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Posts posted by injurai

  1. So apperantelly my boy Neil DeGrasse Tyson tried to hit on some chick who he invited to his flat for cheese and wine, failed, let her leave and is now alleged for sexual misconduct? Yeah sure ladies, push harder, seduction is only successfull or its rape xD


    Maybe my head is in the sand, but I thought this was already blowing over for the nothingburger that it is.


    The only aspect of the game that is concerning me are some of the facial animations. Some are either good or riding in the uncanny valley. I was most prominent at 1:11 in the trailer, a still frame of the woman going :0


    Facial animations are just fine.


    Certainly better than ME:A. That mad scientist looking dude had fine animations it was that girl that looked too stiff.

    • Like 2

    Bioshock Infinite is Americana, The Outer World is far out sci-fi. How is that even closely similar?


    The art style comes from the same time period and they both seem to be Americana.


    I mean, that advertising style was also seen in Europe around the same time. So it's not exclusively American. People forget how global the world already was at the time.


    It bears more resemblances to the Art Nouveau of the first Bioshock game, sans the Art Deco, than it does the American Exceptionalism of Infinite.



    Don't hate the player hate the game.


    Judging a woman who gets cold with her largely cretinous fan base is just the worst expectation to place on someone who owes these people nothing.

    They pay for her entire lifestyle...


    Yeah but they're a bunch of trash that should be exploited.



    Exactly. Or rather, they sow the seeds to the fruits they want to grow. They want to watch a pretty woman facilitated in life financially unencumbered, just some of them think they are owed something extra.

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