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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. I think actually 'no' for me. TES with paid mods and microtransactions. Nopls.
  2. They are so ham-fisted it's almost unbelievable. But, earnings estimates are earnings estimates I guess.
  3. I mean look at this. It has to be the most wholesome family friendly search result on the site https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mia
  4. Open services and check if gaming services is running. If it can't be manually started from services you might be screwed, it's something wrong with windows. Installation or updates or something. This is just from a google search.
  5. Jim Sterling likes ToW. Yahtzee Croshaw isn't going to like it, because he doesn't like anything, that's not the format. Anyway, Sterling isn't for sale. So good sign.
  6. Or.... How about the .ini fiile. IJKL are used in the menus, that's why they can't be rebound. But, if they weren't pointing at menu commands. set Journal, Inventory and so on, to something else. worth a look.
  7. I'm not moving off supernova, 'hard' is too easy.
  8. TWO on Supernova difficulty, because i'm not a wuss. I've made three forays away from he Unreliable and been wiped three times. I suppose I should just main quest a while and get some companions.
  9. probably has to do with the directional audio. Change sound setup ?. Stereo should even everything out. I haven't even looked at the audio options, but i play with surround speakers and the voices do sound a little meek compared to the effects.
  10. https://imgur.com/gallery/r4yX1fL
  11. I'm getting the same for 4 drives, except C:\ for some reason. It says it's 'not configured for installing games.' Which is clearly nonsense. at least I can install games on my system drive. One or two, it's not very roomy.
  12. Gorgon


    Data is uncountable, so it's 'is'. Saying 'the data are' is simply incorrect. Premise denied !
  13. It must be custom I suppose. It looks like a flatter ethernet connector. I don't have the laptop to check though. I'll just get her a wireless router. Better idea.
  14. My mom has a network connector in her, I think it's a chrome book - one of those slim laptops from when that was the thing - I'm trying to order an adapter that can go from her wall socket internet to her laptop. What is the smaller standard of network connectors used for laptops called ?
  15. I dunno if this is heresy or not, but I'm not really interested in Xcom if it's not Firaxis.
  16. PS4 controllers work with windows, sometimes, a few hours at a time at least. I gave up and am exclusively using xbox controllers now. I recommend getting a proper bluetooth antenna though instead of those tiny dongles.
  17. I have a theory that the culture change is because of the internet. There is no trusted arbiter of truth any more with the diminishing role of traditional media. So, clickbait and fake news, as in factually fake news designed for clicks and emotional appeal, wins out. You know, It's the echo chamber thing, and the fact that people have become used to being abrasive to each other because communication is impersonal. So, attacking the media works. All you have to do is 'win' doesn't matter if you are correct.
  18. Well, Trump has been systematically dismantling government agencies and installing his cronies. So, I guess the (over) reaction will be the reinstatement of those. the whistle blower is more than likely a representative of the status quo, so I mean it's not entirely wrong to say that the 'deep state' got him, even if it happened without a plan as such.
  19. Isn't it more a question of finally having had enough. Trump is demonstrating himself as incompetent enough for it to spill over into Republican waters.
  20. Well, one without Nuremberg rallies and silly hats then.
  21. Amazing, the orange disaster finally appears to have imploded. All it took was him being him. He's not bouncing back from this is he. Don't pick a populist next time.
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