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Posts posted by injurai

  1. It's not a reference to the novel when the punch line is literally considering the concept of landing on the sun, and further doing so to paint an irrational portrayal of Orcasio-Cortez. So it's just the world's lowest tier strawman image macro.


    You can quote her directly in-context and fulfill an agenda better than that.


    Water should never have a cost. Watered bottles is a crime against humanity.

    Its nice for you guys living in first world countries to believe that but in many countries people have to pay for water and when you have droughts these costs can and do increase in the form of taxes\tariffs





    Water should be available to everyone. If you don't think so, then you must not be familiar with the modern marvel of democratically raising levies for public utilities. Public investment in shared resources that in the long run yield savings is a corner stone of the modern world.


    You pay for the maintenance of the utility providers, but that uses public infrastructure. Free access to water and a cost to maintain society around you are not incongruous.



    back to big stompy robits



    September 10th, 2019

    If Cyberpunk releases anywhere near that date I'm going to throw such a hissyfit. ;(

    The loan CDPR received from the Polish government states that the game has to release before either June or July of 2019.


    Nice. I could use a good reason to stay indoors come summer.

  4. Yeah, so many games these days manage to build in hybrid systems so I'm never quite sure what all rpg or action or fps is meant to imply unless you see the thing it's being applied to. So it's fun to sort of read between the lines of the little tid bits and clues that we get. Of course Fallout 3, 4 & NV are essentially shooters but also rpgs, they have stealth and lock picking. So is that game not an immersive sim? It would be less fun if those games had no action combat and was purely vats (imo.)


    I find it hard to believe Project Indiana will be isometric if they aren't using their Pillars engine. I suppose it could be more of a Kotor/NWN/DA:O party style 3D RTwP over-the shoulder / free cam sort of rpg. Honestly those sorts of rpgs seem heavily out of style and I'm not exactly convinced even Obsidian would try to drag those back without some hefty modernization. Solely based on markey risk. And DA:I is kind of a lame "offline mmo" in how it plays, I don't think anyone is trying to emulate that anymore. I'm left with feeling it will be action-oriented but with much deeper rpg systems then we typically see from other immersive sims, or perhaps just a full 3D isomorphic game with strategic controls.


    Yeah, I just like seeing how much mileage I can get out of speculation before all my questions are put to rest.

  5. Immersive sims range quite a bit though. I don't consider Bioshock one, thought it's inspired, it's really a proper FPS in the vein of Half-life. But If you had to, it and Prey would be on the FPS side. Deus Ex, the game the term was coined for by Warren Spectre in the game's post-mordem, is much heavier on rpg-elements. As is Vampire:TMB. Dishonored and Thief are much more oriented on stealth.


    The trend in the genre is to have a pre-designed character and the theme of being locked in somewhere that is hostile, or infiltrating some place you aren't supposed to be. Based on what little I know of Project Indiana, it using Unreal 4, being the passion project of Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky, Tim saying it would appeal to Fallout fans, Obsidian already having done numerous 3rd-person infinity-like RTwP iso-rpgs. My thought was that Indiana was probably going to have a gameplay loop much like an immersive sim, but buck a lot of the trends most of those games have. To essentially be a modern successor to the mechanics of VTMB. Something to push the rpg elements further, a world with plenty of friendly and neutral npcs. Of course if this game will have guns, that means free-aim tactical shooting. I know Cyberpunk 2077 is basically a bit of everything from heavy pnp-rpg systems to full action FPS wall running and close melee. I don't imagine Indiana being as ambitious in combat, nor as fast actioned as that. But I could see it being rather environmentally tactical with an emphasis on dialogue interactions.


    For some reason I just don't think this will be a party based game, but I could be totally wrong. I'm expect an AI companion being more likely. If it is a party based game, I would hope it was 3rd Person over the shoulder with some sort of RTwP system. I really don't want a 3rd person turn-based game like The Bureau XCom. I would actually be disappointed if it was. Otherwise I'm open minded, even if pulling for something specific in mind. And yeah, I've said it before but I feel a golden age of science fiction mixed with a space race era science fiction as the thematic roots. The Bioshock & Fallout comparison really is just coming from the reality of what advertising was for many years in the early days of Madison Ave. New IP, likely sci-fi, probably called The Outer Worlds, guns, obviously retro. I guess we'll find out Thurday who is most correct.

  6. Probably not. I usually hit the major blockbuster movies through the year if I want to see them at all, and I haven't really been into any of Disney's shows. Unless they have a strong portfolio of licensed movies or step up their game in developing unique niche series then there probably won't be much for me. I don't even have enough time to watch everything I want to see on Netflix, Amazon and HBO. Disney has to net something interesting. Amazon just nabbed a Lord of the Rings and Wheel of Time series.


