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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. 7.62x51 And just for fun a standard 12 gauge shotgun slug:
  2. I still think the 7.62x39 is the better allround-round, both rounds lose a great deal of accuracy and effectiveness at 300yds so range is not a factor. Both kill people dead. The 7.62x39 however makes it through light and medium cover where the 556 would fragment itself to death before making it to the enemy, so if you want to be prepared for the worst it includes shooting through cars, wooden barriers and light brick walls.You have to carry a little bit more weight but, but very little, its almost negligible. If I was a soldier and could choose my firearm I would take a FN-FAL in 7.62x51 with a 2-7x33 scope instead of 556 or 7.62x39, it has the speed of the 556, more twice the effective range, kills people dead as doornails and penetrates cover like crazy while having a mild recoil, especially in a semi. Heavy you say? I'm used to haul 30kg of gear up to 3700 meter mountain tops, up and down, for days, and the air is thin up there. I'm a mule. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOYPxiRldaE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8hL3WtKGY8
  3. Wals having a cigar:
  4. I found the Mosin Nagant and its 7.62x54r round very controllable because of its weight, had one for years, pretty nice gun. Though it doesn't let you get away with a bad stance like a 7.62x39 or a 5.56, it will teach you how to shoot a rifle properly. Put it tightly into your shoulder, lean forward and don't chicken-wing it and you should only feel a little push. Leave empty space between the butt stock and your shoulder and lean backwards and it will hurt you. If you want to talk recoil shoot lightweight shotguns, they have more than twice the recoil and more than 20 shots from the bench (Slugs) is an unpleasant experience. Recoil: 7.62x39 in an AK: 4,90 ft/lbs, recoil velocity 6 fps Recoil 5.56 in an AR: 2,28 ft/lbs, recoil velocity 4,29 fps Recoil 7.62x54 out of a Mosin: 13,31 ft/lbs, recoil velocity 9,26 fps Recoil Standard 12 3/4 gauge 1 1/8 ounce: 31,79 ft/lbs, recoil velocity 17 fps Ironically its exactly other way around, the 556 fragments like mad, the 7.62x39 makes relativity clean holes. Theres two reason for that, the 7.62 x 39 bullets have thick jackets thus making them much less prone to fragment and the muzzle velocity of the 7.62 x 39 is very low. The 5.56 is extremely fast and the bullet has a very thin jacket making it prone to yaw and fragment. However, the 7.62x39 is MUCH better penetrator than the 5.56 and thats why I still like it better. I don't like the 556 but i would not underestimate it, thats what it does to a thigh. (Graphic) http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b298/Runningeagle/4.jpg
  5. Make that 4 revolving shotguns, one on each rail. And then call it the ''Hydra''.
  6. Well, here I am, someone who is totally aware of the irrelevance of existence and who has no beliefs at all. I play the game just because there is nothing better to do, but I really don't care much about anything and nothing gets to me at all.
  7. Don't get the concept of that rifle, if you miss, you miss twice. The rifle is much heavier. You get twice the recoil. If you hit your target, you hit it twice - Sounds good? Nah, a single 5.56 should put the target down, whats the point of the second one? Kill it deader? Waste of good ammo. Also the chances that both barrels hit roughly the same spot at 100 is near zero, regulating barrels is already a pain in the behind with super expensive double barrel rifles. Makes no sense to me. Yeah I know, double more gun, double more fun. But not this time.
  8. Just remember that no matter what you do you'll die anyway and your life and everything you did will become completely irrelevant and meaningless. Sounds kind of depressing but this realization always helps me to get rid of all pressure even in the most difficult and dire stations.
  9. I still want a Thunderdome to settle disputes like that. ''Two men enter, one man goes leaves!''
  10. I've always wanted to do a hiking and camping trip in Iceland, there is so much to see and explore that those 9 days are nothing but a joke. But I'll try to make the best of it, I intend to not stay in any boring hotels, I'll rent an offroad car to explore this magnificent island on my own and sleep in my tent, that way I don't have to return to any hotels and can cover a lot of distance quick. Well, except on the last day, I do want a couple of hours to relax and have a proper shower.
  11. Probably a highly intellectual discussion about the time-space continuum and the paradoxons of time travel with the other guy in the car. Those discussions usual end like that.
  12. Booked a flight to Iceland and return 9 days later. Wohoo!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhH3nt6AnUg .
  14. Bummer. Then maybe you should visit the attractive men thread instead?
  15. Today I did deadlifts with two dumbbells instead of a barbell using close stance, surprisingly that exercise gets easily 200% harder when using two independent weights, I tried to perform this exercise with a little less weight than I usually use when doing normal barbell deadlifts but in the end I had to drop 30 kilograms (1/5) until I could perform them without cheating or rounding my back. I did them with feet almost touching, keeping the back straight and then its like standing up with two suitcases in your hands each weighing 65 kilograms. 3 sets of 8 repetitions. It also feels much back-friendlier (The weight is neither behind nor in front of your center of gravity) and boy, does it build abs! Whenever I lifted those weights from the floor my abs tensed up so much I almost puked my guts out. One hell of a core builder.
  16. You're doing it wrong. Depends, whenever I had an important school test I didn't sleep the night before so I had the whole day AND night to learn. Also the lack of sleep wouldn't wipe 50% of my memory and it all stayed fresh. It worked really well but it was exhausting, especially on days with PT lessons.
  17. A € 500 note?
  18. You know whats really cool? When you haven't slept much in days and you're going for a walk in the woods. Once back in my military service time I hadn't slept more than three hours in 4 days because of an unfortunate combination of a massive maneuverer exercise and night guard duty. (I know this because I counted the hours.) When I walked around in the woods everything was so intense, the colors and everything, it was magical, like being on a trip. Sleep deprivation - believe it or not- is also a common way to thread really bad cases of depression. It works.
  19. How much does a hole weigh?
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