consoles.

    • Like 4
  5. I don't even think the indie market is even looking all that appealing to me at the moment. Well maybe The Last Night if it manages to come out. Though I am very excited to see what Jonathan Blow puts out next, but that's more because I'm a PL theory junkie.

  6. I don't even think people know their true selves. If all you do is try to put on an appearance of a true self, your true self is someone that puts on an appearance and ultimately your whole persona is not only just a persona, but a lie as well.

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    I have not seen any evidence that systems with many parties actually operate any better. It seems that an even smaller portion of the population ends up controlling everything as the vote gets split so much. I suppose those systems become less polarized though as there is more solidarity among all the disparate groups.

    Define "better"?.... Well, at least it works in a place like Denmark. They currently have 9 parties in parliament.


    I do remember from my childhood and teenage years that there used to be quite a few more. I can remember at least 5 parties from top of my head not on this list. It has happened that the major parties actually formed governments across the "left/right" divide (something that might currently be unthinkable in the US)



    Is it efficient? Probably not. But, it seems to work. Many views gets represented and extremes generally gets avoided. Mind you, haven't been keeping tabs on the old country the last 17-18 years.



    I always forget about congressional/parliamentary seats when it comes to multiple parties. It always seems to me though that filling the top executive position is always more of a **** show the more parties there are. Usually resulting in some elite plurality to rule. I say usually but I keep thinking about the UK as my example.

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