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Posts posted by injurai

  1. The Spice must flow!



    On a separate not it occurs to me Donald Trump might be doing us all a real favor. He may well kill off the notion of the "celebrity President" for good and all. The US has been flirting with it for decades and finally pushed the button in '16. Don't think we'll be doing that again. 


    He won't. People will be back at the faucet. Another reason accelerationism is more of a form of bargaining.

  2. I said deify to mark out your caricature of morality as a sapient personification. Nobody had done so, so jesting at such a thought is merely straw-manning. There is a reason we argue that individuals must uphold and re-inculcate morals into politics. I'm also pointing out that Trump wasn't elected to build a wall or to oppose Israel, his populist promises to lay-people was always duplicity. The most that will come of the wall with be laundering fund through construction companies in pockets of "renovation."


    To rewrite that run on sentence. Trump's populist posturing is solely a power tactic. He spins people's wheels with destitute and outlandish demands to force a consolation deal which is closer to what he actually wants and pulls negotiation power away from the other table. Empty gestures to seek re-election is not the same as fulfilling some debt owed to his electorate. Which he isn't actually held to fulfill and thus won't, because his motivations lie elsewhere.



    sandpeople tarbabies


    Is this what passes as a valid conception to you?

  3. I look forward to a new era of MIB tbh. Hopefully they are at least solid fun films. I only ever saw the first Kingsman but that filed what I felt to be a similar niche as the original MIBs.


    I hope Hemsworth plays it pretty straight a lot of the time, the vet / rookie formula is really what makes those films so fun.

  4. Nobody is making that caricature of deified morality. Kurds are not a worthless nor immoral people. They are allies who seek to uphold their own dignity. Trump wasn't elected to fulfill any vision of any lay-person whatsoever. Trump's populist posturing is solely a power tactic to spin people's wheels to bring consolation deals closer to something that he does ultimately want to pursuing things so destitute and outlandish that other's strike bad deals.

  5. I thought David Harbour would be perfect, but that makeup lacks any semblance of charm. I think that's a major reason why the previous entry's were so enjoyable. Also they ape Perlman a little too hard and you have Harbour trying to push that direction that he's been given through that awful latex face.

  6. A few people who have been around a little while (like nearly twenty years) abandoned this forum after New Vegas, came back for PoE and were disappointed by it. Do not intend to rake over those ashes.


    Noticed (a) hype train for this game and (b) Microsoft buying Obsidian and thought it was all quite interesting. Interesting enough to pop back in and say hello / check it out. If I unduly moved anyone's cheese by admitting I thought playing PoE was like being water-boarded by Sawyer's paramilitary gaming cadre, then I apologise fulsomely. 


    Oh, and no Romances. That made me chuckle.


    I hope us newer generation of Sawyer acolytes don't displease you too much.

    • Like 1
  7. One of my favorite aspects of Morrowind was getting written/spoken instructions in the writing/voice of a character that related to some sort of question or job. You had to then go explore what it meant to fulfill this request.


    What was awful in Skyrim was how often the character told you what to expect, then the game would just guide you through to some object that needed acquired. I don't care about fulfilling an npc's fetch quest. I care about exploration, investigation, discovery, and problem solving. Give me that, and give me the wonderful writing in character to a particular npc that fills out the game world. That's a realized rpg world. Not the sort mechanical rote that has sadly become common. The waypoint compass is just the realization of that rote mechanic. It doesn't mean the deeper planning ins't there, but it often does. It circumvents the need for richer quest design.

  8. Except so many of Disney's animation classics have a lot of sexual innuendo. L0L


    Sexual innuendo seems generally okay if it's coy enough, adult flirting almost always implies sex and older Disney works had more adult casts. People usually expect young love to be more timid and self-conscious.


    I keep hearing this other CDPR rpg that isn't a Witcher game. I'm not sure I've seen any proof of that. I do know they mentioned they'd like to continue the franchise and explore someone other than Geralt.


    I look forward to what InXile has cooking as well.


    It is mentioned (and subsequently covered in some online stories) in CDPR's corporate filings: two big RPGs to be released between 2017 and 2021. the first we know is Cyberpunk. The second, CDPR has commented it is not a Witcher game and that's all they will say about it.


    I know about the 2019 and 2021 release windows that they keep talking about in investor meetings. I just hear a lot of ad-hoc rumors about a new IP when the only thing I've heard from the mouths of the developers is that they want to do more Witcher just without Geralt.

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