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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Probaly not, but who knows. Every once in a while you get an anouncement like, "The game got delayed because in testing on the planet so and so, the scene with so and so got screwed up." I would really get pissed if that happened. In any case I feel like I know enough and I will certainly miss the conversations, but I can always come back after the I have beaten the game
  2. Ya I remember that too.
  3. Ya its a great movie actually, there just that period where you have to take everything in
  4. On Friday I'm going to quit posting because I'm sure something major will be leaked, it always is
  5. I'll almost positive they've said that they have the final version and that no more changes are going to occur to the game, of course I don't work for anyone so basically I'm talking out of my ass
  6. Ya no problem
  7. Detroit, it use to be the murder capital of the U.S., but alas, now its the nations capital D.C.
  8. You forgot she was a holocaust survivor an she commits suicide like a week after they have sex
  9. I feel like I already know too much
  10. Well its probaly not the case, a "friend of a friend" who works at XboX magazine already has the full version of the game. But if he's lying I'm going to break his legs
  11. Thats because when it happened to you guys it was funny, but if it happened to us.....that'd be just wrong
  12. I still think that there will be a Harold and Maud relationship with Kreia if your PC is male
  13. 15 maybe 16 days, I'm sure they wouldn't want to dissapoint Mr. Gates. He is not as forgiving as I am.
  14. I wonder if hew could use the force to blur it out himself, supposively he can contort his body
  15. Ya I always liked that aspect, it really is limiting to have like 4 characters as level 15 and then 2 at level 7
  16. You know I never really asked myself that question
  17. Yes but whats to stop a ds Bastilla from training an apprentice to help monkey stomp Revan?
  18. Fashion seems to be one of the most important aspects of the Star wars galaxy
  19. Lots of emperor like abilities
  20. I think what happen was a case of human nature. As a man if another man poors a drink on your head what are you going to do. I'll try to a be a pacifist, but most people out there are not, and can't be expected to act as one.
  21. Let me guess Anakin, you're white?
  22. How does this never get put to rest?
  23. I think that they shouldn't even let you choose the character's face, after a while it would cut down on whining
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