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Posts posted by injurai

  1. Now that Interstellar's Publications are real science, I guess it's open season on re-using it's artistic interpretation of gravitational lensing.


    Trailer is cut like every other "art horror" film though, all I can gather is a weak justification for placing its unlikely claustrophobic setting. I'll need a better trailer to really consider this prior to reception.


    This is the most pansy bïtch äss move I think they've made yet. I'm not surprised when corporations are greedy and driven by fiduciary responsibilities to grow their investors money. This is totally different.


    These are called "Test Cells." I first visited one Oblivion with a console command. It was well known, the console itself was not even hidden away. PC gaming culture at the time reveled in the freedom the console exposed, and it was tradition to both enter cheats there and general tinker. Bethesda knows better than anyone the mod-culture that they've promoted and embraced over the years. I've since used them in Fallout, Fallout NV, and Skyrim (the last Bethesda game I saw worthy buying.) Fallout 4 had them, and it looks like even Morrowind had some. These have been part of the Bethesda's fan-base culture for sooo many years.


    I do not expect a dev to ban it's paying customers for what are left in the game as easter eggs since at least Morrowind. "Oh but this is a multiplayer game and it allows people to cheat." Well fine, take the test cells out. Don't ban your PAYING CUSTOMERS you fücking neanderthal pillocks!!!

    • Like 2
  3. I'll probably see Captain Marvel in theaters merely as a form of preparing for Avengers 4. Otherwise I'd certainly skip it. Shame about Disney doing their own streaming service since that makes it harder to just skip theatrical releases, I really don't more than one subscription at a time.


    I like how normies is itself such an outdated concept on the internet. It's proper old***. (I self censored that btw, give me internet points for much consideration.)


    I think internet culture shifting from mostly university professionals and enthusiasts, to mostly kids with free-time still working out their behavioral issues is mostly why the internet started to such so much. Eternal September and all that. This forum is oddly reminiscent of the older days to be honest.


    I don't think so, I was using internet on high school (old days of first counter strike) as most of my classmates and it was much more... familiar? It was days when you didn't needed ad block, corporations where not all over the place and oversensitive people were still mocked and not in power.




    Well, I think the stakes weren't as high. Once the discourse in games was poisoned, then it just became the water people swam in. I remember looking up to older players in CS when I was young. Now it's common to have little ****s spazz out in a server where there is no admin to boot them. Rip private servers and all that. I think self-monitoring of the web early on also really helped stave off the tragedy of the commons so to speak. Plus the average person was slightly fearful and reverent towards the internet, now it's primordial nether to act out in.


    But yea, corporations have contributed a lot to the shift.

    • Like 1

    Sometimes the available expert is located abroad, but even still most politicians don't practice what they preach when it comes to health care access. How often you get an objectivist politician?


    It's not like he has some rare or uncommon condition that needs to be treated



    Yeah, which is why I'm saying sometimes, not this time.

  6. I like how normies is itself such an outdated concept on the internet. It's proper old***. (I self censored that btw, give me internet points for much consideration.)


    I think internet culture shifting from mostly university professionals and enthusiasts, to mostly kids with free-time still working out their behavioral issues is mostly why the internet started to such so much. Eternal September and all that. This forum is oddly reminiscent of the older days to be honest.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm guessing the PS5 will have unified memory, so the split between CPU and GPU segments will be dynamically shifted as necessary. If the CPU and GPU do get dedicated segments, that's because that is some sort of minimal threshold, with the rest being fought over between the two. The only reason why some memory is left dedicated to the OS is so you don't have to fault massive chunks of memory whenever you need to dip into system menus or jump back into a game. It's the reason why sometimes the OS can be forced into a trimmed mode for the graphic-junky developers as the generation progresses, but the console makers don't want the devs to be trampling on all their responsive ecosystem features especially on launch. They also want a means to ensure games that do use those services, like the multiplayer games, simply work as intended for the developers.

  8. If its forced it's probably because they see upcoming VR titles that they are confident in.


    I have not seen a single VR game that is more than a gimmick. It would be too risky to go all in on a peripheral without it being a vector to move software.

