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Posts posted by injurai

  1. 3 hours ago, marelooke said:

    Yup, my CPU is from 2010, so slightly younger than yours, but not by much. Did upgrade GPU in the meantime though, because it wouldn't run The Witcher 3 at all with what was in there initially... Currently I have the impression I/O busses are starting to be a limiting factor.

    Yeah, I could run The Witcher 2 on lower graphics and that was about where the machine tapped out. My PC is a Core 2 Duo in it, meaning it still has a north-bridge for busing data, and shortly afterwards with the i7s that was removed from the architecture in favor of faster control logic on the chip. It seems with both the SSD and the Ram, that memory and general is being brought closer to the cache on both CPU and GPU, especially in SOC designs. So I'm inclined to agree with your take.

    It's insane how much has changed since I was last in the market.

  2. 2 hours ago, Chilloutman said:

    ok I was just thinking about it. And don't get me wrong I am all for single player focus and experience BUT I would really not mind if they add expansion for Cyberpunk later including multiplayer in vein of counter strike kind of MP arena/place a bomb/extract data thingy with roles like heavy, commando, sniper, hacker etc later. I can see it work pretty well considering they already going all out on FPS view.

    Now I'm thinking of the source mod NeoTokyo which was a joy to play, I'd love that to be embedded right into Cyberpunk.

  3. 2 hours ago, Chilloutman said:

    So I must say that game does not look that great. Animations are quite meh and textures looks pretty dated. I don't really care that much as I expect other aspects to be what make a good game of vampire but still, seems little bit underwhelming.

    I saw it mentioned on Reddit, that this was probably because animations aren't finished. They avoid showing faces talking at the player, and use camera cuts to make all the vampires seem sort of sneaky and hard to catch sight of. It's a good catch that I think is right.

    This game still has 8-9 months of development left, with even more content coming after launch.

  4. Do the powers that be really want it fixed though?

    America get's to brain drain the world, and put that talent to use in our defense and military complex. We use illegal immigration to compete with foreign companies with lesser labor laws, and also bolsters the wealth of the American business class. Defense of minorities and "the other" constantly feeds into the liberal platform which uses social issues to get in the office war hawks. Immigrants are the forever scapegoat for American industry which takes the heat off of corporate America, and is the feeds into the conservative platform which uses the social issue to get in war hawks as well. Oh and America can constantly flaunt being for dreamers and how America is about joining a patriotic set of values, while also having a hard litmus test that encourages people to come illegally (and are often incentivized to.) Between most immigrants being younger, and the deportation department being twitchy, it seems America cycles in a cheap workforce of people who would be at the top of their game as far as efficient competency and not yet burned out. Everyone wants to slave for the world's greatest reserve currency even when it's a bad deal.

  5. Despite playing like a 2014 "AA" game, Watchdog: Legion looks fun in a cheeky way. Always wanted a GTA set in London, this tone fits the city even better.

    Not sure if I'll get it, but it would be a good sale pickup.

    I like the perspective of playing just about any NPC and leveraging their unique loadout. That's a gimmick I can admire.

  6. 20 minutes ago, ShadySands said:

    I preordered Keanu on GOG and I don't even have a gaming capable PC at the moment :(

    If you pre-order it, the new rig will come

    Lol, yeah I'm building a rig specifically for Cyb... er Keanu as well. Not sure when though, I don't have a sense of when to lock in a build and get the parts.

    My last PC for reference was build January 2009... it's been a while... I swear I thought HL3 would be the game to get my to build a whole new rig.

  7. 33 minutes ago, ShadySands said:

    These all really hit home. The entire paradigm of private life and upward mobility is way off course for the lives of millennials. Even a millennial who managed to land good paying job is way behind the average boomer in life progress, net worth, and home ownership. The thing with boomers though, is it seems many of them relinquished many of their advantages over the decades so it's not even a matter of them just dying off and passing the baton. In fact it's mostly young people being taken off their life course to support a generation that is retiring early and living for ever, all while the young generation isn't getting any air space to start their own families.

  8. So Zenimax... Obviously Doom Eternal looks great. I guess more content is great for the people that want it.

    Bethesda remains the weakest arm of it's own company.

    Ghostwire: Tokyo looks intriguing to say the least.

    Deathloop looks quaint. Edge of Tomorrow 2: Dishonored Boogaloo. Wait... didn't I just say something like this?

  9. As far as I could tell. There wasn't a single MS exclusive that interested me. I love AoE but like, I can only rehash the past for so long.

    Elden Ring seems to be multi-plat, and Aesthetically I'm not really feeling it and I need gameplay anyways.

    Obviously Cyberpunk 2077 content was awesome, easily has been my most anticipated game since that 2013 reveal and it's looking good.

    12 Minutes looks quaint. Edge Of Tomorrow 2: Domestic Boogaloo.

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