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Everything posted by injurai

  1. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/saudi-arabias-crown-prince-just-declared-war-on-the-clerics/article/2638480 There is hope yet in this world.
  2. This is why we need to train 100% accurate trigger aware emotional support dogs, subsidized of course.
  3. I feel like this could be referring to either conservatives or the a certain type of exposed nerve liberal as well... but which.
  4. It very much is. I see people who can really only convey ideas, thoughts, and opinions in the form of sarcasm meant to insinuate they disagree with a particular thing. It should be one rhetorical tool that is sought to be used well, not a mode of being.
  5. Oh man, this is DDL's last performance. I am looking forward this to an incredible extent.
  6. So is that new Mario game inspired by this game? Are the followers now Nintendo?
  7. Why stop at praying. Let's start an underground Skaenite cult and form an effigy to overthrow the tyranny that is cycling. Unfortunately my post was a cry for help as well, I don't have the will to form such a thing. Pray for me.
  8. Josh is clearly letting out a cry for help over his biking addiction. Pray for Josh.
  9. You can also have stupid people who are socialized to be civilized automatons.
  10. Calories reinforce oppressive thermodynamics, socio-normative use of English. A reminder that enjoyment of such treats should be enjoyed from a place of an active and healthy lifestyle. But I think the point is their are warnings all around you, you just have to pay attention to them. Some people ignore the warnings they don't like while complaining about the ones that aren't there.
  11. You've just reinvented the signs and nutrition labels.
  12. Triggered by projection, or preferably projectile triggering.
  13. HL2 Ep3 is technically still upcoming because it's never been canceled. I usually consider forthcoming to be a more prompt and less distant constraint for a future indefinite.
  14. The more people you let in, the more animals you have to kick out. It's simple math.
  15. Neoliberal economics is largely based on expedience. The idea is that the market will respond faster than the government, but one has to raise capital external from the market in order to shift spending in a market. This is because at market cap all markets become protectionist, because to grow there the companies had to be fully self-invested. Too much liquid capital and your beat to market cap. The market doesn't like large amounts of liquid capital so they rely on tax dollars or inflation. There is pragmatism in it all, but only because it's expedient. The results somehow prove a virtue which is not necessarily there. It's a highly utilitarian way to run things, thus it's a system of favor rather than merit. But because the market winner take all structure of the market on the premise of merit, the favored take all.
  16. Rockstar the thread. What's interesting is CDPR is deliberately basing their company structure around Rockstar's model. In generally I consider any luxury based industry to be rather volatile, especially if it's bubble has burst and it's found it's true market cap. If rumors be true, you'd think CDPR taking money from the Polish government would hold them to a higher standard. It's not like they are a a Sp z o.o. anymore, so they're past limited liability.
  17. Speaking of Gambling ratings, that whole loot box ordeal has been intriguing.
  18. Well we don't have to **** foot around anything, because it's clear what your hesitation is related to. It's funny because of the unfortunate merging of themes in an innocuous happenstance. Don't tell me you think the joke is in confirming stereotypes? It's in the dramatic irony of a classic gag taking on an unintended layers, and the misfortune of the accident. I'm missing context here. I see a guy pretending to pick something up off the floor and then he drops something for real. I assume the punchline as is to do with whatever he drops, but I can't tell what it is. I legit laughed out load, so your confusion was literally with what the joke even is. I thought your concern was it being in poor taste.
  19. Well we don't have to **** foot around anything, because it's clear what your hesitation is related to. It's funny because of the unfortunate merging of themes in an innocuous happenstance. Don't tell me you think the joke is in confirming stereotypes? It's in the dramatic irony of a classic gag taking on an unintended layers, and the misfortune of the accident.
  20. Yeah, I hate cheese resting. The problem in poe1 though was I wanted to scratch on by healthwise but often had to heal up in order to reset per-rest abilities. In pillars1 two things would trigger the need to rest, abilities and health, so the need to do so was more frequent than it needed to be and thus it prevented you from scrap nearly as low as you would like.
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