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Posts posted by Sarex

  1. 33 minutes ago, Gfted1 said:

    Heh, it sounds like a fun tradition. A couple more questions; will you carry the coin around in your day to day activities (like in your wallet), so as to receive the good luck? Do you return the same coin at the end of the year to be used again in the next cake?

    Usually the person who finds the coin keeps it, but usually people also use common currency coin (value of 1 cent or 5 cents depending on which coin they put in). In my family we use a gold coin and we keep those for use every year. We just return it as soon as we find it, we don't carry it around as it's valuable, not terribly so in monetary value (although the coins are more than a hundred years old so who knows(around 500 bucks in value)) but simply because they have been in the family for a while. Just found a quarter dollar from 80s among them, go figure.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Gfted1 said:

    Thats pretty cool! Does your family perform the tradition as described in Wiki?: Česnica - Wikipedia

    Yep. As I found out recently they used to put corn and honey along side with the coin. So there was more than one "winner". Maybe they even still do it in some regions/families, but we just put in a gold coin. The funniest thing is the careful chewing until someone finds it, then it's full steam ahead demolishing it.

    19 minutes ago, Keyrock said:

    I vaguely remember doing the gold coin baked into bread thing when I was a wee lad in Poland. It's not a tradition in Poland so we must have been with someone who was Serbian; this was many decades ago, I have no recollection of who. I didn't get the coin, I remember that much.

    I don't remember the last time I got it either and we do this every year.

  3. 1 hour ago, ShadySands said:

    Yep, you can save them in chapter 3. 


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    I had to redeem the Commissar then ask the Harlequin to get them out. I couldn't get it to work without the Commissar and his redemption requires being dogmatic.


    Ah, nvm then. It wasn't something I could do on this playthrough.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Azdeus said:

    I've grown bored with all the bugs in the game now, not to mention how badly balanced it is with stacking bonuses and whatnot, but one of the bolters I got hold of somewhere kept upping its burstfire rate so that I empty the mag each burst. It also dealt demolitions/10 bonus damage on each shot. With concentrated fire and some other stacking items I splatted what should be a pure horror boss in the first salvo.

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    The Halo device monster. As someone that came across one while playing endgame Dark Heresy, it was ****ing dissapointing to say the least.


    I fully get you, but I am still having fun seeing how broken I can get characters to be. Although I just got to chapter 4 so there is a good chance I may also get bored. Also knock on wood, I did not get any bad bugs, but from what I understand chapter 4 is where most of them start happening. I am hoping that when I get to that point I will just switch characters and try something else. Although to be fair to the game, the story is not bad, plus it's WH40k so there is a lot pulling me there. Xcom 2 had the same issues, but there the story was not enough to pull me to the end.

    For me I saw the heavy bolter that gets +1 rate of fire for every kill, plus gloves that scale rate of fire with BS and reduce recoil.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Azdeus said:

    Had Pasqal oneshot her and half her entourage with his plasmagun. 2xINT (Not int BONUS) extra damage actually has the game feel like it's actually 40k-ish/Rogue Tradery.

    For me it's Argenta that went around and killed everyone, and I now see some broken ass items that you can get from vendors. It would actually be funny to see how many shots I can get off in one burst with her.

  6. 1 minute ago, PK htiw klaw eriF said:

    Finished Psycho Pass

    I very much liked it, perhaps even loved it. Frankly it's the kind of thing a lot of (western) live-action series on streaming services try to pull off but can't because they get cancelled too quickly to tell the whole story, which is exactly what I thought when I began watching it. There's apparently a couple of sequel series and some movies, I'll maybe check those out and see what they're like but imo as a limited series this can stand alone. I'd tepidly reccomend it to the folks here, though as always the naughty :biggrin: brain of @Bartimaeus may short circuit and drive him into enough of a rage to complete his unholy ritual to summon a demon that will try to kill us all.

    I watched it a long time ago, don't know if I finished it though. I think I did not. Can't remember why though.

  7. I groaned so hard on the last fight of chapter 3. So they could not figure out how to make a hard encounter so they made a boss have a health trigger that would give him and his minions an immediate turn that interrupts your characters turn. I saw it before on some enemies, but not to degree where all minions around them get a turn too.

    Anyways I got an item on Argenta that increases her range based on her BS. OK... There goes the only limitation she had. There is a another item that gives +1 to weapon rate of fire, but the gloves I have on are too good for dmg. I also finally hit the last tier archetype tier.

  8. 7 hours ago, PK htiw klaw eriF said:

    Are we talking like Cameillia icky or Bruno icky?

