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Everything posted by Sarex

  1. Lol. You are right I miscounted the books and you are right that book 10 was slower than usual. (for me mostly because I was not a fan of Elayne's and Egwene's plotline, but Perrin's was also not very inspiring) Mat's POV was the best part of that book.
  2. So stuff happened. Not much scenes with Rand which I think is what bothers most people in the later books.
  3. Didn't book 10 follow Mat's story line? Or was that book 9?
  4. Kind of depressing hearing you talk about salaries, then again when I compare those salaries to the US it's not that big of a gap in the EU (not counting Switzerland). Plus the cost of living over here is pretty low.
  5. Will you get a sombrero and a poncho with it?
  6. That is what the steel rebar is for. It's a mix of reinforced concrete for the floors and foundation, while bricks are used for the outer and supporting walls. We mostly have troubles with pre war buildings and the ones build before the 60s.
  7. For well over a million you could build 10k square feet house over here, and it wouldn't be a "wooden" house like you build in the US but steel and brick. I always thought it was the land that was expensive in the US and not the houses themselves considering how they are made.
  8. WTF, who starts counting with their index finger?
  9. It really isn't a slog if you are interested in other characters. In fact some of the best parts of the series happen in those 4? books (people usually moan about winter's heart and crossroads of twilight, first time I see crown of swords and path of daggers mentioned). Also I really have a gripe with people saying Sanderson revitalized the series...He got to write the climax of the story, of course it was going to be faster passed and more action packed... Anyways I do recommend you going for it, I can't wait to go back for another re-read. On a separate note, read through Hellboy over the weekend (do we do comic books here?). Didn't read the "spin-off" books (not really spin-offs, they just follow other characters in the same timeline) but I did finish the main story and the ending funnily enough reminded me of Wheel of Time. Really good Comic, give it a warm recommendation.
  10. I have Below Zero installed, but I think I will wait for 1.0. Until then Breathedge will be coming out on Feb 25th, so I'm really looking forward to finish that.
  11. Yup, those are all the things I would like to see fixed in the next part. I guess they just didn't outweigh the good parts for me.
  12. @Wormerine The game suffers from a lack of a search bar in the inventory, but I disagree with you on the limitations, in fact I would have liked to see the old inventory from the IE games (I think I'm probably the only person who liked the inventory system of the IE games). You shouldn't be able to carry everything with you early game and for later on you can add bags of holding. @KaineParker I think Yakuza is more about the mini games then it is about the main game.
  13. I really wanted to give it a shot, as I said I'm a sucker for building mini games, but this was beyond me. It was really poorly done. I have the same hope for the sequel, but am very doubtful. My hopes for WotR is that they improve the inventory, work on the bugs and make the maps more interesting. I already know that there won't be much voice over as they said it will be comparable to Kingmaker.
  14. @Wormerine It took me 116 hours to finish it, but I did, 2/3 of the way through, install the Kingdom Management mod and trivialized the whole mini Kingdom game as I simply found it unfun, which shows how badly they implement it as I'm usually a sucker for these things. As for comparing it to BG1, I would not agree with you there. For me BG1 was clunky and unconnected. I get that they wanted you to explore the map and find quest, but to me it was really badly done. But to be fair I played BG1 after BG2. I didn't find season of bloom to stand out that much compared to the other chapters, but I do agree with you that they did a really poor job, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, with showing any impact your decisions had on the kingdom, be it in the map or with you subjects. @majestic IWD2 and BG2 had great gameplay for me at least (judging them by the time they were released, or at least when I played them). Haven't played the new Planescape so I can't comment on it.
  15. Torment for me is an interactive novel, I count it as the worst IE game. Regarding Pathfinder Kingmaker I was talking about the gameplay more than the story tbh, but I agree that it wasn't very inspiring and neither were the companions very memorable. Then again Pillars of Eternity had great artwork, voice overs a decent story but I still stopped playing it when my characters reached max level, I simply didn't like the gameplay enough to force myself to finish it.
  16. I mean story wise I don't think any of the IE games were that good, barring PS:T... Gameplay wise this game is as good if not better, if we exclude the kingdom minigame which I moded to be irrelevant.
  17. If you are talking about the Tenebrous depths, then yeah the spawn creature was way harder. The secret final boss I defeated just by right clicking on him. This is on normal difficulty at least. It would have probably been even easier if I respect Amiri to a greataxe and used the end game greataxe with the x4 crit multiplier. Even still my dual wield Paladin cut through pretty much everything by the end game.
  18. Finished Pathfinder Kingmaker for real this time, got the super secret true ending. As I said, in my eyes, this is the sequel we were promised for the IE games. Had this been done with the artstyle of Pillars of Eternity and more voice overs I would have said it even exceeded the old games.
  19. Heating is very power hungry, especially if there is no insulation in the house.
  20. Well no new PC for me anytime soon, money went bye bye... Guess I'm waiting on the next gen.
  21. Looking at my bill it's 0.085 Euro per 1 kWh and I fall in the middle category, so I guess they tax it too...
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