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Posts posted by Sarex

  1. 4 minutes ago, LadyCrimson said:

    Anyone trying Last Epoch? It's out of early access finally. It needs a company/not steam 3rd party registrations so I was kinda ignoring it, but now I see it has a full Offline ability and my interest has suddenly skyrocketed. Plus getting good gameplay reviews. Negative user reviews at the moment seem to mostly regard the typical laggy/long load/access server at launch issues (they're working on it). But since I don't care about Online playing, no skin off my nose.

    It does have a cash shop but so far no indications from anyone that it's p2w, just cosmetics and things like portal skins, maybe ala Path of Exile etc.

    Only $35 too. Hm.

    Fairly popular right now. People describe it as having the complexity of PoE but not requiring a degree in ARPGs to understand it's system. So much more friendly for new people.

  2. After watching the last episode of Delicious in Dungeon, I reread the whole manga series. There is something so good about manga that tell their story and leave it at that and not extend it as long as possible until they eventually let a whimper called an ending. The anime is just about to get in to the main story and I think will hook a lot of people who stuck with it so far, which I hope is enough to get it the full run.

  3. 13 hours ago, LadyCrimson said:

    Pacific Drive

    I watched a streamer lose all his willpower for playing the game when he completed a mission but could not escape in time and subsequently lost all the loot he gathered, needed to redo the mission from the beginning and had a broken car which he couldn't fix. He was having fun with it right up until that point.

    This game is either not intended for the general public, or the more likely scenario, they didn't test the difficulty curve enough. The issue is that the car is obnoxiously undriveable, which I'm almost certain is intended, and when combining that with the difficulty it's not a good formula to hook people to the game. But even all of that would not have been a deal breaker if only they made it clear what the consequences were in time, or at least made the first mission much shorter and thus reducing the consequence of failing it.

    edit: although I see now there are specific difficulty settings to remedy a bunch of things I mentioned.

    • Thanks 1
  4. First disappointing chapter of Frieren. It does seem like it's a set up for a future plot, but it was just so low effort. For some reason the author decided to wrap it up in 1 chapter and continue the story. Feels so jarring when compared to the rest of the short stories in the manga.

    • Gasp! 1
    • Sad 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Gfted1 said:

    My sister visited the USSR back in the early 80's and has told me the same story as @Gorth, jeans were like gold, they would try to buy them off her body. :lol:

    I can confirm that too, same thing happened to my father. They pretty much wanted to buy everything he was wearing.

    1 hour ago, PK htiw klaw eriF said:

    Real talk it's all of us. We're grown men who spend an inordinate amount of time on a niche gaming forum arguing about balance, that's not a sample size of people who are going to be particularly stable.

    It's all a spectrum. But it does matter where you fall on it. 😛

    • Like 1
    • Hmmm 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Malcador said:

    Replaying Dawn of War 2, finding Captain very difficult for me, although I beat it at that level of difficulty back in 2012.  Now, the answer is they patched the game to be harder or I just suck.  The answer is obviously the former.

    I think I am one of the rare few who liked DoW2 more than first one.

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, InsaneCommander said:

    I haven't watched the three most recent Delicious in Dungeon episodes because Netflix finally noticed that I don't leave with my parents. 😂

    There hasn't been much of interest to me on Netflix, so I'll let my parents keep it and I'll catch on when I visit.

    You just use the "I'm traveling" code which gives you 3 weeks I think. I don't think there is anything stopping you from reusing it, or at least I have not encountered it.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Zoraptor said:

    Sarex bro, why respond to people whose opinions are worthless.

    If he knows anything it's how to be irritating, I'll give him that.

    40 minutes ago, Malcador said:

    Hooray for Yeltsin.  Great legacy, although I guess the alternative might have been worse ?

    Things can always be worse, just look at who Romania had, but they at least got some infrastructure out of it...

    20 minutes ago, ShadySands said:

    Well, foreign policy remaining relatively static under previous administrations doesn't really reflect Trump's policy, if you can really call it as such. I mean, if you want more Russian and less US/Western influence, and I know some people who do*, then it's good for you but really Trump is too mercurial to have a policy beyond deferring to Russia and only caring about what you can do for him.

    At this point whichever option lets us not have WW3 is what I'm for, but sadly day by day it's becoming more and more obvious it's going to happen in my generations lifetime.

  9. I think it's pretty obvious who is mentally unwell on this forum, not taking any political or ideological leaning in to account. But that is still not an excuse for tossing around words and phrases one has no grasp off. Again I will point you back to the start of the discussion, where a comparison was made and called on.

    I am well aware of the deficiencies and wrong of the system around and near me and certainly don't need your warped view or help in understanding it. As for the deficiencies and wrong farther away from me, well sadly I do not have a choice in ignoring it as it will not stop pushing it's own agenda where it affects me.


  10. 12 hours ago, Hurlshort said:

    No, not really. The idea that Reagan is the same as Bush is the same as Clinton is the same as W Bush is the same as Obama is the same as Trump is the same as Biden is not going hold up under scrutiny.

    And again, the criticism of all of these guys is non-stop. The western media eats theie own. What does the Russia media do?

    As Zoraptor says, that's from an a insiders point of view (and even then there are zealots and realists). The only difference the rest of the world saw was when Trump came to power. Your main stream media is a laughing stock and in it's own way is just as bad as the Russian media if not worse because it has more influence. This has been demonstrated multiple times in "recent" history. Just to be clear here, I have a very low opinion of all "journalist" (worldwide) in general.

    Also if you want to go in to how much change leaders effect in their own countries, again the US side is laughable compared to what was done in those countries. There is a reason why generally the Russian's love Putin and the Chinese love Xi. If you take a look at where Russia and China were 20-ish years ago and where they are now, it's an drastic difference. But to see that you would need to actually look or maybe even go there and see, instead of believing everything that is being served up to you.

    As for the current situation, I think, it would not be much different if the US or EU started general mobilization. You would have a lot of people running for the border and trying to dodge it. Also worth noting is that a lot of the people that left Russia did so to dodge sanction and to be able to continue making money.

    23 hours ago, PK htiw klaw eriF said:

    Epstein had dirt on so many people that if he was killed, and he probably was, that it could have easily not been official government business so to speak.

    Considering how smoothly his death was glossed over, I personally would doubt that.

  11. 55 minutes ago, Hurlshort said:

    Alternatively, I'd guess a fair amount of people are depressed by the Presidential candidates this year. But at least there is a choice, and there is an open debate, and there is open criticism, and there is an end date to their terms.

    What choice? They have all been largely the same term after term, continuing each others wars and starting new one, steering the country in the same general direction.

    • Like 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, Zoraptor said:

    Would think Assange or Snowden are better examples, albeit non political. 

    Would add Epstein too.

    @Hurlshort @Lexx Trump's character doesn't change that what is happening to him right now is clearly an effort to eliminate him from the running. Also it's not like the rest of your Presidents from FDR forward were much better (and some even before FDR).

    • Haha 1
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