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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Money makes the world go around I guess, even if that means people disappearing in the middle of the night or being sent to 'reeducation' camps. It's an old story though. China has been leveraging trade vs critique of its system for a long time and most countries have been playing along in one form or another. They can't afford not to. So, why would corporations be any different. That said, I piss on the NBA and Blizzard from a great height.
  2. Soo, nothing is going the happen because impeachment needs a two thirds majority ?
  3. Anyone played the surge 2. I want it to be good because I'm looking for another souls-like game but I'm not completely convinced. Animations look at bit weak for instance.
  4. I managed to miss this entirely. Trailer doesn't really tell me anything. I hope they don't screw it up bu dumbing it down or putting micro-transactions in. We'll see. I don't actually think fighter craft can use gates. That's established lore from the other games. That will have been Rachel Sjet blinking at the end there. this concludes my analysis.
  5. I'm just speculating but I assume there will be english language for all european versions. I know some countries, like Germany and France for instance sometimes go a bit over the top with localisation, but it would be odd. My guess is subtitles that you could switch to English.
  6. I watched the show and I thought it was pretty funny, and a healthy antidote to the twitter mob who get to decide what the right opinion on anything is. Dave Chappelle can do whatever he wants. Permanent immunity, they can't touch him. It would take something out of the ordinary. I so hope he's not a secret pervert. I don't want to lose another Louis CK caliber comic.
  7. Please resist the urge to get personal. Seeing as how the question is answered and there is already a thread for STEAM/EPIC/Mircosoft, I am going to close this one. You are allowed your opinions, but we don't want 20 threads about the same thing.
  8. Ohh I definitely think TV is better now than it has ever been, as for going to a theater, I mean it's all kids movies and your furious 5 and John Wicks.
  9. So the highest grossing movie of all time is Avengers Endgame. It's pretty garbage. Why are movies garbage these days. I honestly remember a time with a better percentage of decent movies. It's probably going to get all the Oscars because it made all the money. Logic that is.
  10. But, I take your point. The answer to the question 'are people really that stupid' is unsurprisingly 'yes'
  11. So dramatic. Why are you using the comic book caption effect where you CAPITALISE certain words FOR EFFECT.. KAPOW!!! Shapiro starts out debunking the link and makes the case that restrictions would be illegal.
  12. When Shapiro is the smartest guy in the room you know you are i trouble.
  13. I don't know why the ESRB is even bothering with a campaign. Sure Trump said something, but I mean, it's Trump. The accusation that video games cause mass shootings doesn't really exist except as a distraction. Maybe they are just grateful for the short spell of not having to put a brave face on micro-transactions.
  14. I wonder if the first shooter is really really pissed that the second shooter stole his thunder.
  15. Well, yes. I guess the point is that Mila isn't good - bad anymore, just plain bad. Her M/O, or her husband's really, is getting an IP and then spending no effort knocking out 10 sequels.
  16. God those Resident Evil movies are terrible. Besides, there is no Gullermo del Torro and no Ron Pearlman. Ron Pearlman, now that's a B movie queen worth your time.
  17. The product placement is atrocious, it's actually ruining scenes. They sacrificed everything for marketability. What's left is still pretty good I guess, but could have been much better.
  18. Yeah, do you really think today's discourse is subtle enough for all of that. My use of the term political is limited to the context of not running afoul of an asinine binary power struggle between two parties. It really shouldn't matter, and it's a pain that if does, but maybe it does.
  19. Besides, no one who worked on the game should have to worry about whether they could express what it meant to them. That kind of atmosphere would completely stifle creativity. From the 'big picture' standpoint though, they probably have to make sure that they don't wind up in some party political corner that they never intended.
  20. That's great. This kind of a game needs that, but it needs to be in service of a story. I guess it's a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation. The game is coming out in the lead up Trump's reelection campaign. There are obvious parallels, not just Capitalism vs Socialism, but the whole 'fake news' thing and Trump's war on the press. so what do you do with that ?. I think that the kind of activist editorialising that you have seen in other parts of the industry is a bit perilous. What you need to do is have the NPCs battle it out, and have the player make up his own mind.
  21. Incidentally. Google algorithm. I am proud of you today. May contain colourful language not strictly within the forum guidelines, so impressionable young minds be warned.
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