    I did not have enough time with him but he is a mix of Cameillia and the bad parts of Wenduag. I was kind of hoping that there was a redemption arc for him, but then I remembered which game I was playing and after a few conversations in the beginning it didn't seem like I would be terribly interested in his content either. The only thing that tugged me to keep him is any xp and items he would bring. Oh yeah and the companions I liked did not react pleasantly to him to say the least.

    • Gasp! 1
  9. After 13 years Noragami has reach it's final chapter. It ended on a sweet note and I think it suits the story well. It was a though journey as I think the mangaka had trouble managing to produce chapters, even though it was a monthly series. At the tail end of the story those small and split chapters really took it out of it, but I guess the situation was much better for volume readers.

    All in a all a good manga with a very unique and interesting story and characters.

    I also watched Delicious in a Dungeon. I'll refrain from making any comments because I think they would be spoilery, but I like what I saw very much.

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  10. 3 hours ago, majestic said:

    Chapter three is basically chapter four of Wrath of the Righteous. I just hope the rest of the game doesn't come apart at the seams as much as the content after Alushinyrra did.

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    I certainly loathe having to re-equip my party after they were stripped of their equipment with the burning passion of a thousand stolen stars.

    Anyway, my Argenta has Camaraderie now and it certainly does not work as anyone would reasonably expect it to. The bonus definitely does not go away one she no longer has any adjacent allies, meaning you can really just start with her surrounded by your party and then do whatever else you want. Also gave her Discipline which adds another stack of Versatility whenever she gets an extra turn. Which is fairly often.

    It kind of takes the fun out of the Space Marine companion you can find in chapter three. He's nice and all that, but he can really only use his Space Marine gear, and between his 3 shot burst and Argenta's 9 (18 with rapid fire), that's just... yeah, no. Argenta can also other heavy weaponry, and he can't.


    I kid you not, it took me half an hour to equip the whole party.

    I was able to put heavy weapons on the space marine, like the melta gun and the rest. But the first thing I tried was to put his bolter on Argenta...

  11. 1 hour ago, ShadySands said:

    About to head into chapter 3 again with this new game that is exactly the same as my old game just now with less bugs.

    I started it a couple of days ago and it's the weakest chapter so far. Although I haven't gone very far in to it.

  12. 17 minutes ago, InsaneCommander said:

    It's great that there are more episodes of Frieren. I heard good things about Solo Leveling, so I'll check it out on Saturday, but besides that I'm not sure there is anything good this season. Unless you are interested in Fluffy Paradise or The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash.

    Solo Leveling is a Korean manga or manhwa. What carries it is the artwork and how well it translates to an anime idk.

    The biggest issue with it is that


    the MC is overpowered and doesn't really face any challenges. But that is usually the case with Chinese and Korean stories and to a significant degree even Japanese stories.


    • Thanks 1
  13. 3 hours ago, majestic said:

    There are some really strange interactions in combat. It is an Owlcat game, so I expect half of the talents do not work as described. :p

    I still don't know why 1 hit from Heinrix did 4 ticks of damage.

    3 hours ago, majestic said:

    I found that I am having a little trouble keeping her close to anyone for the effect to be worth it. The heavy bolter's effective range is not great enough, and she's constantly scooting across the battlefield firing at enemies. Focusing all my extra turns on Argenta makes her clear the battlefield, but she does so without being adjacent to anyone just after the first few shots fired.

    If it's worth anything I think you just need to start the combat with everyone around her. Because I was still getting the bonus after when no one was near her. At least it said so in the logs.

    I think most of the bugs I'm having are happening if I save and load during combat, but some times my characters don't get any AP on their turn and that annoys me very much. Now I try to save before the fight whenever I can, unless I'm testing something or going for a high score.

  14. Top Gun Maverick.


    I don't know why countries are chasing that technological high when it's all about the pilot. Top Gun 3 Tom Cruise is taking down a 6th gen fighter in a biplane.

    All that aside the movie was fun. If they extended the training montage and stopped getting high on the mission part it would have been even better. Apart from that I'm pretty sure they used deaging filters and the shot of him sitting on the beach and talking with the admiral was obviously in front of the green screen, guess they couldn't get the actors to shoot the scene at the same time.

  15. This is a bug, I think, because I was able to cast furious recital multiple times and it's a once per combat ability. Although I was at max momentum so I don't know if it did anything. Either way my master tactician ended up with 500 stacks of tactical advantage. (I was able to get it to 500 by the end of the fight with the rest of the buffs)


    I finally got to use Heinrix


    Without any buffs (apart from his own) that is not bad at all, but movement is still a big issue for him to clear fights alone.

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