    As of now I don't know of any worthwhile existing IP that Disney is pursuing, and what they have is being run thin. Right now Disney is working to consolidate 20th Century Fox and I'm not sure there is really much in that portfolio that I'm interested in seeing off of the theater screen.

  7. Fresh content makes a bigger splash. I'm not surprised. Since Shield is a network show, they probably renewed so they can make it only streamable on their new service one it comes out. Decent way to drag people over, then hit 'em with the new stuff.

  8. Take-Two, owner of Bioshock, still one of the companies most valuable IPs. Ken Levine busy on a smaller team developing new IP. Private-Division a publishing label for collaborating with non-subsidiary studios. An aesthetic reminiscent of Bioshock, set in space a viable setting for yet another failed utopia. Tim Cain frequently referencing first-person shooters in his talk. Obsidian uniquely positioned to inject a higher degree of Role-playing into a genre already heavy on rpg-lite content. An unfilled niche of the System Shock, FPS Rpg variety in the current market.


    I can see it. The thing is, Private-Division does not seek to own IPs and was setup to fund high tier indie and AA games. Obsidian has trademarked The Outer Worlds. Project Indiana has been repeatedly described as a new IP. Tim Cain mentioning the new game has a lot of himself in it, whatever that means, but also that Fallout and Arcanum are other games with the most of himself in it. He seems to be fond of a sort retro-futurist backdrop to role play in. Honestly, I think it will be something new, unless the claims of it being a new IP were a red herring to guard against rumors.

    • Like 3
  9. What do people think of the Spacer's Choice ad? I find it odd that they are saying it's not the best choice. It's like, hey it might not be the best it's our take on this thing. Spacer's Choice also sounds like a brand targeted at someone who is a professional "Spacer." Is that like a Futurama delivery person, is that some interstellar RV camping vagabond on a budget? The very brand seems to cater to a particular identity, and seems to let a reputation proceed it's lack of technical chops.


    While I don't necessarily find the add funny, It seems like it eludes to a fleshed out world that has it's own self-aware dynamics. Hence appealing to being a Spacer. Somehow their products target the Spacer's needs best. Also the ads are clearly antiquated in style, so even the Better Than Nature, doesn't really sell me on anything. But I suspect it some how speaks to a type of person within this universe.


    I think it's clear this game will be an "alternate evolution of human society" sort of game just as Fallout is thematically. Right now the old style of audio recording gives off very much a similar feel the Fallout and Bioshock have tapped into. I'm curious to see how this game sets itself apart both in play and in world building.

  10. Oh yeah, I remember the triangle dialogue wheels talk. Or was it about character alignment and simplifying interactions?


    It was triangle and other geometric skill selection, as opposed to pools of numbers which don't always truthfully convey their affects. The idea was to mask the underlying math with a physical representation that was more inline with how stats are used and play-out in relation to the game mechanics. It wasn't about simplifying systems it was about first picking meaningful systems then conveying them in a psychologically conscious way to the player. That you need to guide the players through the learning curve to best lower their understanding to the right abstraction of a complex system. Then the character interaction thing was about having NPCs properly convey emotions and react appropriately to how a character is created and played. The example being an Argonian shop keeping not displaying human emotions, but worse not even having ecstatic lines to acknowledge you when your a frequent customer. Then he talks about examples he's proud of from Fallout and Arcanum for particular reactive systems. These were 2 of the 7 lessons he's learned while making role-playing games.


    Yes, I did indeed rewatch the whole thing yesterday. Such a great talk. I'll probably watch it again once I've seen a full reveal of "The Outer Worlds?" or whatever Project Indiana ends up being.

    • Like 4



    Do you have the link to this?  I am interested in listening to this interview.







    Followed with... I am suddenly much LESS excited for this game.  Pretty much every single thing he said... I disagree with.  I will wait to see what is said in the announcement... but... damn, now I am not sure at all if I will like this.  I had literally got my hopes up that it would be Arcanum in space... and now that seems VERY unlikely...




  12. I am excited by the mere idea of simply knowing more about this project a week from now. :p


    Tim Cain's 2017 talk on RPGs and seven common mistakes that he and other developers have made in the past give me VERY high hopes for this project and I already know I'm going to love the art direction based on the two teasers alone.


    Obsidian are now my go to developers for when I want a deep, singleplayer RPG experience. CD Projekt RED are fine too, but I feel they make more action oriented games with RPG elements and who even knows how far Cyberpunk 2077 is from release. And Bethesda Game Studios? Ha! I have seriously lowered my expectations with their releases. Fallout 4 was shallow as hell and Fallout 76 is just... well... There's plenty of vitriol online that pretty much reflects my feelings towards the game. Fastest I have ever refunded a game.


    But Obsidian? They are one of only a few beams of light, cutting through the smog and the layers of crap that is the modern gaming industry.


    TL:DR; I'm excited.


    I really enjoyed that talk Cain gave. I might have to rewatch it now. Obsidian is indeed a lonely beam of light.

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