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Posts posted by injurai

  1. WoW did it too. I can't remember but I think The Secret World was trying to do a 3 faction split, I never played that one. But yeah MMOs. Which benefit from real people helping to generate a lot of the interactive content, it's a lot harder when everything is bespoke.

    Yeah content wise it doesn't make much sense, usually the deeper agency is found within a nice, otherwise you make a big defining choice once then end up stuck with your decision. Versus a lot of noodling control within a specified framework.

  2. If I recall the whole "DETROYS" thing really took off mid-2000s in talking about sports and video games. Anything competitive. Around the same time people were saying Beast and Uber a lot. For some reason in the political/debate circles it's become a meme, that people at the same time take seriously. All it does is signify someone get's "shutdown" in a salient way, because people like that sort of content.

    Of course when Ben Shapiro destroys someone, it's actually true. You may not have heard, but his wife is a doctor.

  3. I agree, Solo was sort of the wake up call though. They learned their actions have consequences. The producers all pretended that the backlash was just "par for the course toxic super-fans" and that the general populace was okay with whatever auteur-ship ego-trip was being delivered. If the mainline movies aren't delivering, then the intermittent cash ins are going to lose their effectiveness. It can't all be marketing narrative that drives the movies. Which is why I link the failure of those two movies together.

  4. The series is going to resurrect Sam Worthington, the "A-list star" that never was. Weird times ahead. I haven't heard of a single good movie that he's been in since.

    I wonder if he'll have grown a pair of charisma by then to match the likes of the Marvel and Star Wars cast.

  5. It's a challenge. Not everyone would min-max every little thing to make the game impossible, especially not with Trial of Iron on. And if they didn't many wouldn't finish it just for their own satisfaction. By making it a community engagement thing with bragging rights and real rewards, they will encourage people to try the hardest of all hard things that one can do with this game. Makes sense to me.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Purudaya said:

    So the last god challenge is essentially just a switch that turns on all the other challenges? That's something I can do manually - would've been nice to see a new challenge type, especially one that would be attractive to more than a handful of players. That said, I really appreciate the new narrative tweaks; I've played around with the Woedica book and it's a really nice touch. Thanks for a great game and for continuing to integrate community feedback!

    It also forces the game to the hardest difficulty and turns on trial of iron.

    edit: Boereor gave a more in depth answer on the end of the last page. Cheers mate!

    • Haha 1
  7. These delays are just to interleave Disney's and 21st Century's schedules now that they are one. As far as I know all bets are off as to who is directing the 4th trilogy. I didn't get the impression he was insider darling or anything, and his film has done more damage to SW than anything as of late. Well maybe Solo, but those two films were peas in a pod.

    I like having a big escapist sci-fi movie to watch with the family for the Holidays. We'll also be having Dune and Dune 2 to look forward to as well.

    So much big sci-fi. I'm both excited and terrified. There better not be a ton of stinkers in that lot.

  8. Avatar 2 pushed back a year. (2021)

    Avatar 3 pushed back 2 years. (2023)

    Avatar 4 pushed back a year. (2025)

    Avatar 5 pushed back 2 years. (2027)

    Star Wars 4th Trilogy fills the years in-between. (2022, 2024, 2026)

    All releasing in the Pre-Christmas Window.

    New Disney is getting serious.

    • Hmmm 1
  9. I meant flippant as facetious. He's not just making a brief momentary remark that puts on a false pretense for dramatic affect. It's a hounding of a correct perspective that drags on for minutes, all seeped with a righteous indignation against those who have propagated the "misconceptions." In reality the show ends up doubling down on the exact thing it purports to be liberating you from.

    I don't think the show is cynical or conniving. I think it's a bunch of people up their own ass and aren't familiar with rigor. The might be working vigorously to make the show, but not rigorously. Which is why I've entirely written the show off at this point.

    And sorry for all the text plus the 20 minute video, it's just there if you're interested in how bad Adam Ruins Everything is at it's content.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Hurlshot said:

    I just watched it, but it seems more like a comedy bit than any hard hitting history. Of course, all that modern lens looking at history is rubbish. 

    Is Adam ruins everything simply comedy bits that all center around being shockingly and foolishly flippant? And the audience is in on the bit? It's whole premise is being politically educational, it's about "coming up to speed" with what might have been wrong in your text books when you were growing up If you take Adam at all serious as a person off camera, you'll find he's more than a cynical entertainer, he's seriously committed to the mission that the show pushes as it's premise. There is not "in on the joke" if you will.

    Being politically strident works if you are right, and even then it's questionable whether it's actually prudent or virtuous to do so. It also works when you're wrong. The attitude is very much illiberal, as it sells ideas in the format of a "liberal confidence man." But people lap it up because "sticking it to conservatives/inherited ignorance" is a far more tantalizing piece of entertainment then, "let's all learn how to be actually liberals every night after a long days work." People don't care, or if they do they trust the show is honest and is deliver nuggets of truth in an engaging and contemporary format. The show could continue to attack poor ideas or even be openly bias against conservativism, but it's almost as if it doesn't want to take on the real giants, and it runs out of material if it only ever picks low hanging fruit. So I guess they just make **** up? Or they are sloppy and aren't rally dedicated to making a show about liberal truths.

    It's unsurprising how influential these programs are on politics. They sell shibboleths that people are ready to respond to. The soon as a true liberal comes around and steps out of the orthodox, they are nixed. How convenient for the owners of these broadcasting companies. And what's easier for them is they bring up the next generation of producers, hosts, and writers that will happily work on the programs totally unironically because they believe they are "in the trenches for liberalism."

    Shibboleths are like magic. They can be anything, they can be mundane. You sow a whole bunch, little factoids that people latch onto. When someone serious and real comes around, they now have to walk through a bunch of landmines that the populace isn't even all that aware that they hold. But they react on it, because they "can't afford some lunatic running the show."



  11. Ever since the Adam Ruins Christopher Columbus, I've stopped giving him any attention. Yeah, Columbus isn't the first to "discover" the "new world," but it goes beyond that. The whole thing is so political drenched with misinformation, lies, totally inaccurate framing, and is heavily concocted as a guide to thinking "woke."

    It's like it's trying to out liberal the best liberal, but appearing more liberal but actually being less liberal. It's this awful liberal facade that is so in vogue now, and if Adam had any spine he wouldn't be attaching his name to such spurious posturing. Yet he does and continues to do so, so why try to sort through the good and the bad of his content. I'd rather drink from more consistent liberal streams that don't deviate from historical truths. You still derive the same values from history, you just have an accurate portrayal of history to point back upon.

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