I never realized how bad an idea it was to allow this stuff to be written until I read this, I mean you hear the name Freedon Nadd and your face grimaces and you try to ignore it. Its like I'm Luke Skywalker and the Jedi order is in a very fragile state, I know I'll set up the academy where there is a huge darkside essence, what could go wrong? Maybe he already heard how ridiculious the story was and decided if anyone was tempted to the darkside by these lamers then they're an idiot and deserve it anyway.
One day the star wars fans should get together and put these "novelist's" (as losely used as possible) head on a pike and run through the streets.
Hopefully when I play the game, when one of the characters starts spewing forth this crap it won't have any essential parts to a quest and I can just ignore it.