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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Because people have no short time memory anymore. Just wait, soon we're going to have a new Godzilla every two years with slightly updated CGI.
  2. Then I hope you're doing some other kind of cardio, the human body was designed to run and jump all day long like a damn Super Mario *. (* but not to smash crates with the head!)
  3. Yes, I ride with a green Tasmanian Tiger daypack on my back, thats also where I put the water, the keys and the helmet when I go for a long uphill climb. Never had a flat on my bike in my life, but I don't go off road. The pack is small enough not to interfere with the aerodynamics: I can recommend spear throwing (at targets), its one of the old original olympics disciplines, people have been throwing spears for tens of thousands of years and its really fun and satisfying. Its also easy to learn. Just be careful with your shoulder, especially as a beginner.
  4. Pff, the Mi-26 can carry small airliners. The new beach assault vehicle doesn't seem to have much loading space either. What does it hold, two humvees, one Bradley?
  5. Place your bets on me.
  6. Being butthurt when cycling comes from a saddle that blocks important blood flows due to bad design or suboptimal angle. (which can lead to potency problems!) A good saddle is important, get one of those that have a long recess that allows your blood to flow where it needs to be. Check the angle of your saddle, it should point down a few degrees, it must not be perfectly flat, unless you want to reenact ''moses parts the water'' but with your balls.Also when climbing hills stand up from time to time, this also helps a great deal. If you still experience severe ass pain even though you have upgraded your gear get padded cycling shorts, personally I've never used them but I've heard they work like magic. With my saddle angle 65% of my weight is on my two arse bones alone, 35% on my triathlon bars. Oh, triathlon bars, they're so great. They dramatically lower and slim your silhouette so you are faster, they shift the weight distribution to the front wheel which helps to stabilize the bike when you reach speeds in excess of 80km/h (No more high speed wobble!), and they're super comfortable. Get those.
  7. Being muscular and strong helps with having a taller GF. I know I wouldn't feel inferior if my GF was two heads taller than me as long as I could carrier her upstairs without breaking a sweat.
  8. I find that tall girls are often worth the climb. Very true.
  9. I hope to christ you mean 'sexy'. Am I supposed to know what I meant to write one and a half hours ago? Thats like decades for my shot short time memory. I agree, though her eye shape is a little different.
  10. I grunt when I lift really heavy. Grunting and/or screaming helps to tighten the core for some extra power. There is nothing funny about it, it makes tons of sense.
  11. Yeah but stepping up from a regular 2.4GB 4 core to a 6 core costs very little extra, so why the hell not.
  12. I do 3x70 kilometers per week on my bike, no matter the time of the year. I think I have enough practice. And the worst you can do is taking a cold shower after cycling, when you come out of the cold shower the hot summer temperature will feel ten times hotter. You have to cool down slowly.
  13. Watched the trailer of Nightcrawler, and I have to admit it appears to be a pretty interesting film.
  14. The problem is a good gfx card runs for 300-400 bucks, add a halfway decent 6 core CPU and 10GB ram plus SSD, case power supply, cooling and you're already above one grand. Don't want to mod my old PC, you know, life expectancy of mainbords is so low nowadays. What I did: Went cycling. It wasn't so ultra hot but the very high humidity was killing me, it was a terrible chore.
  15. I've been trying to find a good 100lbs composite longbow and its way harder than I anticipated. Can't find anyone who sells bows past 70lbs draw weight.
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