Maybe the Jedi vs. The EU fanatics, there totalitarian rule of Kevin J. Anderson and Michael A. Stackpole has corrupted a large section of the Star Wars fanbase, making them blind and opinionnated. They join forces with the Trekies in an attempt to run the Star Wars galaxy into the ground, by offering confusing and lackluster novels.
You are a young Jedi at Luke Skywalker's academy (est. 5 yrs. after ROTJ) and it is your job to start a letter writing campaign to Lucas Arts LTD. to put an end to there reign of terror. Along the way you'll engage in idiotic thread debates against "EUers" who are oblivious to reason, experience the pain of writers cramp, and finally the greatest test and most challenging, You must read all "EU" novels so that you can pick out individual discrepancies, May the Force Be With You