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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. When I see somebody smoking pictures of red & black infected lungs and cancerous lung tissue pop into my head. My second thought is that I want to stay away from people who are either so oblivious or dumb. On top of that cigarette smoke makes my eyes water and my throat hurt, so when somebody blows smoke into my face they're going to have health issues way before the negative effects of cigarettes kick in. So for me smoking couldn't be further from sexy. anyway...
  2. Smoking is such an off-turner. The smell and those f*cked up lungs....
  3. Yeah, I shouldn't have shot the goddamn windows. Like little kids the gods like to torture their toys, they just love to find out who they can push the farthest.....and I must be someones favorite toy. And now it does hurt, it takes me 5 minutes to haul myself up to the second floor to the kitchen, and my ''walk'' sure as hell looks goofy. It looks like a zombie trying to do a reverse moonwalk.
  4. I just stepped on a 4cm long glass shard, almost made it completely through my foot. Even though I'm bleeding so much that there is a red puddle forming on the floor it doesn't hurt much at all. I might not have to stop my exercise stint after all.
  5. Thank you, luck is something I definitely need right now. - And I hoped for suggestions for improvements, like I said its nothing but a rough sketch. The suggestion of flattening the pointy end makes a lot of sense. Maybe I could curl it downwards/inwards like a tail. Also about my business, the guesses are all wrong, as always the reality is far more boring and mundane. In the end its all about playing nice to single digit IQ customers and staring into a computer 24/7 anyway, no matter what kind of stuff I'm selling. Which is workwear (wholesale), mostly, thats what I've been doing for the past 8 years. The only difference now is that I'm the guy with all the responsibilities. I was kind of of forced to go down this path and I'm not happy with how it all turned out (story of my life), but the other options would have made me even less happy.
  6. I've started my own business, and I'm currently working on a logo. So far I've come up with this, it needs tons of more work because its nothing but a brainstorming sketch but I think I'm satisfied with the overall design. I tried to make it look like a rune, a bit swooshy, plus the middle part looks like a snake eye. (Its supposed to be an A and a P)
  7. One rep max? 2x 2 repetitions on a good day. I've never been good at deadlifting, I'm making slow but steady progress. I blame my long legs, its the worst thing you can have when lifting heavy stuff from the floor. I'm best at shoulder overhead presses and rows; I can overhead press 95% of my own weight with no leg drive and barbell-row my own weight (96kg) for 8 reps easily.
  8. Well, I do not lick my own butthole very often, thats a clear sign that I'm not a filthy stray!
  9. That must be the Russian way to prepare for the rack. Anyway, I'm off to some water boarding exercises, its good for the lungs! Keeps them moist...
  10. I can only dead lift 450 lbs / 205kg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCpvvnxyQYA
  11. Wait, you don't have a food taster? How naive!
  12. Turns out its NSFA. Not suitable for anything. Anyway.
  13. Good luck Labadal! Maybe it seems worse than it actually is.
  14. Dry skin. Apply vaseline. Well, that was easily fixed, thanks. And I already thought I had mites in my ears, like a filthy stray.
  15. My right ear has been driving my crazy lately and today its really bad. It does not hurt but the skin around the ear channel entrance itches in a way that it feels like like something big is trying to crawl inside it, in a very unsubtle way. My ear is unblocked and free from foreign matter and I'm sure there is no infection. Its highly annoying.
  16. I want this completely awesome song as ring tone for my phone. With the background gunfire sounds.
  17. Putin is ugly and short, but he had a wife and still has a platoon of hot chicks at his disposal.
  18. Maybe, but I'm still happy that I'm a man, ugly as I may be I'm thoroughly enjoying my gender specific abilities and would not want to swap gender, ever. Top female ski star of my little country:
  19. Powerlifting. Picking up and lifting more than twice my body weight feels really awesome, and it makes me feel less lazy because the whole weekend I did little more than playing computer games. And I got a killer deal on a rifle (no pun intended), had to buy it.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oOza6B4fiY&list=FLmlV6txkvKKJodX5DNlSiNg&index=1
  21. Nowadays it is.
  22. Right-Leaning Libertarian Non-Interventionist Moderate Collectivism score: -17% Authoritarianism score: -67% Internationalism score: -33% Tribalism score: 0% Liberalism score: 0% HAH!
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