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Posts posted by injurai

  1. 12 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    Yeah, I really only care about more meta stuff like that if I enjoyed the underlying movie to begin with, which I sadly didn't. I was rapidly switching between impatient, bewildered, and tense (that was then often deflated by the other two feelings) too often to like it. I'm not against slow movies, but I was internally groaning at where the plot was heading from nearly the start (for the record, I did not know Harrison Ford was in this movie, and kind of expected a plot completely separate from the original's), there weren't any particularly interesting or likeable characters for me to latch onto, and I'm just not the type of person that's very intrigued or wow-ed by 3D CGI in of itself, even though this movie's seemed very good. Didn't come together for me.

    (e): Also, I should repeat (since I've said it a few times before) that generic or bland male sole protagonists is very often one the biggest death knells in fiction for me, and well, yeah, K (Gosling) in this was bland and underacted (no doubt deliberately following the original movie, but still) to the extreme.

    Apparently the original cut of the movie was over 5 hours, so it definitely was filmed in a sort of self-indulgent manner. So I'm not surprised that the movie would miss it's mark foundational for a lot of people.

    What makes a generic male protagonist? I have my own ideas, but I don't see gosling's character that way. I can see how he might come across as bland though, though I'd say that's tonally justified as he's a gaslighted replicant expected to fall in rank and file. I'm not trying to get you to like it, I just find it to be one of the sci-fi's with more underpinning substance. I think I'd blame the direction and pacing more than anything. Movies that show not tell perhaps shouldn't be subtle or bury the lead? I don't know. I do know it strains the viewer though.

  2. Not sure I agree with your take. I think the movie mostly explored a world whose structure hollows out the individual person, and explored different pursuits of actualization within those confines. Whether as human, or replicant. The complexity lies within the characters conception of what the world around them is, but they all watch as the facade falls past their face and they are left only with their hopes, dreams, and egos shattered. I think the main character and Love are the two that most exemplar the extremes of this. It was a film of unknowns and possibilities being whittled down the closer one got to a truth that was mean't to never be uncovered. The happenstance that defined the plot was a fluke, an accident. That the viewer get's to watch play out; taken for the ride just as the character is. A replicant with an echo of another's memory sent on a path he was never supposed to go down. Knowing something was hidden, but mistakenly reading in a conspiracy that isn't there because otherwise you'd have come up shore and your journey would meet it's end. With the risk involved in such a world, there was never a chance to admit the gamble was fraught. It was an all-in gamble, and a race, the only question was if he'd see the end. The character didn't lead an interesting life, but he took an interesting leap of faith, and the humanity underneath that was explored along was very much interesting.

    It was very plodding, I'll give you that. I occasionally like a movie like that.

    • Like 1
  3. In this US, there is no ideal voting strategy. Options are limited. Either you vote with conviction and encourage everyone to strive for their ideal. Or you compromise and vote for the lesser of evils.

    Well what people learned is that the earlier they compromise on their ideals, the better chance they get a their candidate through at the end. Doesn't help that the only two parties that matter run more or less private primaries.

    I honestly think I'm starting tap out of the whole "meta-politics" over how other people should be casting their votes. "Don't split, split, don't split, split."

    Plus the President is dual role figure head and leader of the world's largest military. Just imagine finding someone that is the best fit for that role... all while half the institutions that matter run circles around congress with lobbyists and do whatever they want regardless of what the Prez be doing.

  4. 3 hours ago, LittleArmadillo0 said:

    I think that for the next two clans it will be Ventrue and Lasombra based on the background images on the website. I'd really like play Malkavian but I'm very skeptical they will be a playable clan.

    Are you talking about the backgrounds for the "Coming soon" clans. One looks all business. Probably Ventrue. The other looks like an industrial corridor or a building, I'd wager Nosferatu.

  5. They absolutely will, they are a fan favorite. They just might be DLC. Everyone recommends to not play them your first time through, so it's easy to push them back as free DLC.

    I'm skeptical about Lasombra though I really want a Sabbat clan. Nosferatu seem rather likely to be included imo. Already some Gangrel powers got put into thinblood so I think they are definitely not going to be playable.

  6. I loved lost all the way up through season 5. It was season 6 that really disappointed. Though some characters at least had satisfying endings, Hurley, Desmond, Rose & her husband. The final shot (not scene) of the show was super powerful to me. Sayyid and Claire were among the worst characters that last season. Yeesh.

    • Like 1
  7. I didn't know about AMD's architecture managing to eke out performance over Intel's in those areas. Buffer overflow is often very much handled with the OS and compilers, most of the exploits recently seem to be around the timings of various inter-instruction value forwarding that can be exploited. Either by leaking information, or disrupting what should be atomic operations. Branch prediction is especially susceptible to this, as is the whole ILP chain. Especially with supposed "secure" sub-modules that may only exist for nefarious purposes in the first place.

  8. 4 hours ago, Keyrock said:

    Another Vampire: The Masquerade game has been announced, no, not the V:TM2 we already know about. Details are scant and it's only been described as a "Narrative RPG" but what has me excited is that it's being developed by Big Bad Wolf who made The Council, my 2018 GotY. 


    I wonder why CCP Squandered White Wolf were Paradox has immediately started putting it to use...

  9. 1 minute ago, TrueNeutral said:

    I don't know. I was told to leave him to the global moderators...

    I wouldn't be surprised if the globals just gave up on him and stopped approving his posts altogether.

    ... it's a globalist conspiracy!!!!

    • Haha 1
  10. I had noticed the politics thread being more pleasant recently, now I see why.

    I doubt the reason for the ban was not understood. This forum is pretty lax in the modernist (social & discourse) sense. Seems like the line was drawn at the right place, I'm honestly surprised the ban didn't come earlier.

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