    • Like 1
  9. If the PS5 is just a little under 2 years out, I would not be all that surprised that 6TB becomes more economically priced by then. OLED is still a bit odd, however OLEDs continue to work their way into more products at more and more economical costs. This year we'll be seeing more OLED laptops, and the cheapest OLED screens will be one's that had been previously pushed for mobile devices. Ergo, the same form factor as the PS5 controller.


    I still think bundling VR is a very bad idea, unless Sony plans to take some massive losses on VR. With Microsoft's increasing ability to lean on high-spec PCs, Sony really benefits from being ahead with console specs. Early gen when available titles are slim, specs have a huge impact on purchasing behavior, so it's best they don't skimp just to fit in the VR. In fact it's usually best that they take a loss on hardware to make the best system to sell their own 1st party titles.


    Still I think having a really strong launch lineup is going to be the most important thing this gen over specs. If they can launch with exclusives as opposed to having a strong final year like on the PS3, then I think they'll win consumers hearts. That would be the one chance to force VR into the living room, if they just have an absolute smorgasbord of high profile titles in the launch window.


    So far rumors suggest The Last of Us Part II, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding are all launch / early titles on the PS5. I have even heard Final Fantasy VII Remake will be too. I don't know if that one is actually exclusive or not, but so far it's only listed for the PS4. That might turn into the PS5.

  10. I do feel most Linux support is a result from building engines and tooling on top of technologies that are multi-system already for the sake of support other non-gaming use cases. Unity with it's mono-runtime for example. Linux is used a lot of medical imaging and has a degree of university support. Super-computers need nvidia drivers to support their CUDA needs.


    If it wasn't for these things, there would be really zero reason to try and capture that 1% of the market.

  11. Some interesting leaks on the PS5. True or not, it all seems plausible and is inline with what I would have expected.




    Most shocking claim is that 8GB will be reserved by the OS. As far as the controller screen, I picture something still small in form-factor not actually a Wii U slate.


    Honestly I could probably go for 32GB with no VR, but forcing VR might be the best way to kickstart the VR revolution. I'm certainly looking forward to a proper non-gimmick VR game that has depth, plays well, and is over 20 hours long.


    I'm also very much in agreeance with the release window with respect to where 7nm, Zen2/3, and Navi currently are. That's like a year to finalize specs and a year to manufacture initial supplies. Seems like the right time frame.

  12. Gabbard's worst track record lies with her personal beliefs that marriage is between a man and a woman, which there is no evidence this has changed but she has laid down that fight as far as her political career is concerned.


    I'm personally very much a fan of her foreign policy though, in so far as what her stances have been thus far. I also think establishing a new long-term foreign policy is necessary to establish a foundation by which we can figure out what America's internal economic policies need to be. While I also opposed the TPP last election cycle, given where things currently stand with China. Both on the trade war, the current US deficit, and maybe most alarming to me the IP-drain currently being enacted on the US which relies on IP and rendering of skill services related makes up 80% of our economy. Currently I'm in favor of some new trade-partnership that will hopefully strengthen America's presence in SEA, while maintaining the independence of Taiwan. Honestly I think India is probably the better ally than China, but giving up our relation with China would probably only bring them closer with Russia. The original signatories of the TPP are probably a good network to re-approach for something new. I honestly think the US might be able to find itself some valid manufacturing sectors to round out the bottom rung of non-skilled labor that keeps being used as a political crutch to change the guards without actually attending to labor issues. Something probably needs done to encourage most of America's largest corporations to bring their assets back to American shores. This might be have to entail tax cuts, but only on corporate gains, not personal income or dividend payouts. She's also pro-science and environmental conscience which, regardless of economic interest groups, I think is important solely to maintain a scientifically literate figure head for a nation that relies so much on innovation for it's economy.

  13. Play Civ 2, and when you're done with scientific research victory, you can play its sequel Alpha Centauri, also one of the best games ever made. :dancing:


    If you have Civ V and win a scientific victory and have Beyond Earth installed you can literally launch it from your win screen.

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