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Posts posted by injurai

  1. The industry successfully moved away from front-side busses and northbridges. I would think a similar sort of memory hierarchy change could be slated to bring the CPU and GPUs closer together on gaming and workstation desktops. With the PCIe buses and SDRAM all sitting so far apart, it seems like the next major frontier would be to bring all of this closer together. Hell even non-volatile memory could stand to get a bit closer. I'd think this sort of thing was probably still 10 years out, but I would not be surprised if this is where things are headed. You would have the same byopc design desktops have always had, but something much closer in spirit with the architecture of an APU, just not as a SOC as it would be applied at a slightly further up level in the memory hierarchy


    Especially the way asynchronous parallel computing is going these days with 32+ simd cores, having them tear through all the awful branch heavy logic to determine which matrix transforms further get crunched, which need written back to the GPU along with the command buffers. Especially now that things like Vulkan really get the most of the GPU and CPUs, the memory hierarchy between can only be made better for this paradigm of numeric computing. I'm sure the CUDA people wouldn't mind closing the gap either, as the latency for computer kernels dictates if it's even worth offloading something to the GPU.

  2. I'm just wondering if we'll get to a point where Mueller and team finally pin something publicly on Trump. I guess for national securities sake they'd rather circle the waters and pick off the extremities of Trump's operating body, and I suppose others would rather Pence not be potus. Short of Trump pardoning himself, I don't rally see him having much of a future in the United States after all is said and done. Course he'll have that shiny new Trump Tower in Moscow to move into.

  3. Pretty excited about the casting for Dune so far. Timothy Chamalet as Paul Atreides is a good match I think. Stellan Skarsgård as Baron Harkonnen could be good too. Of course the most important thing is that Villeneuve is directing.


    Dune is by far the cinema project I'm most anticipating. I absolutely love every casting choice they've made this far. Especially the Baron, Paul and Lady Jessica.

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  4. Democracy Now has an agenda, but I'm fairly certain that agenda is to keep governments honest. One might say the same about Wikileaks, though I'm not sure exactly where they stand these days with their bias, it's all too obscure. But that's what one would expect from an organization focused on protecting its existence in order to fulfill it's goal.


    AP/Reuters/C-Span you might not call news, but they certainly keep things honest (relatively) even if they don't call out the wider story.



    The insane hysteria and outrage from the radical far left and people who have just plain lost their minds over this was both hilarious and really really really sad. All things considered, MAGA hat kid handled the situation amazingly well.  The old native dude got up in his face, and I mean right up in his face, and was beating his drum.  All the kid did was smile at him. People were crying out to have this kid doxxed and to publicly shame him forever.  For what?


    Honestly though, I've seen plenty of leftists transition away from their original kneejerk grievances with what was first depicted, towards other tertiary discoveries from this whole ordeal. Some kid is on camera saying "it's not rape if she enjoys it" and while the group didn't chant "build the wall" at least on person said it. Another said "Santa Claus is white."


    At the same time the Black Hebrew Israelite were openly sexist and homophobic. Trump supports building a wall not for any pragmatic gains but as a symbolic gesture towards the constituency of his populist movement, of which there is no doubt a strong ethno-national bent to it. People will never forget his lack of candor when it came to the Charlottesville rally. His campaign slogan and the hat are synonymous with a larger collective of ideas and ideals, and no matter how nuanced and piecemeal a supporter of his is (let's consider someone who merely thought he was the lesser of two evils) they are no less bearing a symbol publicly that embodies implicit connotations.


    At some point I can only be so upset with the fallacious, illogical, kneejerk hysteria that first befell the whole incident. Mostly it's disgust with the low quality of journalism that the media upholds. I felt lied to. At the same time I hear other unsubstantiated claims like Nathan Phillips not being a veteran, that there wasn't an Indigenous Peoples March, that Phillips was allied with the Black Hebrew Israelite. That's plenty of new material to tear into in opposition of the right co-opting the incident.


    Unless you go historian mode and try to assess what happened and then catalog the evolution of public opinion and understanding of an incident, of which it's facts slowly percolated out into the public. You're really not going to be saying much of particular value other than posturing over how neutral and unassuming you are. I personally could not fathom not criticizing something about that first smug picture, now it's less that kids actions in the moment but more is alignment with Trumps ideology and the further other behavior that was acted out on that day. I'd hardly say the kid handled himself amazing well, he basically handled himself in a bare-minimum way when someone elicits you for audience participation. He humored the scenario and really did nothing to escape. It's not like he felt threatened and was holding steadfast in the face of anything. He became the elected stand in on behalf of his group for a confrontation, you can see how the boys around him egged him and and how he took to staring the Phillips down once he settled into and accepted his role.


    At this point unless I can get a deep minddump of how someone sees this whole ordeal in detail, I'm not really sure I'm even properly registering people's thoughts and feelings beyond my own projected inferences.

  6. People are looking at this all wrong.  EA is courageously sending reviewers a hamstrung version of the game in an effort to stem overhyping, so that players can experience a pleasant surprise when they get the game.  On release, players will get the superior version of the game where they will get to experience the full sense pride and accomplishment that comes with excessive grinding.


    Imagine if we starved a whole generation of modern medicine and technology and just how more appreciative and optimistic everyone would be if they got to experience all that technological growth in their lifetime from humble beginnings.

  7. I think it is a waste of their time and resources. Don't think it will make an appreeciable difference in income for Obsidian.


    But let's see if the TB fans now argue for Larian following Obsidian's lead. I very much doubt it. D:OS2 is perfect as is, right? Only RTwP games need to be 'fixed' with TB mode.


    Granted, it's easier to restrict a complex system into a turn-based one rather than going the other way around.


    Personally I think it speaks to the nature of most turn-based systems though. They are fine when it's an elegant and simple rule set with emergent play like chess or go. But when it's a lot of complex systems that actually narrow you into a few optimal and correct actions, where the roles of different units further restrict the intended use. Then turn-based games become extra-bottle necked by the restriction on unit movement and positioning. No amount of neat environmental interactivity and combination of spells really impresses me because at the end of the day they are just different expressions of things that affect underlying numbers and values on the field.


    It's why I love Advanced Wars and Into The Breach. Or even Civilization. Simpler positional mechanics with positional objectives. But I find X-Com, D:OS, and Banner Saga to be rote chores. Where position is necessary to protect your heath, and then forces you down a path of attack where the setup and arrangement of units with preordained roles narrows the players ability of choice.


    I'm interested to see how one of the best RTwP games fares with these heavy shackles put upon it. I've always considered RTwP a far better system when dealing with very complex stat-value based systems where positioning is also important to play. JRPGs generally do better with their complex stat-value systems when they have little to no positioning, and instead are about balancing damage and defense from a numerical perspective.

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