There's a big difference with Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms, they are not derived from a movie, there authors had there own characters and only wanted to write in a pre established world with set rules, and in the case of Forgotten Realms D&DA rules. Star Wars books after ROTJ with the exception of X-Wing books are all based off of the futher adventures of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, etc.
Its only natural that some Star Wars fans, who love it as much if not more than you, aren't going to want Luke to fall to the DS because they cloned his father and the Emperor, they don't want Chewie to die fighting some bio mechinical race of S&Mers, and don't want Princess Leia to waver on her love for Han, because some Prince comes from a "closed off section of the galaxy, blah blah blah
Its only fair that these people get a chance to preserve their ideas of what the Star Wars galaxy is like and not have it tainted by poor storytelling