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Posts posted by injurai


    I also think the slowdown is a feature that is either only available or only really useful if you orient your build and play around direct combat. So if you're a stealth character and you can't get by on your gunplay alone. You won't have the time dilation to brute through, you'll be more pressed to employ your builds alternative strategies.

    Maybe there will be stat which is responsible for your “slowdown meter”. Maybe it will have other applications than just slowing time in combat.



    Well one of the mentioned features is slowing time to assess the situation, there is a skill that allows you to pull stats on the enemies you put your reticule over.


    I wonder if the game will have varying damage based on where you shoot the enemy? I do really like Fallout's injury system. If you could hobble a big brute of an enemy so it can only limp over to you while you focus fire on some ranged mobs. That would be some really nice crowd control.


    So yeah, I hope there is some tactical crowd control options.


    It's an MMORPG. The most dominant games now are massively social versions of traditional genres.

    A persistent online RPG is different than a single player RPG is the distinction I'm making. No one knows about Deadfire. My friends even forgot. But they all know about Fallout 76.



    I'm not sure we are disagreeing. I am saying it's an mmo, but it's an rpg too. There is a craving for rpgs just most people would rather game socially now.

  3. As long as you can pour enough hours into it and it's replayable. Hellblade is like what 6-8 hours max? Hellblade was more bringing back a middle tier of development and I know they made a shorter game to purposely push a greater amount of effort behind the content that they managed. I'd hope the campaign of the outer worlds is at least 20-30 hours depending on pace, and hopefully 70-90 with side content. Though even more is always nice, especially if you play as a completionist.

  4. If we are locked in first person for the entirety of the game then I want to reiterate my hope for good field of vision options


    If I can't play with a 90-105 FOV then I will be miffed, thanks for bringing it up. This is now at the top of my list for priorities. I'd imagine Unreal already has the faculties for this setting, Obsidian probably just needs to hook up the options and role out some UI to select the values. Let's hope they don't skimp.

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  5. Yes! Reduced ability to define my character!


    There is always someone who tries to paint allocation of finite resources this way. Their justification is well reasoned.


    Personally I can't believe they won't let me define myself as a poor line-cook trying to impress my chef for a promotion. Can't believe they don't facilitate that important aspect of my character's identity.



    “We really wanted to focus on you role-playing your character,” Boyarsky said, “developing the unique personalities of your companions as fully fleshed out people.”

    Romance, he said, has a tendency to funnel gameplay and temper the decisions players make in the game in unusual ways. For that reason, they opted to leave it out.

    “We had to pick what we were going to put our time into,” Boyarsky said. “Other people have explored the romance angle in different ways. We felt like sometimes it kind of waters down your roleplaying for your character because it turns into this mini game of how do I seduce this companion or that companion. So it was just one of the things we felt wasn’t really what we wanted to focus our time on. [...] We’re really trying to be focused on a specific experience so that we can polish that experience and give players the best version of that experience that we can.”

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  6. I'm theoretically in favor of CRISPR-Cas9 human gene editing, but only when done under care and meticulous scrutiny of the entire scientific and medical community at large. Yes a lone genius might pioneer the boundaries, but they should still have their work vetted and guided careful oversight. It's both about the moral ramifications and it's about accurately mapping out what we know is possible in regards to gene-editing and where things fall apart.

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    most sad thing now, all idiots who seen obs cinematic and now commenting on good music:


    Yeah, they should know him from Trainspotting like the rest of us.



    I had to look it up but this song didn't appear in Trainspotting, I would know it's in my top 10 favorite movies. To my surprise though, it is in the second part of the soundtrack which is music that either didn't make the cut or helped inspire the tone of the film. Fun stuff!

  8. If there was a VATS-like system, I think it would need to be more enriching then what we got from Bethesda. I know they probably felt like they had to stick to the roots especially when making such a modern incarnation of the classic series. I only ever found VATS enjoyable when my own skills where falling short and I'd rather role the dice for a chance rather than meet a sure death.


    If we do have party members, some sort of pause menu to delicate flanking positions and actions would be a nice start. Keeping the actions points of vats I think is a perfectly fine way to go. I'm sure a lot could be borrowed from jrpgs for the menus, FO3/4 Vats is just way too bare bones.

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